To help traceability and reproducibility of processing results, time, spectra and statistic data which are written out by resistics are saved with associated comment files. Comment files detail the parameters with which the data was processed.
Other types datasets, such as masks or transfer function data are not written out with comments. This is because they are calculated out from multiple datasets rather than a single chain, making the management of comments more difficult. However, this functionality may be added in the future.
An example of a comments file for SPAM timeseries data resampled and interpolated on to the second is shown below. The scaling applied to the data is detailed in the comments file as well as any other data modifications.
Unscaled data 2016-03-24 02:34:59.999200 to 2016-03-25 01:54:58.999200 read in from measurement project\timeData\RemoteSPAM\run4, samples 45524999 to 66524749
Data read from 2 files in total
Data scaled to mV for all channels using scalings in header files
Sampling frequency 250.0
Dividing channel Ex by electrode distance 0.0587 km to give mV/km
Dividing channel Ey by electrode distance 0.0564 km to give mV/km
Remove zeros: False, remove nans: False, remove average: True
Time data interpolated to nearest second. New start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.996000, new number of samples 20999750
Time data resampled from 250.000000 Hz to 128.000000 Hz
Dataset written to project\timeData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00 on 2019-09-15 16:21:28.901345
When frequency spectra data is calculated from the preprocessed timeseries data, the spectra data comments file includes the timeseries data flow too and maintains the complete flow of the data. In the following spectra data comments file, the calibration applied to the timeseries data is shown as well as the decimation and windowing.
Unscaled data 2016-03-24 02:34:59.999200 to 2016-03-25 01:54:58.999200 read in from measurement project\timeData\RemoteSPAM\run4, samples 45524999 to 66524749
Data read from 2 files in total
Data scaled to mV for all channels using scalings in header files
Sampling frequency 250.0
Dividing channel Ex by electrode distance 0.0587 km to give mV/km
Dividing channel Ey by electrode distance 0.0564 km to give mV/km
Remove zeros: False, remove nans: False, remove average: True
Time data interpolated to nearest second. New start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.996000, new number of samples 20999750
Time data resampled from 250.000000 Hz to 128.000000 Hz
Dataset written to project\timeData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00 on 2019-09-15 16:21:28.901345
Unscaled data 2016-03-24 02:35:00 to 2016-03-25 01:54:58.992188 read in from measurement E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\timeData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00, samples 0 to 10751871
Sampling frequency 128.0
Remove zeros: False, remove nans: False, remove average: True
Calculating project spectra
Using default configuration
Channel Ex not calibrated
Channel Ey not calibrated
Channel Hx calibrated with calibration data from file E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\calData\Metronix_Coil-----TYPE-006_LF-ID-000133.RSP
Channel Hy calibrated with calibration data from file E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\calData\Metronix_Coil-----TYPE-006_LF-ID-000135.RSP
Decimating with 7 levels and 7 frequencies per level
Evaluation frequencies for this level 32.0, 22.62741699796952, 16.0, 11.31370849898476, 8.0, 5.65685424949238, 4.0
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 128.0 Hz to 16.0 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.937500
Evaluation frequencies for this level 2.82842712474619, 2.0, 1.414213562373095, 1.0, 0.7071067811865475, 0.5, 0.35355339059327373
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 16.0 Hz to 2.0 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.500000
Evaluation frequencies for this level 0.25, 0.17677669529663687, 0.125, 0.08838834764831843, 0.0625, 0.044194173824159216, 0.03125
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 2.0 Hz to 0.25 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:56
Time data decimated from 0.25 Hz to 0.125 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:52
Evaluation frequencies for this level 0.022097086912079608, 0.015625, 0.011048543456039804, 0.0078125, 0.005524271728019902, 0.00390625, 0.002762135864009951
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 0.125 Hz to 0.015625 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:28
Evaluation frequencies for this level 0.001953125, 0.0013810679320049755, 0.0009765625, 0.0006905339660024878, 0.00048828125, 0.0003452669830012439, 0.000244140625
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Spectra data written out to E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\specData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00\spectra on 2019-10-10 20:37:52.600884 using resistics 0.0.6.dev2
Going one step further and calculating statistics from the spectra data adds even more information to the dataset history.
Unscaled data 2016-03-24 02:34:59.999200 to 2016-03-25 01:54:58.999200 read in from measurement project\timeData\RemoteSPAM\run4, samples 45524999 to 66524749
Data read from 2 files in total
Data scaled to mV for all channels using scalings in header files
Sampling frequency 250.0
Dividing channel Ex by electrode distance 0.0587 km to give mV/km
Dividing channel Ey by electrode distance 0.0564 km to give mV/km
Remove zeros: False, remove nans: False, remove average: True
Time data interpolated to nearest second. New start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.996000, new number of samples 20999750
Time data resampled from 250.000000 Hz to 128.000000 Hz
Dataset written to project\timeData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00 on 2019-09-15 16:21:28.901345
Unscaled data 2016-03-24 02:35:00 to 2016-03-25 01:54:58.992188 read in from measurement E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\timeData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00, samples 0 to 10751871
Sampling frequency 128.0
Remove zeros: False, remove nans: False, remove average: True
Calculating project spectra
Using default configuration
Channel Ex not calibrated
Channel Ey not calibrated
Channel Hx calibrated with calibration data from file E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\calData\Metronix_Coil-----TYPE-006_LF-ID-000133.RSP
Channel Hy calibrated with calibration data from file E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\calData\Metronix_Coil-----TYPE-006_LF-ID-000135.RSP
Decimating with 7 levels and 7 frequencies per level
Evaluation frequencies for this level 32.0, 22.62741699796952, 16.0, 11.31370849898476, 8.0, 5.65685424949238, 4.0
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 128.0 Hz to 16.0 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.937500
Evaluation frequencies for this level 2.82842712474619, 2.0, 1.414213562373095, 1.0, 0.7071067811865475, 0.5, 0.35355339059327373
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 16.0 Hz to 2.0 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:58.500000
Evaluation frequencies for this level 0.25, 0.17677669529663687, 0.125, 0.08838834764831843, 0.0625, 0.044194173824159216, 0.03125
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 2.0 Hz to 0.25 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:56
Time data decimated from 0.25 Hz to 0.125 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:52
Evaluation frequencies for this level 0.022097086912079608, 0.015625, 0.011048543456039804, 0.0078125, 0.005524271728019902, 0.00390625, 0.002762135864009951
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Time data decimated from 0.125 Hz to 0.015625 Hz, new start time 2016-03-24 02:35:00, new end time 2016-03-25 01:54:28
Evaluation frequencies for this level 0.001953125, 0.0013810679320049755, 0.0009765625, 0.0006905339660024878, 0.00048828125, 0.0003452669830012439, 0.000244140625
Windowing with window size 512 samples and overlap 128 samples
Spectra data written out to E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\specData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00\spectra on 2019-10-10 20:37:52.600884 using resistics 0.0.6.dev2
Reading spectra data in path E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\specData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00\spectra
Using default configuration
Calculating statistic: partialCoherence
Statistic components: bivarEx, bivarEy, parExHx, parExHy, parEyHx, parEyHy
Statistic data for statistic partialCoherence written to E:\magnetotellurics\code\resisticsdata\features\featureProject\statData\Remote_M1\run4_2016-03-24_02-35-00\spectra on 2019-10-10 21:48:39.668874 using resistics 0.0.6.dev2
The comment files associated with the timeseries, spectra and statistic data respectively help users double check and reproduce the data processing sequence.