(sampleFreq: float, numLevels: int, evalFreq, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Class for holding information about window masking
- Attributes
- maskNamestr
The name of the mask
- sampleFreqfloat
The sampling frequency of the data in Hz
- numLevelsint
Number of decimation levels
- evalFreqList[float]
The evaluation frequnecies
- constraintsDict
Constraints index by evaluation frequency, statistic and component
- insideOutDict
Flag stating whether to mask values inside constraints (False) or outside constraints (True), indexed by evaluation frequency, statistic and component
- maskWindowsDict
Dictionary for storing the masked windows for each evaluation frequency
- statsList
Statistics to use in the masking
__init__(sampleFreq, numLevels, evalFreq, kwargs)
Initialise maskData
Set the statistics used in the MaskData
addConstraint(stat, constraint, insideOut)
Add constraints for statistic stat for all evaluation frequencies
addConstraintLevel(stat, constraint, level, insideOut)
Add constraints for statistic stat for all evaluation frequencies for a single decimation level
addConstraintFreq(stat, constraint, level, eIdx, insideOut)
Add a constraint for statistic stat for a particular evaluation frequency
getConstraintFreq(level, eIdx, stat = “”)
Get the constraints for a evaluation frequency provided by the level and the evaluation frequency index and optional request constraints only for a particular statistic
getMaskWindowsFreq(level, eIdx)
Get a set of the masked windows for an evaluation frequency identified by decimation level and evaluation frequency index
Prepare the storage dictionaries given a new set of statistics
Clear the masked windows
View the masked windows at a particular decimation level
Class status returned as list of strings
Print constraint information to the console
Return constraint information as a list of strings
(self, stat: str, constraint: Dict[str, List], insideOut: List[str] = []) → None[source]¶ Add a constraint for all levels and evaluation frequencies
- Parameters
- statstr
The statistic to be constrained
- constraintDict
The constraint parameter specified as {“statistic component”: [valueMin, valueMax]}
- insideOutList[str], optional with default as range specified is range to include
The constraints for which the range specified in the constraint is the range to exclude rather than include
(self, stat: str, constraint: Dict[str, List], declevel: int, eIdx: int, insideOut: List[str] = []) → None[source]¶ Add a constraint for an evaluation frequency
- Parameters
- statstr
The statistic to be constrained
- constraintDict
The constraint parameter specified as {“statistic component”: [valueMin, valueMax]}
- declevelint
The decimation level
- eIdxint
Evaluation Frequency index
- insideOutList[str], optional with default as range specified is range to include
The constraints for which the range specified in the constraint is the range to exclude rather than include
(self, stat: str, constraint: Dict[str, List], declevel: int, insideOut: List[str] = []) → None[source]¶ Add a constraint for a whole decimation level
- Parameters
- statstr
The statistic to be constrained
- constraintDict
The constraint parameter specified as {“statistic component”: [valueMin, valueMax]}
- declevelint
The decimation level
- insideOutList[str], optional with default as range specified is range to include
The constraints for which the range specified in the constraint is the range to exclude rather than include
(self, declevel: int, eIdx: int, stat: str = '')[source]¶ Get constraints for an evaluation frequency
- Parameters
- declevelint
The decimation level
- eIdxint
Evaluation Frequency index
- statstr
The statistic for which to return the constraints
- Returns
- outlist
Constraints for the evaluation frequency
(self, declevel: int, eIdx: int) → Set[int][source]¶ Get a set of the masked windows (used by WindowSelector)
- Parameters
- declevelint
The decimation level
- eIdxint
Evaluation Frequency index
- Returns
- outSet[int]
A set with the indices of the masked windows
(self) → List[str][source]¶ Constraint information as a list of strings
- Returns
- outList[str]
List of strings with information
(self) → List[str][source]¶ Class information as a list of strings
- Returns
- outList[str]
List of strings with information
(self, stats)[source]¶ Set the statistics to use for the constraints
- Parameters
- statsList[str]
A list of statistics for which constraints will be provided
(self, declevel: int = 0, **kwargs) → matplotlib.figure.Figure[source]¶ Produces a 2-D plot with all the masked windows along the bottom for a decimation level
- Parameters
- declevelint, optional
The decimation level. Default is 0.
- figmatplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional
A figure object
- plotfontsDict, optional
A dictionary of plot fonts