Source code for

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import listToString, arrayToString
from resistics.common.plot import (

[docs]class TransferFunctionData(ResisticsBase): """Class for holding information time data Attributes ---------- freq : np.ndarray The evaluation frequencies for which transfer functions were estimated period : np.ndarray The evaluation periods for which the transfer functions were estimated (1/freq) data : Dict The transfer function data keyed by polarisations. Data is in the units E = mV, H = nT polarisations : List[str] List of polarisations in the data variances : Dict The variances of the estimates to give an idea of uncertainty Methods ------- __init__(freq, data, variances) Initialise the transfer function data getComponent(component) Set data with parameters getVariance(component) Add a comment to the dataset getResAndPhase(component) A datetime array of the sample times getResAndPhaseErrors(component) View the spectra data view() View the impedance tensor components viewTipper() View the tipper printList() Class status returned as list of strings Notes ----- Information about data units Magnetic permeability in nT . m / A Electric (E) data is in mV/m Magnetic (H) data is in nT Z = E/H is in mV / m . nT Units of resistance = Ohm = V / A T = H/H is dimensionless """ def __init__(self, freq: np.ndarray, data: Dict, variances: Dict): """Initialise and set object parameters Parameters ---------- freq : np.ndarray Evaluation frequency array data : Dict Dictionary of data keyed by polarisation and with array values. Data units expected to be E = mV, H = nT variances : Dict Dictionary of uncertainties keyed by polarisation and with array values """ self.freq: np.ndarray = freq self.period: np.ndarray = np.reciprocal(self.freq) Dict = data self.polarisations: List[str] = sorted( self.variances: Dict = variances
[docs] def getComponent(self, component: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get data for a polarisation Parameters ---------- component : str The polarisation to return the data for Returns ------- np.ndarray The data for the polarisation component """ return[component]
[docs] def getVariance(self, component: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get the variance for a component Parameters ---------- component : str The polarisation to return the data for Returns ------- np.ndarray The data for the polarisation component """ return self.variances[component]
[docs] def getResAndPhase(self, component: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Return the resistivity and phase for a component The raw data is expected to be units E = mV, H = nT Resisitivity is calculated as 0.2 * period * (abs(data))^2 Phase is calculated as the complex angle, unwrapped and then shifted for components ExHx and ExHy to put them in 0-90 degree quadrant Parameters ---------- component : str The polarisation to return the data for Returns ------- res : np.ndarray The resistivity for the evaluation frequencies phase : np.ndarray The phase for the evaluation frequencies """ data = self.getComponent(component) res = 0.2 * self.period * np.power(np.absolute(data), 2) phase = np.angle(data) # check, can we unwrap into specific quadrant phase = np.unwrap(phase) # convert to degrees phase = phase * 180 / np.pi if component == "ExHx" or component == "ExHy": # do modulo 360, see if this helps phase = np.mod(phase, 360) phase = phase - 180 return res, phase
[docs] def getResAndPhaseErrors(self, component: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Return the resistivity and phase errors for a component The raw data is expected to be units E = mV, H = nT Errors are calculated parameterically (for confidence intervals) Error in resistivity is given by 1.96 * sqrt(2 * period * res * var / 5.0) Error in phase is given by 1.96 * (180 / pi) * (sqrt(var / 2.0) / abs(data)) .. todo:: Is there are better way to calculate errors Parameters ---------- component : str The polarisation to return the data for Returns ------- resError : np.ndarray The errors in resistivity data for the evaluation frequencies phaseError : np.ndarray The errors in phase data for the evaluation frequencies """ data = self.getComponent(component) res, phase = self.getResAndPhase(component) var = self.getVariance(component) resError = 1.96 * np.sqrt(2 * self.period * res * var / 5.0) phaseError = 1.96 * (180 / np.pi) * (np.sqrt(var / 2.0) / np.absolute(data)) # calculate uncertainties on apparent resistivity and phase return resError, phaseError
[docs] def getTipper(self): """Return tipper length and angle The tipper are the Tx = HzHx and Ty = HzHy components The tipper length is sqrt(Re(Tx)^2 + Re(Ty)^2) The tipper angle is arctan (Re(Ty)/Re(Tx)) This needs HzHx and HzHy to be components of the transfer function Returns ------- tipperLength : np.ndarray The tipper length tipperAngle : np.ndarray The tipper angle """ if "HzHy" not in self.polarisations or "HzHx" not in self.polarisations: return False, False txRe = np.real(self.getComponent("HzHx")) txIm = np.imag(self.getComponent("HzHx")) tyRe = np.real(self.getComponent("HzHy")) tyIm = np.imag(self.getComponent("HzHy")) tipperLength = np.sqrt(np.power(txRe, 2) + np.power(tyRe, 2)) tipperAngleRe = np.arctan(tyRe / txRe) tipperAngleIm = np.arctan(tyIm / txIm) return tipperLength, tipperAngleRe, tipperAngleIm
[docs] def viewImpedance(self, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plots the transfer function data For resistivity data, both axes are log scale (period and resistivity). For phase data, period is in log scale and phase is linear scale. Units, x axis is seconds, resistivity is Ohm m and phase is degrees. Parameters ---------- polarisations : List[str], optional Polarisations to plot fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object oneplot : bool, optional Boolean flag for plotting all polarisations on one plot rather than separate plots colours : Dict[str, str], optional Colours dictionary for plotting impedance components mk : str, optional Plot marker type ls : str, optional Line style plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts label : str, optional Label for the plots xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis res_ylim : List, optional Limits for the resistivity y axis phase_ylim : List, optional Limits for the phase y axis Returns ------- plt.figure Matplotlib figure object """ polarisations = ( kwargs["polarisations"] if "polarisations" in kwargs else self.polarisations ) # limits xlim = kwargs["xlim"] if "xlim" in kwargs else [1e-3, 1e4] res_ylim = kwargs["res_ylim"] if "res_ylim" in kwargs else [1e-2, 1e3] phase_ylim = kwargs["phase_ylim"] if "phase_ylim" in kwargs else [-30, 120] # markers colours = ( kwargs["colours"] if "colours" in kwargs else transferFunctionColours() ) mk = kwargs["mk"] if "mk" in kwargs else "o" ls = kwargs["ls"] if "ls" in kwargs else "none" plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() # calculate number of rows and columns oneplot = False if "oneplot" in kwargs and kwargs["oneplot"]: oneplot = True nrows = 2 ncols = 1 if oneplot else len(polarisations) # a multiplier to make sure all the components end up on the right plot plotNumMult = 0 if ncols > 1 else 1 # plot if "fig" in kwargs: fig = plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) else: figsize = getTransferFunctionFigSize(oneplot, len(polarisations)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) st = fig.suptitle( "Impedance tensor apparent resistivity and phase", fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) for idx, pol in enumerate(polarisations): res, phase = self.getResAndPhase(pol) resError, phaseError = self.getResAndPhaseErrors(pol) label = kwargs["label"] + " - {}".format(pol) if "label" in kwargs else pol # plot resistivity ax1 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1 - plotNumMult * idx) # the title if not oneplot: plt.title("Polarisation {}".format(pol), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) else: plt.title( "Polarisations {}".format(listToString(polarisations)), fontsize=plotfonts["title"], ) # plot the data ax1.errorbar( self.period, res, yerr=resError, ls=ls, marker=mk, markersize=7, markerfacecolor="white", markeredgecolor=colours[pol], mew=1.1, color=colours[pol], ecolor=colours[pol], elinewidth=1.0, capsize=4, barsabove=False, label=label, ) ax1.set_xscale("log") ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box") # axis options plt.ylabel("Apparent Res. [Ohm m]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(res_ylim) # set tick sizes for lab in ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax1.get_yticklabels(): lab.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # plot phase ax2 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, ncols + idx + 1 - plotNumMult * idx) # plot the data ax2.errorbar( self.period, phase, yerr=phaseError, ls="none", marker=mk, markersize=7, markerfacecolor="white", markeredgecolor=colours[pol], mew=1.1, color=colours[pol], ecolor=colours[pol], elinewidth=1.0, capsize=4, barsabove=False, label=label, ) ax2.set_xscale("log") # axis options plt.xlabel("Period [s]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel("Phase [degrees]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(phase_ylim) # set tick sizes for lab in ax2.get_xticklabels() + ax2.get_yticklabels(): lab.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # add the legend for idx, pol in enumerate(polarisations): ax1 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1 - plotNumMult * idx) leg = plt.legend(loc="lower left", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor("w") plt.grid(True, ls="--") ax2 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, ncols + idx + 1 - plotNumMult * idx) leg = plt.legend(loc="lower left", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor("w") plt.grid(True, ls="--") # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: # layout options plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) return fig
[docs] def viewTipper(self, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plots tipper data where available For length data, both axes are log scale (period and length). For angle data, period is in log scale and phase is linear scale. Units, x axis is seconds, length is dimensionless and angle is degrees. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object cols : bool, optional There are three tipper plots: tipper length, tipper real angle, tipper imaginary angle. These can either be plotted in rows or columns. Set to True to plot in with one row and three columns. colours : str, optional Colour of plot mk : str, optional Plot marker type ls : str, optional Line style plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts label : str, optional Label for the plots xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis length_ylim : List, optional Limits for the length y axis angle_ylim : List, optional Limits for the angle y axis """ if "HzHx" not in self.polarisations or "HzHy" not in self.polarisations: return False # rows or columns cols = kwargs["cols"] if "cols" in kwargs else True if cols: nrows = 1 ncols = 3 else: nrows = 3 ncols = 1 # plot options mk = kwargs["mk"] if "mk" in kwargs else "o" ls = kwargs["ls"] if "ls" in kwargs else "none" plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() # limits xlim = kwargs["xlim"] if "xlim" in kwargs else [1e-3, 1e4] length_ylim = kwargs["length_ylim"] if "length_ylim" in kwargs else [1e-2, 1e3] angle_ylim = kwargs["angle_ylim"] if "angle_ylim" in kwargs else [-30, 30] fig = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(16, 7)) ) st = fig.suptitle("Tipper") st.set_y(0.98) # plot tipperLength, tipperAngleRe, tipperAngleIm = self.getTipper() # lengthError, angleError = self.getTipperErrors() label = kwargs["label"] if "label" in kwargs else "tipper" # plot resistivity ax1 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 1) plt.title("Tipper Length") ax1.errorbar( self.period, tipperLength, yerr=tipperLength / 50, ls=ls, marker=mk, markerfacecolor="white", markersize=9, color="red", ecolor="red", mew=1.1, elinewidth=1.0, capsize=4, barsabove=False, label=label, ) ax1.set_xscale("log") ax1.set_yscale("log") # axis options plt.xlabel("Period [s]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel("Length [dimensionless]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(length_ylim) # set tick sizes and legend for lab in ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax1.get_yticklabels(): lab.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) leg = plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor("w") plt.grid(True, ls="--") # plot real tipper angles ax2 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 2) plt.title("Tipper Angle Real") ax2.errorbar( self.period, tipperAngleRe, yerr=tipperAngleRe / 50, ls="none", marker=mk, markerfacecolor="white", markersize=9, color="red", ecolor="red", mew=1.1, elinewidth=1.0, capsize=4, barsabove=False, label=label, ) ax2.set_xscale("log") # axis options plt.xlabel("Period [s]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel("Angle [degrees]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(angle_ylim) # set tick sizes for lab in ax2.get_xticklabels() + ax2.get_yticklabels(): lab.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) leg = plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor("w") plt.grid(True, ls="--") # plot imaginary tipper angles ax3 = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 3) plt.title("Tipper Angle Imaginary") ax3.errorbar( self.period, tipperAngleIm, yerr=tipperAngleIm / 50, ls="none", marker=mk, markerfacecolor="white", markersize=9, color="red", ecolor="red", mew=1.1, elinewidth=1.0, capsize=4, barsabove=False, label=label, ) ax3.set_xscale("log") # axis options plt.xlabel("Period [s]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel("Angle [degrees]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(angle_ylim) # set tick sizes for lab in ax3.get_xticklabels() + ax3.get_yticklabels(): lab.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) leg = plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor("w") plt.grid(True, ls="--") # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: # layout options plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.90) return fig
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Frequencies [Hz] = {}".format(arrayToString(self.freq))) textLst.append("Periods [s] = {}".format(arrayToString(self.period))) textLst.append("Polarisations = {}".format(self.polarisations)) return textLst