resistics.time.reader_lemib423 module¶
(dataPath: str)[source]¶ Bases:
Data reader for Lemi B423 data
Lemi B423 data has the following characteristics:
1024 bytes of ASCII headers in the data file with basic scaling information
There is no separate header file for Lemi B423 data. No information for number of samples, sampling rate etc
Header files need to be constructed before Lemi B423 data can be read in by resistics. There are helper methods to do this
Lemi B423 raw measurement data is signed long integer format
Getting unscaled samples returns data with unit count for both the electric and magnetic fields.
Scalings specified in B423 files convert electric channels to uV (microvolt) and magnetic channels to millivolts with internal gain still applied
Getting physical samples converts the electric channels to mV/km by dividing the uV by 1000 and then dividing by the dipole length in km
For the magnetic channels, the gain is removed to give the magnetic measurements in mV. Calibrating these will give measurements in nT
In situations where a Lemi B423 dataset is recorded in multiple files, it is required that the recording is continuous.
- Attributes
- dtypenp.int_
The data type, a long integer
- recordByteSizeint
The size of a record in bytes
- numHeaderFilesint
The number of header files
- numDataFilesint
The number of data files
Set parameters specific to a data format
Get raw, unscaled data
getDataFilesForSamples(startSample, endSample)
Get the data files that contribute to the request data
readRecords(bts, numRecords)
Read the data records from a provided bytes object
Get data in physical units
def readHeader()
Read the B423 measurement file headers
Calculate out the a B423 parameters including start and end date and number of samples
Get the scalars for each channel as given in the data files
Get data file information as a list of strings
Print data file information to terminal
(self, startSample: int, endSample: int) → Tuple[List[str], List[List[int]], List[float]][source]¶ Get the data files that have to be read to cover the sample range
- Parameters
- startSampleint
Starting sample of the sample range
- endSamplesint
Ending sample of the sample range
- Returns
- dataFilesToRead
Time data object
(self, **kwargs)[source]¶ Get data scaled to physical values
resistics uses field units, meaning physical samples will return the following:
Electrical channels in mV/km
Magnetic channels in mV
To get magnetic fields in nT, calibration needs to be performed
- Parameters
- chansList[str]
List of channels to return if not all are required
- startSampleint
First sample to return
- endSampleint
Last sample to return
- remaveragebool
Remove average from the data
- remzerosbool
Remove zeroes from the data
- remnans: bool
Remove NanNs from the data
- Returns
- TimeData
Time data object
Once Lemi B423 data is scaled (which optionally happens in getUnscaledSamples), the magnetic channels is in mV with gain applied and the electric channels is uV (microvolts). Therefore:
Electric channels need to divided by 1000 along with dipole length division in km (east-west spacing and north-south spacing) to return mV/km.
Magnetic channels need to be divided by the internal gain value which should be set in the headers
To get magnetic fields in nT, they have to be calibrated.
(self, paramsDict: Dict) → Dict[source]¶ Returns the scalars from a parameter dictionary
- Parameters
- paramsDictDict
The parameter dictionary for a data file usually read from the headers in the file
- Returns
- Dict
Dictionary with channels as keys and scalings as values
(self, **kwargs) →[source]¶ Get raw data from data file, returned in mV
Lemi B423 data always has five channels, in order Hx, Hy, Hz, Ex, Ey. The raw data is integer counts. Therefore, getting unscaled samples returns raw counts for the measurement. There are additional scalings which can be applied using the scale optional argument. Lemi B423 is recorded in multiple files. It has not been verified whether it is possible for each individual file to have different scaling.
Without the scale option, the data is returned in:
Counts for both magnetic and electric channels (reading long integers)
With the scaling option, the data is returned in:
microvolts for the electric channels
millivolts for the magnetic with the gain applied
Applying the scaling does not appear to remove the internal gain of the Lemi. This will be removed when getting physical samples and the appropriate value must be set in the headers.
- Parameters
- chansList[str], optional
List of channels to return if not all are required
- startSampleint, optional
First sample to return
- endSampleint, optional
Last sample to return
- scalebool, optional
Boolean flag for applying the gain scaling
- Returns
- TimeData
Time data object
(self) → List[str][source]¶ Information about the data files as a list of strings
- Returns
- List[str]
List of information about the data files
(self, sampleFreq: float = None) → None[source]¶ Get the recording parameters for each of the subfiles
- Parameters
- sampleFreqfloat
The sampling frequency in Hz
(self, bts: bytes, numRecords: int)[source]¶ Read a number of B423 records from bytes
- Parameters
- btsbytes
The bytes to be read
- numRecordsint
The number of records to read. Size of bytes should be numRecords * recordByteSize
- Returns
- datanp.ndarray
Array holding the data. The data repeats in channel blocks e.g. [Hx, Hy, Hx, Ex, Ey][Hx, Hy, Hx, Ex, Ey]
(folderpath: str, sampleFreq: float, hxSensor: int = 0, hySensor: int = 0, hzSensor: int = 0, hGain: int = 1, dx: float = 1, dy: float = 1, folders: List = []) → None[source]¶ Construct B423 headers for subfolders of a folder
- Parameters
- folderpathstr
The path to the folder
- sampleFreqfloat
The sampling frequency of the data
- hxSensorstr, optional
The x direction magnetic sensor, used for calibration
- hySensorstr, optional
The y direction magnetic sensor, used for calibration
- hzSensorstr, optional
The z direction magnetic sensor, used for calibration
- hGainint
Any gain on the magnetic channels which will need to be removed
- dxfloat, optional
Distance between x electrodes
- dyfloat, optional
Distance between y electrodes
- folderList, optional
An optional list of subfolders
(datapath: str, sampleFreq: float, hxSensor: int = 0, hySensor: int = 0, hzSensor: int = 0, hGain: int = 1, dx: float = 1, dy: float = 1) → None[source]¶ Read a single B423 measurement directory and construct headers
- Parameters
- datapathstr
The path to the measurement
- sampleFreqfloat
The sampling frequency of the data
- hxSensorstr, optional
The x direction magnetic sensor, used for calibration
- hySensorstr, optional
The y direction magnetic sensor, used for calibration
- hzSensorstr, optional
The z direction magnetic sensor, used for calibration
- hGainint
Any gain on the magnetic channels which will need to be removed
- dxfloat, optional
Distance between x electrodes
- dyfloat, optional
Distance between y electrodes
(hdrStr: str)[source]¶ Read B423 header for a single Lemi B423 file
- Parameters
- hdrStrstr
The headers as a string
- Returns
- dict
A dictionary of header values
(dataFile: str, sampleFreq: float, dataByteOffset: int, recordByteSize: int)[source]¶ Get the parameters of the B423 data file
- Parameters
- dataFilestr
The data file as a string
- sampleFreqfloat
The sampling frequency in Hz
- dataByteOffsetint
The offset till the start of the data in bytes
- recordByteSizeint
The size in bytes of a record
- Returns
- headersdict
The header values as a dictionary
- firstDatetimedatetime
The time of the first sample in the data file
- lastDatetimedatetime
The time of the last sample in the data file
- numSamplesint
The number of samples in the data file given the sampling frequency