Source code for resistics.window.selector

import os
from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Union, Any, Tuple

# import from package
from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import list2ranges, blockPrint
from resistics.decimate.parameters import DecimationParameters
from resistics.window.parameters import WindowParameters
from resistics.window.utils import datetime2gIndex, gIndex2datetime
from import ProjectData
from import SiteData
from import MaskData
from import SpectrumReader
from import MaskIO

[docs]class WindowSelector(ResisticsBase): """Select windows for further processing Finds windows for further processing. Given more than one site, WindowSelector will find the shared windows. For example, when processing with a remote reference, WindowSelector will find the shared global windows (i.e. referenced to the project reference time) of the local site and the remote site. Shared windows will accept maskData when constraints are to be used. Further, datetime constraints can be added to the selection process, in the case where, for example, only night time data is to be processed. For datetime constraints, the order of priorities are: 1. datetime constraints 2. date constraints 3. time constraints Attributes ---------- projData : ProjectData A ProjectData instance sampleFreq : float Sampling frequency of the data decParams : DecimationParameters A DecimationParameters instance detailing the decimation schemes winParams : WindowParameters A WindowParameters instance detailing the windowing information sites : List[str] List of sites for which to calculate shared windows sharedWindows : Dict Dictionary to store shared window information between sites. The keys of the dictionary are the decimation levels. siteMasks : Dict Masks to use for each site siteSpecFolders : Dict Spectra folders for each site at sampleFreq siteSpecReaders : Dict SpectraReaders for each site at sampleFreq siteSpecRanges : Dict Global window ranges for all the spectra files for the sites at sampleFreq siteGlobalIndices : Dict Global window sets for all the spectra files for the sites at sampleFreq specdir : str The spectra data to use for calculating shared windows and the subsequent processing prepend : str The string prepending the spectra data files. This is usually "spectra" and not expected to change datetimes : Dict User supplied datetime constraints. These are the highest priority in the time constraints. This is a list of constraints for each decimation level. dates : Dict User supplied date constraints. These are the second highest priority in the time constraints. This is a list of constraints for each decimation level. times : Dict User supplied time constraints. These are the last priority in the time constraints. This is a list of constraints for each decimation level. datetimeConstraints : Dict Final combined date and time constraints. This is a list of constraints for each decimation level Methods ------- __init__(decParams) Initialise window selector with information about the decimation parameters getSharedWindowsLevel(declevel) Get the shared windows for a decimation level as a python set getNumSharedWindows(declevel) Get the number of shared windows for a decimation level getWindowsForFreq(declevel, eIdx) Get the number of shared windows for a decimation level and evaluation frequency getUnmaskedWindowsLevel(declevel) Get unmasked windows for a decimation level getDatetimeConstraints() Get the datetime constraints getLevelDatetimeConstraints(declevel) Get the datetime constraints for a decimation level getMasks() Get a dictionary with masks to use for each site in the window selector getSpecReaderForWindow(site, declevel, iWin) Get the spectrum reader for a window getDataSize(declevel) Get the spectrum reader for a window setSites(sites) Set the sites for which to find the shared windows addDatetimeConstraint(start, stop) Add a datetime constraint addDateConstraint(dateC) Add a date constraint addTimeConstraint(start, stop) Add a time constraint. This will recur on every day of recording addWindowMask(site, maskName) Add a window mask resetDatetimeConstraints() Clear and reset all datetime constraints resetMasks() Clear and reset site masks calcSharedWindows() Calculate shared windows between sites calcGlobalIndices() Find all the global indices for the sites calcDatetimeConstraints() Calculate overall datetime constraints calcSiteDates() Calculate a list of days that all the sites were operating printList() Class information as a list of strings printSiteInfo() Print out information about the sites included in the window selection printSiteInfoList(site) Return site window information as a list of strings printSharedWindows() Print out the shared windows printSharedWindowsList() Shared window information as a list of strings printDatetimeConstraints() Print out the datetime constraints printDatetimeConstraintsList() Datetime constraint information as a list of strings printWindowMasks() Print information about masks being used in the window selection printWindowMasksList() Window mask information as a list of strings printWindowsForFrequency(listwindows=False): Print information about the windows for each evaluation frequency printWindowsForFrequencyList(listwindows=False) Information about windows for each evaluation frequency as a list of strings """ def __init__( self, projData: ProjectData, sampleFreq: float, decParams: DecimationParameters, winParams: WindowParameters, **kwargs ) -> None: """Initialise window selector Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A ProjectData instance sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency of the raw time data decParams : DecimationParameters A decimation parameters instance detailing decimaion scheme winParams : WindowParameters A window parameters instance detailing window schemes specdir : str, optional The spectra directories to use """ self.projData: ProjectData = projData self.sampleFreq: float = sampleFreq self.decParams = decParams self.winParams = winParams self.sites: List = [] # shared indices self.sharedWindows: Dict = {} # the masks to use for each site - there can be multiple masks for each site self.siteMasks: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} # the spec files for each site at fs self.siteSpecFolders: Dict = {} self.siteSpecReaders: Dict = {} # global indices (ranges and sets) self.siteSpecRanges: Dict = {} self.siteGlobalIndices: Dict = {} # spectra directory information self.specdir = kwargs["specdir"] if "specdir" in kwargs else "spectra" self.prepend: str = "spectra" # time constraints: priority is datetimes > dates > times self.datetimes: Dict[int, List] = {} self.dates: Dict[int, List] = {} self.times: Dict[int, List] = {} # dictionary for datetime constraints self.datetimeConstraints: Dict[int, List] = {} # set all datetime constraints to empty self.resetDatetimeConstraints()
[docs] def getSharedWindowsLevel(self, declevel: int) -> Set: """Get the shared windows for a decimation level Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level (0 is the first level) Returns ------- set The shared windows for the decimation level """ return self.sharedWindows[declevel]
[docs] def getNumSharedWindows(self, declevel: int) -> int: """Get the number of shared windows for a decimation level Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level (0 is the first level) Returns ------- int The number of shared windows for the decimation level """ return len(self.sharedWindows[declevel])
[docs] def getWindowsForFreq(self, declevel: int, eIdx: int) -> Set: """Get the number of shared windows for a decimation level and evaluation frequency Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level (0 is the first level) eIdx : int The evaluation frequency index Returns ------- set The shared windows for evaluation frequency eIdx at decimation level declevel """ sharedWindows = self.getSharedWindowsLevel(declevel) # now mask for the particular frequency - mask for each given site for s in self.sites: for mask in self.siteMasks[s]: # remove the masked windows from shared indices sharedWindows = sharedWindows - mask.getMaskWindowsFreq(declevel, eIdx) return sharedWindows
[docs] def getUnmaskedWindowsLevel(self, declevel: int) -> Set: """Get unmasked windows for a decimation level Calculate the number of non masked windows for the decimation level. This should speed up processing when constraints are applied. Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level Returns ------- set Unmasked windows for the decimation level """ indices = set() evalFreq = self.decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel) for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(evalFreq): indices.update(self.getWindowsForFreq(declevel, eIdx)) return indices
[docs] def getDatetimeConstraints(self) -> Dict: """Get the datetime constraints Returns ------- Dict Dictionary of datetime constraints at all decimation levels """ self.calcDatetimeConstraints() return self.datetimeConstraints
[docs] def getLevelDatetimeConstraints(self, declevel: int) -> List[List[datetime]]: """Get the datetime constraints for a decimation level Returns ------- List[List[datetime]] Returns a list of datetime constraints, where each is a 2 element list with a start and stop """ self.calcDatetimeConstraints() return self.datetimeConstraints[declevel]
[docs] def getMasks(self) -> Dict: """Get a dictionary with masks to use for each site in the window selector Returns ------- Dict Dictionary with masks to use for each site in the window selector """ return self.siteMasks
[docs] def getSpecReaderForWindow(self, site: str, declevel: int, iWin: int): """Get the spectrum reader for a window Parameters ---------- site : str The name of the site to get the spectrum reader for declevel : int The decimation level iWin : int The window index Returns ------- specFile : str, bool The name of the spectra file or False if the window is not found in any spectra file specReader : SpectrumReader, bool The spectrum reader or False if the window is not found in any spectra file """ specRanges = self.siteSpecRanges[site][declevel] specReaders = self.siteSpecReaders[site][declevel] for specFile in specRanges: if iWin >= specRanges[specFile][0] and iWin <= specRanges[specFile][1]: return specFile, specReaders[specFile] # if here, no window found self.printWarning( "Shared window {}, decimation level {} does not appear in any files given the constraints applied".format( iWin, declevel ) ) return False, False
[docs] def getSpecReaderBatches(self, declevel: int) -> Tuple[List, List]: """Batch the readers into wndow groups that can be read as required in a more efficient way First sorts all the site spectra files by global window range, putting them in ascending order. Loops over all the sites and constructs spectra batches to read in. Parameters ---------- declevel : int The decimation level Returns ------- batches : List[Dict[str, All]] The list of batches """ # sort spectra files for the decimation level files: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict() readers: Dict[str, List[SpectrumReader]] = dict() winStarts: Dict[str, List[int]] = dict() winStops: Dict[str, List[int]] = dict() for site in self.sites: tmpFiles: List = list() tmpReaders: List = list() tmpStarts: List = list() tmpStops: List = list() for specFile, specRange in self.siteSpecRanges[site][declevel].items(): tmpFiles.append(specFile) tmpReaders.append(self.siteSpecReaders[site][declevel][specFile]) tmpStarts.append(specRange[0]) tmpStops.append(specRange[1]) # now sort on winstarts using zip zipped = list(zip(tmpStarts, tmpFiles, tmpReaders, tmpStops)) zipped.sort() winStarts[site], files[site], readers[site], winStops[site] = zip(*zipped) # create batches mainSite: str = self.sites[0] otherSites: List[str] = self.sites[1:] # for saving batches batches: List[Dict[str, Any]] = list() for mainIdx, mainStart in enumerate(winStarts[mainSite]): lastBatchWin = mainStart - 1 while True: batch = dict() batch["globalrange"] = [lastBatchWin + 1, winStops[mainSite][mainIdx]] batch[mainSite] = readers[mainSite][mainIdx] for site in otherSites: for otherIdx, (start, stop) in enumerate( zip(winStarts[site], winStops[site]) ): if ( start >= batch["globalrange"][1] or stop <= batch["globalrange"][0] ): continue # else there is an overlap and it is the first overlap we are interested in # amend the batch range as required if start > batch["globalrange"][0]: batch["globalrange"][0] = start if stop < batch["globalrange"][1]: batch["globalrange"][1] = stop batch[site] = readers[site][otherIdx] break # now need to decide if the batch is complete - the batch dict has an entry for every site and one globalrange if len(batch.keys()) == len(self.sites) + 1: batches.append(batch) lastBatchWin = batch["globalrange"][1] if lastBatchWin >= winStops[mainSite][mainIdx]: break # otherwise, continue in the while loop batching up # print information self.printText("Spectra batches") for batchI, batch in enumerate(batches): self.printText( "SPECTRA BATCH {}, Window Range {}".format(batchI, batch["globalrange"]) ) for site in self.sites: self.printText( "SPECTRA BATCH {}, Site {}, Path {}, Window Range {}".format( batchI, site, batch[site].datapath, batch[site].getGlobalRange() ) ) return batches
[docs] def getDataSize(self, declevel: int) -> int: """Get the spectrum reader for a window Parameters ---------- declevel : str The decimation level Returns ------- int The data size (number of points in the spectrum) at the decimation level """ # return data size of first file site = self.sites[0] specReaders = self.siteSpecReaders[site][declevel] for sF in specReaders: return specReaders[sF].getDataSize()
[docs] def setSites(self, sites: List[str]) -> None: """Set the sites for which to find the shared windows Parameters ---------- sites : List[str] List of sites """ # first remove repeated sites sitesSet = set(sites) sites = list(sitesSet) # now continue self.sites = sites for s in self.sites: self.siteMasks[s] = [] self.siteSpecFolders[s] = [] self.siteSpecReaders[s] = {} self.siteSpecRanges[s] = {} # use sets to hold gIndices # optimised to find intersections self.siteGlobalIndices[s] = {} # at the end, calculate global indices self.calcGlobalIndices()
[docs] def addDatetimeConstraint( self, start: str, stop: str, declevel: Union[List[int], int, None] = None ): """Add datetime constraints Parameters ---------- start : str Datetime constraint start in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S stop : str Datetime constraint end in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S declevel : List[int], int, optional The decimation level. If left as default, will be applied to all decimation levels. """ datetimeStart = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") datetimeStop = datetime.strptime(stop, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # levels the constraint applies to if declevel is None: levels = range(0, self.decParams.numLevels) elif isinstance(declevel, list): levels = declevel else: levels = [declevel] # then add constraints as appropriate for declevel in levels: self.datetimes[declevel].append([datetimeStart, datetimeStop])
[docs] def addDateConstraint( self, dateC: str, declevel: Union[List[int], int, None] = None ): """Add a date constraint Parameters ---------- dateC : str Datetime constraint in format %Y-%m-%d declevel : List[int], int, optional The decimation level. If left as default, will be applied to all decimation levels. """ datetimeC = datetime.strptime(dateC, "%Y-%m-%d").date() # levels the constraint applies to if declevel is None: levels = range(0, self.decParams.numLevels) elif isinstance(declevel, list): levels = declevel else: levels = [declevel] # then add constraints as appropriate for declevel in levels: self.dates[declevel].append(datetimeC)
[docs] def addTimeConstraint( self, start: str, stop: str, declevel: Union[List[int], int, None] = None ): """Add a time constraint. This will recur on every day of recording. Parameters ---------- start : str Time constraint start in format %H:%M:%S stop : str Time constraint end in format %H:%M:%S declevel : List[int], int, optional The decimation level. If left as default, will be applied to all decimation levels. """ timeStart = datetime.strptime(start, "%H:%M:%S").time() timeStop = datetime.strptime(stop, "%H:%M:%S").time() # levels the constraint applies to if declevel is None: levels = range(0, self.decParams.numLevels) elif isinstance(declevel, list): levels = declevel else: levels = [declevel] # then add constraints as appropriate for declevel in levels: self.times[declevel].append([timeStart, timeStop])
[docs] def addWindowMask(self, site: str, maskName: str) -> None: """Add a window mask This is a mask with values for each evaluation frequency. Parameters ---------- site : str The site for which to search for a mask maskName : str The name of the mask """ siteData = self.projData.getSiteData(site) maskIO = MaskIO(siteData.getSpecdirMaskPath(self.specdir)) maskData =, self.sampleFreq) self.siteMasks[site].append(maskData)
[docs] def resetDatetimeConstraints(self) -> None: """Reset datetime constraints""" # add a list for each decimation level for declevel in range(0, self.decParams.numLevels): self.datetimes[declevel] = [] self.dates[declevel] = [] self.times[declevel] = [] self.datetimeConstraints[declevel] = []
[docs] def resetMasks(self) -> None: """Reset masks""" # reset to no masks for any site for site in self.siteMasks: self.siteMasks[site] = []
[docs] def calcSharedWindows(self): """Calculate shared windows between sites Calculates the shared windows between sites. Datetime constraints are applied. No masks are applied in this method. Masks are only applied when getting the windows for a particular evaluation frequency. """ if len(self.sites) == 0: self.printWarning( "No sites given to Window Selector. At least one site needs to be given." ) return False # calculate datetime constraints self.calcDatetimeConstraints() # initialise the sharedWindows with a set from one site sites = self.sites siteInit = sites[0] numLevels = self.decParams.numLevels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): self.sharedWindows[declevel] = self.siteGlobalIndices[siteInit][declevel] # now for each decimation level, calculate the shared windows for declevel in range(0, numLevels): for site in self.sites: self.sharedWindows[declevel] = self.sharedWindows[ declevel ].intersection(self.siteGlobalIndices[site][declevel]) # apply time constraints # time constraints should be formulated as a set # and then, find the intersection again for declevel in range(0, numLevels): constraints = self.getLevelDatetimeConstraints(declevel) if len(constraints) != 0: datetimeIndices = set() for dC in constraints: gIndexStart, firstWindowStart = datetime2gIndex( self.projData.refTime, dC[0], self.decParams.getSampleFreqLevel(declevel), self.winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), self.winParams.getOverlap(declevel), ) gIndexEnd, firstWindowEnd = datetime2gIndex( self.projData.refTime, dC[1], self.decParams.getSampleFreqLevel(declevel), self.winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), self.winParams.getOverlap(declevel), ) gIndexEnd = ( gIndexEnd - 1 ) # as the function returns the next window starting after time if gIndexEnd < gIndexStart: gIndexEnd = gIndexStart datetimeIndices.update(list(range(gIndexStart, gIndexEnd))) self.printText( "Decimation level = {}. Applying date constraint {} - {}, global index constraint {} - {}".format( declevel, dC[0], dC[1], gIndexStart, gIndexEnd ) ) self.sharedWindows[declevel] = self.sharedWindows[ declevel ].intersection(datetimeIndices)
[docs] def calcGlobalIndices(self) -> None: """Find all the global indices for the sites""" # get all the spectra files with the correct sampling frequency for site in self.sites: siteData = self.projData.getSiteData(site) timeFilesFs = siteData.getMeasurements(self.sampleFreq) # specFiles = self.proj.getSiteSpectraFiles(s) specFolders = siteData.spectra specFoldersFs = [] for specFolder in specFolders: if specFolder in timeFilesFs: specFoldersFs.append(specFolder) self.siteSpecFolders[site] = specFoldersFs # for each decimation level # loop through each of the spectra folders # and find the global indices ranges for each decimation level numLevels = self.decParams.numLevels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): # get the dictionaries ready self.siteSpecReaders[site][declevel] = {} self.siteSpecRanges[site][declevel] = {} self.siteGlobalIndices[site][declevel] = set() # loop through spectra folders and figure out global indices for specFolder in self.siteSpecFolders[site]: # here, have to use the specdir option specReader = SpectrumReader( os.path.join(siteData.specPath, specFolder, self.specdir) ) # here, use prepend to open the spectra file check = specReader.openBinaryForReading(self.prepend, declevel) # if file does not exist, continue if not check: continue self.siteSpecReaders[site][declevel][specFolder] = specReader globalRange = specReader.getGlobalRange() self.siteSpecRanges[site][declevel][specFolder] = globalRange # and save set of global indices self.siteGlobalIndices[site][declevel].update( list(range(globalRange[0], globalRange[1] + 1)) )
[docs] def calcDatetimeConstraints(self) -> None: """Calculate overall datetime constraints Priority order for datetime constraints is: 1. datetime constraints 2. date constraints 3. time constraints """ # calculate site dates if required siteDates = self.calcSiteDates() # datetime constraints are for each decimation level numLevels = self.decParams.numLevels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): # calculate date and time constraints for each level # begin with the datetime constraints - these have highest priority self.datetimeConstraints[declevel] = self.datetimes[declevel] # check to see whether any date and time constraints if len(self.dates[declevel]) == 0 and len(self.times[declevel]) == 0: continue dateConstraints = [] if len(self.dates[declevel]) != 0: # apply time constraints only on specified days dateConstraints = self.dates[declevel] else: dateConstraints = siteDates # finally, add the time constraints to the dates # otherwise add the whole day dateAndTimeConstraints = [] if len(self.times[declevel]) == 0: # add whole days for dC in dateConstraints: start = datetime.combine(dC, time(0, 0, 0)) stop = datetime.combine(dC, time(23, 59, 59)) dateAndTimeConstraints.append([start, stop]) else: # add each time for each day for tC in self.times[declevel]: for dC in dateConstraints: start = datetime.combine(dC, tC[0]) stop = datetime.combine(dC, tC[1]) # check if this goes over a day if tC[1] < tC[0]: # then need to increment the day dCNext = dC + timedelta(days=1) stop = datetime.combine(dCNext, tC[1]) # append to constraints dateAndTimeConstraints.append([start, stop]) # finally, combine datetimes and dateAndTimeConstraints self.datetimeConstraints[declevel] = ( self.datetimeConstraints[declevel] + dateAndTimeConstraints ) self.datetimeConstraints[declevel] = sorted( self.datetimeConstraints[declevel] )
[docs] def calcSiteDates(self) -> List[datetime]: """Calculate a list of days that all the sites were operating This uses the siteStart and siteEnd datetimes, so does not take into account the start and end of actual time series measurements, which is taken into account later. Returns ------- List[datetime] A list of dates all the sites were operating """ starts = [] stops = [] for site in self.sites: siteData = self.projData.getSiteData(site) starts.append(siteData.siteStart) stops.append(siteData.siteEnd) # need all the dates between d1 = max(starts).date() d2 = min(stops).date() if d1 > d2: self.printError( "A site passed to the window selector does not overlap with any other sites. There will be no shared windows", quitRun=True, ) # now with d2 > d1 siteDates = [] delta = d2 - d1 # + 1 because inclusive of stop and start days for i in range(delta.days + 1): siteDates.append(d1 + timedelta(days=i)) return siteDates
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : list List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Sampling frequency [Hz] = {:.6f}".format(self.sampleFreq)) textLst.append("Spectra directory = {}".format(self.specdir)) textLst.append("Sites = {}".format(", ".join(self.sites))) textLst.append("Site information:") for site in self.sites: textLst = textLst + self.printSiteInfoList(site) return textLst
[docs] def printSiteInfo(self): """Print out information about the sites""" for site in self.sites: blockPrint("WindowSelector::site info", self.printSiteInfoList(site))
[docs] def printSiteInfoList(self, site: str) -> List[str]: """Return site window information as a list of strings Parameters ---------- site : str The site name Returns ------- List[str] Site window information as a list of strings """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Sampling frequency [Hz] = {:.6f}".format(self.sampleFreq)) textLst.append("Site = {}".format(site)) textLst.append("Site global index information") numLevels = self.decParams.numLevels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): textLst.append("Decimation Level = {:d}".format(declevel)) ranges = self.siteSpecRanges for sF in sorted(list(ranges[site][declevel].keys())): startTime1, endTime1 = gIndex2datetime( ranges[site][declevel][sF][0], self.projData.refTime, self.sampleFreq / self.decParams.getDecFactor(declevel), self.winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), self.winParams.getOverlap(declevel), ) startTime2, endTime2 = gIndex2datetime( ranges[site][declevel][sF][1], self.projData.refTime, self.sampleFreq / self.decParams.getDecFactor(declevel), self.winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), self.winParams.getOverlap(declevel), ) textLst.append( "Measurement file = {}\ttime range = {} - {}\tGlobal Indices Range = {:d} - {:d}".format( sF, startTime1, endTime2, ranges[site][declevel][sF][0], ranges[site][declevel][sF][1], ) ) return textLst
[docs] def printSharedWindows(self) -> None: """Print out the shared windows""" blockPrint("WindowSelector::shared windows", self.printSharedWindowsList())
[docs] def printSharedWindowsList(self) -> List[str]: """Shared window information as a list of strings Returns ------- List[str] Shared window information as a list of strings """ textLst = [] numLevels = self.decParams.numLevels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): textLst.append("Decimation Level = {:d}".format(declevel)) textLst.append( "\tNumber of shared windows = {:d}".format( self.getNumSharedWindows(declevel) ) ) textLst.append( "\tShared window indices: {}".format( list2ranges(self.getSharedWindowsLevel(declevel)) ) ) textLst.append( "\tNumber of unmasked windows: {}".format( len(self.getUnmaskedWindowsLevel(declevel)) ) ) textLst.append( "NOTE: These are the shared windows at each decimation level. Windows for each evaluation frequency might vary depending on masks" ) return textLst
[docs] def printDatetimeConstraints(self): """Print out the datetime constraints""" blockPrint( "WindowSelector::datetime constraints", self.printDatetimeConstraintsList() )
[docs] def printDatetimeConstraintsList(self) -> List[str]: """Datetime constraint information as a list of strings Returns ------- List[str] Datetime constraint information as a list of strings """ textLst = [] # calculate datetime constraints self.calcDatetimeConstraints() # populate textLst textLst.append("Datetime constraints") numLevels = self.decParams.numLevels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): textLst.append("Decimation Level = {:d}".format(declevel)) for d in self.getLevelDatetimeConstraints(declevel): textLst.append("\tConstraint {} - {}".format(d[0], d[1])) return textLst
[docs] def printWindowMasks(self) -> None: """Print mask information""" blockPrint("WindowSelector::window masks", self.printWindowMasksList())
[docs] def printWindowMasksList(self) -> List[str]: """Window mask information as a list of strings Returns ------- List[str] Window mask information as a list of strings """ textLst = [] for s in self.sites: textLst.append("Site = {}".format(s)) if len(self.siteMasks[s]) == 0: textLst.append("\t\tNo masks for this site") else: for mask in self.siteMasks[s]: textLst.append("\t\tMask = {}".format(mask.maskName)) return textLst
[docs] def printWindowsForFrequency(self, listwindows=False): """Print information about the windows for each evaluation frequency Parameters ---------- listwindows : bool Boolean flag to actually write out all the windows. Default is False as this takes up a lot of space in the terminal """ blockPrint( "WindowSelector::windows for frequency", self.printWindowsForFrequencyList(listwindows), )
[docs] def printWindowsForFrequencyList(self, listwindows=False) -> List[str]: """Information about windows for each evaluation frequency as a list of strings Parameters ---------- listwindows : bool Boolean flag to actually write out all the windows. Default is False as this takes up a lot of space in the terminal Returns ------- List[str] Windows for evaluation frequency information as a list of strings """ textLst = [] for declevel in range(0, self.decParams.numLevels): evalFreq = self.decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel) unmaskedWindows = self.getNumSharedWindows(declevel) for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(evalFreq): maskedWindows = self.getWindowsForFreq(declevel, eIdx) textLst.append( "Evaluation frequency = {:.6f}, shared windows = {:d}, windows after masking = {:d}".format( eFreq, unmaskedWindows, len(maskedWindows) ) ) if listwindows: textLst.append("{}".format(list2ranges(maskedWindows))) return textLst