Source code for

from os.path import basename, splitext
import numpy as np
import math
import collections
from typing import List, Dict, IO, Any, Union

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import listToString, arrayToString
from import TransferFunctionData

[docs]class TransferFunctionReader(ResisticsBase): """Class for reading and writing maskData Transfer function files are located in: project -> transFuncData -> site -> filepath Attributes ---------- filepath : str Transfer function file headers : OrderedDict() Transfer function file header information Methods ------- __init__(filepath="") Initialise the transferFunctionReader file read(filepath) Set and read a new transfer function file readFile() Read the transfer function file readInternal() Read internally formatted transfer function files formatHeaders() Format header values for internally formatted transfer function files readEdi() Read Edi formatted tranfer function files readNumericBlock(lines) Read a numeric block for Edi transfer function files constructComplex(real, imag) Construct a complex valued array from arrays of the real and imaginary values of the complex numbers printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__(self, filepath: str = "") -> None: """Initialise Parameters ---------- filepath : str, optional Path to transfer function file file """ self.filepath: str = filepath self.headers = collections.OrderedDict() # read file if given if self.filepath != "": self.readFile()
[docs] def read(self, filepath: str) -> None: """Read a new file Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath to transfer function file """ self.filepath = filepath self.readFile()
[docs] def readFile(self) -> TransferFunctionData: """Read a transfer function file Returns ------- TransferFunctionData Tranfser function data object """ # get the extension and decide how to read it filename, extension = splitext(self.filepath) if "edi" in extension: return self.readEdi() else: return self.readInternal()
[docs] def readInternal(self) -> None: """Read an internally formatted transfer function file Returns ------- TransferFunctionData Tranfser function data object """ key = "" impedances: Dict = {} variances: Dict = {} freq: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = [] with open(self.filepath, "r") as inFile: lines = inFile.readlines() numLines = len(lines) # find the headers for i in range(0, numLines): line = lines[i].strip() if line == "": continue if "Evaluation frequencies" not in line: split = line.split("=") self.headers[split[0].strip()] = split[1].strip() else: break # format headers self.formatHeaders() # read in the frequencies freq = np.loadtxt(lines[i + 1].strip().split(","), dtype="float") # read in the rest of the data for j in range(i + 2, numLines): line = lines[j].strip() if "Z" in line or "Var" in line: split = line.split("-") key = split[1].strip() j += 1 if "Z" in line: impedances[key] = np.loadtxt( lines[j].strip().split(","), dtype="complex" ) if "Var" in line: variances[key] = np.loadtxt( lines[j].strip().split(","), dtype="float" ) self.tfData = TransferFunctionData(freq, impedances, variances)
[docs] def formatHeaders(self) -> None: """Format header values for the internal transfer function file format""" if "sampleFreq" in self.headers: self.headers["sampleFreq"] = float(self.headers["sampleFreq"]) test = ["insite", "outsite", "remotesite"] for header in test: if header in self.headers and self.headers[header] == "False": self.headers[header] = False test = ["inchans", "outchans", "remotechans"] for header in test: if header in self.headers and self.headers[header] == "False": self.headers[header] = []
[docs] def readEdi(self) -> None: """Read an EDI transfer function file EDI files have an >END that signifies the end of the file. This works quite nicely to our advantage when reading an EDI file. Returns ------- TransferFunctionData Tranfser function data object """ with open(self.filepath, "r") as inFile: lines = inFile.readlines() numLines = len(lines) section: Dict = {} sectionNum = 0 sectionBreaks = [] for i in range(0, numLines): # get the starting line of the sections # at the same time strip out all new lines characters lines[i] = lines[i].strip() if ">" in lines[i]: split = lines[i].split(" ") name = split[0][1:] # save the section section[name] = sectionNum # save the starting line of the section sectionBreaks.append(i) sectionNum = sectionNum + 1 ## set headers startLine = sectionBreaks[section["HEAD"]] endLine = sectionBreaks[section["HEAD"] + 1] for i in range(startLine + 1, endLine): if lines[i] != "": split = lines[i].split("=") self.headers[split[0]] = split[1] ## set frequency information # get number of frequencies startLine = sectionBreaks[section["FREQ"]] endLine = sectionBreaks[section["FREQ"] + 1] split = lines[startLine].split(" ") numFreq = 0 for s in split: if "NFREQ" in s: split2 = s.split("=") numFreq = int(split2[1]) freq = self.readNumericBlock(lines[startLine + 1 : endLine]) ## read impedance tensor components and variances components = ["ZXX", "ZYY", "ZXY", "ZYX"] polarisations = ["ExHx", "EyHy", "ExHy", "EyHx"] variances = {} impedances = {} for comp, pol in zip(components, polarisations): # real realComp = "{}R".format(comp) startLine = sectionBreaks[section[realComp]] endLine = sectionBreaks[section[realComp] + 1] real = self.readNumericBlock(lines[startLine + 1 : endLine]) # imag imagComp = "{}I".format(comp) startLine = sectionBreaks[section[imagComp]] endLine = sectionBreaks[section[imagComp] + 1] imag = self.readNumericBlock(lines[startLine + 1 : endLine]) # impedance impedances[pol] = self.constructComplex(real, imag) # variance varComp = "{}.VAR".format(comp) startLine = sectionBreaks[section[varComp]] endLine = sectionBreaks[section[varComp] + 1] variances[pol] = self.readNumericBlock(lines[startLine + 1 : endLine]) # initialise impedance tensor self.tfData = TransferFunctionData(freq, impedances, variances)
[docs] def readNumericBlock(self, lines: List[str]): """Read an EDI numeric block Parameters ---------- lines : List[str] List of strings (or the lines in the file) that are a numeric block Returns ------- np.ndarray Numeric data as a numpy array """ tmp = [] size = len(lines) for i in range(0, size): if lines[i] == "": continue split = lines[i].split(" ") # add the numbers tmp = tmp + split # convert to float arr = np.zeros(shape=(len(tmp))) for idx, t in enumerate(tmp): arr[idx] = float(t) return arr
[docs] def constructComplex(self, real, imag): """Construct a complex array from separate real and imaginary arrays Parameters ---------- real : np.ndarray An array of the real part of the complex data imag : np.ndarray An array of the complex part of the complex data Returns ------- np.ndarray Numpy array of complex data """ size = len(real) arr = np.zeros(shape=(size), dtype="complex") for i in range(0, size): arr[i] = complex(real[i], imag[i]) return arr
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Headers in file") for h, val in self.headers.items(): textLst.append("\t{} = {}".format(h, val)) return textLst
[docs]class TransferFunctionWriter(ResisticsBase): """Class for reading and writing maskData Transfer function files are located in: project -> transFuncData -> site -> filepath Attributes ---------- filepath : str Transfer function file headers : OrderedDict() Transfer function file header information Methods ------- __init__(filepath, tfData) Initialise the transferFunctionWriter defaultHeaders() Get a dictionary of default header values setHeaders(**kwargs) Set header values addHeader(header, val) Add a new header or update an existing one setPathAndData(filepath, tfData) Set a new filepath for writing and new transfer function data write() Write transfer function data to internal format transfer function file writeEdi() Write transfer function data to Edi file writeNumericBlock(lines) Write a numeric block for Edi files printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__(self, filepath: str, tfData: TransferFunctionData, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialise Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to write a transfer function file file tfData : TransferFunctionData The transfer function data sampleFreq : float, optional The sampling frequency of the original time data insite : str The input site inchans : List[str] The input channels outsite : str The output site outchans : List[str] The output channels remotesite : str The remote reference site remotechans : List[str] The remote reference chans used """ self.filepath: str = filepath self.tfData: TransferFunctionData = tfData self.headers: Dict = self.defaultHeaders() for h in self.headers: if h in kwargs: self.headers[h] = kwargs[h] # do the polarisations self.polarisations = [] if len(self.headers["inchans"]) > 0 and len(self.headers["outchans"]) > 0: for oC in self.headers["outchans"]: for iC in self.headers["inchans"]: self.polarisations.append("{}{}".format(oC, iC)) else: self.polarisations = sorted(tfData.polarisations)
[docs] def defaultHeaders(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the default header values Returns ------- default : Dict A dictionary with default header keys and values """ default = collections.OrderedDict() default["sampleFreq"] = 0 default["insite"] = False default["inchans"] = [] default["outsite"] = False default["outchans"] = [] default["remotesite"] = False default["remotechans"] = [] return default
[docs] def setHeaders(self, **kwargs): """Set header values Parameters ---------- sampleFreq : float, optional The sampling frequency of the original time data insite : str The input site inchans : List[str] The input channels outsite : str The output site outchans : List[str] The output channels remotesite : str The remote reference site remotechans : List[str] The remote reference chans used """ for h in self.headers: if h in kwargs: self.headers[h] = kwargs[h]
[docs] def addHeader(self, header: str, value: Any) -> None: """Add a header value for writing out Parameters ---------- header : str The name of the header value : Any The value for the header """ self.headers[header] = value
[docs] def setPathAndData(self, filepath: str, tfData: TransferFunctionData) -> None: """Add a header value for writing out Parameters ---------- filepath : str The filepath to write out to tfData : TransferFunctionData Transfer function data object """ self.filepath = filepath self.tfData = tfData
[docs] def write(self): """Write transfer function data in internal format file""" outF = open(self.filepath, "w") self.printText( "Writing out transfer function data to file {}".format(self.filepath) ) # write out the headers for h, v in self.headers.items(): if isinstance(v, list): v = listToString(v) if len(v) == 0: v = "False" outF.write("{} = {}\n".format(h, v)) # write evaluation frequencies outF.write("Evaluation frequencies\n") outF.write("{}\n".format(arrayToString(self.tfData.freq))) # now need to write out the other data for pol in self.polarisations: outF.write("Z-{}\n".format(pol)) outF.write("{}\n".format(arrayToString([pol]))) # variances for pol in self.polarisations: outF.write("Var-{}\n".format(pol)) outF.write("{}\n".format(arrayToString(self.tfData.variances[pol]))) outF.close()
[docs] def writeEdi(self) -> None: """Write transfer function data in Edi file""" # Write the head and other meta information # Then write the values section by section outF = open(self.filepath, "w") outF.write(">HEAD\n\n") # for key, value in self.head.items(): # outF.write('{}={}\n'.format(key,value)) # write out info outF.write("\n\n>INFO MAXINFO 5000\n\nempty\n\n") # write out define meas outF.write(">=DEFINEMEAS\n\nMAXCHAN=7\nMAXRUN=99\nMAXMEAS=9999\n") outF.write("UNITS=M\nREFLAT=+47:32:06.08\nREFLONG=+08:01:51.55\nREFELEV=0.00") outF.write(">HMEAS ID= 11.001 CHTYPE=HX X= 0 Y= 0 AZM= 0.\n") outF.write(">HMEAS ID= 12.001 CHTYPE=HY X= 0 Y= 0 AZM= 90.\n") outF.write(">HMEAS ID= 13.001 CHTYPE=HZ X= 0 Y= 0 AZM= 0.\n") outF.write(">EMEAS ID= 14.001 CHTYPE=EX X= 0 Y= 0 X2= 0 Y2= 0\n") outF.write(">EMEAS ID= 15.001 CHTYPE=EY X= 0 Y= 0 X2= 0 Y2= 0\n") outF.write("\n\n") # write out MTsect outF.write(">=MTSECT\n\nSECTID={}\nNFREQ={:d}\n\n") outF.write("HX= 11.001\nHY= 12.001\nHZ= 13.001\nEX= 14.001\nEY= 15.001\n\n") # write out frequencies numFreq = self.tfData.freq.size outF.write(">FREQ NFREQ={:d} ORDER=DEC // {:d}\n".format(numFreq, numFreq)) self.writeNumericBlock(outF, self.tfData.freq) # write out impedances and variances for pol in self.polarisations: d = "{}{}".format(pol[1], pol[3]) d = d.upper() # need to do a real and imaginary part outF.write("\n>Z{}R ROT=0.0 // {:d}\n".format(d, numFreq)) self.writeNumericBlock(outF,[pol].real) outF.write("\n>Z{}I ROT=0.0 // {:d}\n".format(d, numFreq)) self.writeNumericBlock(outF,[pol].imag) outF.write("\n>Z{}.VAR ROT=0.0 // {:d}\n".format(d, numFreq)) self.writeNumericBlock(outF, self.tfData.variances[pol].real) # write end of file outF.write("\n>END")
[docs] def writeNumericBlock(self, outF: IO[str], vals: np.ndarray) -> None: """Write numeric blocks for edi files The format is: 5 values on a line Each value has 5 decimal places and is in scientific notation Parameters ---------- outF : file object Output file vals : np.ndarray Numeric files to write out """ numVals = len(vals) for i in range(0, numVals): if i > 0 and i % 5 == 0: outF.write("\n") outF.write(" {:.5e}".format(vals[i]))
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst: List[str] = [] textLst.append("Filepath = {}".format(self.filepath)) textLst.append("Polarisations = {}".format(self.polarisations)) textLst.append("Headers set") for h, val in self.headers.items(): textLst.append("\t{} = {}".format(h, val)) return textLst