Source code for

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Dict, Set

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import arrayToString, blockPrint
from resistics.common.math import getFrequencyArray

[docs]class MaskData(ResisticsBase): """Class for holding information about window masking Attributes ---------- maskName : str The name of the mask sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency of the data in Hz numLevels : int Number of decimation levels evalFreq : List[float] The evaluation frequnecies constraints : Dict Constraints index by evaluation frequency, statistic and component insideOut : Dict Flag stating whether to mask values inside constraints (False) or outside constraints (True), indexed by evaluation frequency, statistic and component maskWindows : Dict Dictionary for storing the masked windows for each evaluation frequency stats : List Statistics to use in the masking Methods ------- __init__(sampleFreq, numLevels, evalFreq, kwargs) Initialise maskData setStats(stats) Set the statistics used in the MaskData addConstraint(stat, constraint, insideOut) Add constraints for statistic stat for all evaluation frequencies addConstraintLevel(stat, constraint, level, insideOut) Add constraints for statistic stat for all evaluation frequencies for a single decimation level addConstraintFreq(stat, constraint, level, eIdx, insideOut) Add a constraint for statistic stat for a particular evaluation frequency getConstraintFreq(level, eIdx, stat = "") Get the constraints for a evaluation frequency provided by the level and the evaluation frequency index and optional request constraints only for a particular statistic getMaskWindowsFreq(level, eIdx) Get a set of the masked windows for an evaluation frequency identified by decimation level and evaluation frequency index prepareDicts() Prepare the storage dictionaries given a new set of statistics resetMaskWindows() Clear the masked windows view(level) View the masked windows at a particular decimation level printList() Class status returned as list of strings printConstraints() Print constraint information to the console printConstraintsList() Return constraint information as a list of strings """ def __init__(self, sampleFreq: float, numLevels: int, evalFreq, **kwargs): """Initialise mask data Parameters ---------- sampleFreq : float Data sampling frequency in Hz numLevels : int Number of decimation levels evalFreq : np.ndarray 2-D Matrix, numlevels * evaluations frequencies per level. Contents are evaluations frequencies kwargs : Dict Two optional arguments: "name" for statistic name and "stats" for the statistics to use """ self.maskName: str = "mask" if "name" in kwargs: self.maskName = kwargs["name"] self.sampleFreq: float = sampleFreq self.numLevels: int = numLevels self.evalFreq: List[float] = evalFreq # constraints and masked windows self.constraints: Dict = {} self.insideOut: Dict = {} self.maskWindows: Dict = {} # stats is the stats to use self.stats: List[str] = [] if "stats" in kwargs: self.stats = kwargs["stats"] self.prepareDicts()
[docs] def setStats(self, stats): """Set the statistics to use for the constraints Parameters ---------- stats : List[str] A list of statistics for which constraints will be provided """ self.stats = stats self.prepareDicts()
[docs] def addConstraint( self, stat: str, constraint: Dict[str, List], insideOut: List[str] = [] ) -> None: """Add a constraint for all levels and evaluation frequencies Parameters ---------- stat : str The statistic to be constrained constraint : Dict The constraint parameter specified as {"statistic component": [valueMin, valueMax]} insideOut : List[str], optional with default as range specified is range to include The constraints for which the range specified in the constraint is the range to exclude rather than include """ for declevel in range(0, self.numLevels): self.addConstraintLevel(stat, constraint, declevel, insideOut)
[docs] def addConstraintLevel( self, stat: str, constraint: Dict[str, List], declevel: int, insideOut: List[str] = [], ) -> None: """Add a constraint for a whole decimation level Parameters ---------- stat : str The statistic to be constrained constraint : Dict The constraint parameter specified as {"statistic component": [valueMin, valueMax]} declevel : int The decimation level insideOut : List[str], optional with default as range specified is range to include The constraints for which the range specified in the constraint is the range to exclude rather than include """ for eIdx, _ in enumerate(self.evalFreq[declevel]): self.addConstraintFreq(stat, constraint, declevel, eIdx, insideOut)
[docs] def addConstraintFreq( self, stat: str, constraint: Dict[str, List], declevel: int, eIdx: int, insideOut: List[str] = [], ) -> None: """Add a constraint for an evaluation frequency Parameters ---------- stat : str The statistic to be constrained constraint : Dict The constraint parameter specified as {"statistic component": [valueMin, valueMax]} declevel : int The decimation level eIdx : int Evaluation Frequency index insideOut : List[str], optional with default as range specified is range to include The constraints for which the range specified in the constraint is the range to exclude rather than include """ eFreq = self.evalFreq[declevel][eIdx] for key in constraint: self.constraints[eFreq][stat][key] = constraint[key] if key in insideOut: self.insideOut[eFreq][stat][key] = True else: self.insideOut[eFreq][stat][key] = False
[docs] def getConstraintFreq(self, declevel: int, eIdx: int, stat: str = ""): """Get constraints for an evaluation frequency Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level eIdx : int Evaluation Frequency index stat : str The statistic for which to return the constraints Returns ------- out : list Constraints for the evaluation frequency """ eFreq = self.evalFreq[declevel][eIdx] if stat != "": return self.constraints[eFreq][stat] return self.constraints[eFreq]
[docs] def getMaskWindowsFreq(self, declevel: int, eIdx: int) -> Set[int]: """Get a set of the masked windows (used by WindowSelector) Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level eIdx : int Evaluation Frequency index Returns ------- out : Set[int] A set with the indices of the masked windows """ eFreq = self.evalFreq[declevel][eIdx] return self.maskWindows[eFreq]
[docs] def prepareDicts(self) -> None: """Prepare dictionaries for storing masking information""" for declevel in range(0, self.numLevels): for eFreq in self.evalFreq[declevel]: # empty set for maskWindows to start off with # i.e. remove none self.maskWindows[eFreq] = set() self.constraints[eFreq] = {} self.insideOut[eFreq] = {} for stat in self.stats: self.constraints[eFreq][stat] = {} self.insideOut[eFreq][stat] = {}
[docs] def resetMaskWindows(self) -> None: """Reset/Clear the masked windows""" for declevel in range(0, self.numLevels): for eFreq in self.evalFreq[declevel]: # empty set for maskWindows to start off with # i.e. remove none self.maskWindows[eFreq] = set()
[docs] def view(self, declevel: int = 0, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Produces a 2-D plot with all the masked windows along the bottom for a decimation level Parameters ---------- declevel : int, optional The decimation level. Default is 0. fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts """ from resistics.common.plot import getViewFonts fig: plt.figure = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ) plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() evalFreq = self.evalFreq[declevel] numFreq = len(evalFreq) freqIndex = range(0, numFreq) levelMasked: Set = set() numMasked: List[int] = list() freqLabel: List[str] = list() for eFreq in evalFreq: levelMasked.update(self.maskWindows[eFreq]) numMasked.append(len(self.maskWindows[eFreq])) freqLabel.append("{:.5f}".format(eFreq)) numMaskedTotal = len(levelMasked) levelMasked = np.array(sorted(list(levelMasked))) global2localMap = {} for idx in range(0, levelMasked.size): global2localMap[levelMasked[idx]] = idx # make array data = np.zeros(shape=(levelMasked.size, numFreq), dtype=int) for idx, eFreq in enumerate(evalFreq): for gI in self.maskWindows[eFreq]: lI = global2localMap[gI] data[lI, idx] = idx + 1 st = fig.suptitle( "Masked windows for decimation level: {}".format(declevel), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) cmap = cm.get_cmap("Paired", numFreq) cmap.set_under("white") plt.pcolor(np.transpose(data), cmap=cmap, vmin=1, vmax=numFreq + 1) ax.set_yticks(np.array(freqIndex) + 0.5) ax.set_yticklabels(freqLabel) plt.ylabel( "Masked windows for decimation level", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"] ) plt.ylabel("Evaluation Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.title( "Relative masked windows for decimation level {}".format(declevel), fontsize=plotfonts["title"], ) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # colourbar cb = plt.colorbar()"Masked\nwindows") cb.set_ticks(np.arange(1, numFreq + 1) + 0.5) cb.set_ticklabels(freqLabel) # bar graph ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) # add the total number masked freqIndex = range(0, numFreq + 1) numMasked.append(numMaskedTotal) freqLabel.append("Total masked for\n decimation level"), numMasked) ax.set_xticks(freqIndex) ax.set_xticklabels(freqLabel) plt.xlabel("Evaluation Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel("Number of masked windows", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.title( "Number of masked windows per evaluation frequency", fontsize=plotfonts["title"], ) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) return fig
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst: List[str] = [] textLst.append("Mask name = {}".format(self.maskName)) textLst.append("Sampling frequency = {:.6f}".format(self.sampleFreq)) textLst.append( "Statistics to use for constraints = {}".format(", ".join(self.stats)) ) textLst.append("Evaluation frequencies [Hz]") for il in range(0, self.numLevels): freqForLevel = self.evalFreq[il] for eFreq in freqForLevel: textLst.append( "Decimation level = {:d}, Frequency = {:.6f} [Hz], number of masked windows = {:d}".format( il, eFreq, len(self.maskWindows[eFreq]) ) ) return textLst
[docs] def printConstraints(self) -> None: """Print information about the constraints""" blockPrint( "{} Constraints".format(self.__class__.__name__), self.printConstraintsList(), )
[docs] def printConstraintsList(self) -> List[str]: """Constraint information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] evalFreq = sorted(list(self.constraints.keys())) for eFreq in evalFreq: textLst.append("Frequency = {:.6f} [Hz]".format(eFreq)) for stat in self.stats: textLst.append("\tStatistic = {}".format(stat)) # check to see if any constraints if len(list(self.constraints[eFreq][stat].keys())) == 0: textLst.append("\tNo constraints for this statistic") continue # if there are, print out for component in self.constraints[eFreq][stat]: minVal = self.constraints[eFreq][stat][component][0] maxVal = self.constraints[eFreq][stat][component][1] textLst.append( "\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format( component, minVal, maxVal, self.insideOut[eFreq][stat][component], ) ) return textLst