Source code for resistics.time.writer

import os
import glob
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from import checkAndMakeDir
from resistics.common.print import breakComment
from import TimeData
from resistics.time.reader import TimeReader

[docs]class TimeWriter(ResisticsBase): """Base class for data writers All input readers provide headers in a common format Attributes ---------- outPath : str The path to write to extension: str The extension to give to the data files dtype : data type Data format to write out, default is np.int32 headers : Header information to write out chans : List[str] Channels to write out chanMap : Dict Map between channel and index in channel headers chanHeaders : List Channel specific headers Methods ------- __init__() Initialise writer getOutPath() Get the path to write out to setOutPath(path) Set the path to write out to setExtension() For subclasses to set their extension setGlobalHeadersFromKeywords(headers, keywords) Set the global headers setChanHeadersFromKeywords(chanHeaders, keywords) Set channel headers calcStopDateTime(sampleFreq, numSamples, datetimeStart) Calculate time series stop time globalHeaderwords() Get a list of the global headers of interest chanHeaderwords() Get a list of the channel headers of interest writeTemplateHeaderFiles(chans, chanFileMap, sampleFreq, numSamples, startDate) Write out a set of template header files for a case in which ASCII data without headers is to be loaded in writeDataset(reader, **kwargs) Write an existing dataset as a different format writeData(headers, chanHeaders, timeData, **kwargs) Write data based on headers, channel headers and time series data write(headers, chanHeaders, chanMap, timeData, **kwargs) Write out a dataset writeHeaders(headers, chans, chanMap, chanHeaders) Write out headers writeComments(comments) Write out comments writeDataFiles(chans, timeData) Write out time series data - not implemented in base class printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__(self): """Initialise""" self.outPath: str = "" # in subclasses, extension might change i.e. .ascii self.setExtension() # data type - the format of the data being written out self.dtype = np.int32 # information about data being written self.headers: Union[Dict, None] = None self.chans: Union[List[str], None] = None self.chanMap: Union[Dict[str, int], None] = None self.chanHeaders: Union[List, None] = None
[docs] def getOutPath(self) -> str: """Get the out path Parameters ---------- str The outpath defining where data is written """ return self.outPath
[docs] def setOutPath(self, path: str) -> None: """Set the out path Parameters ---------- path : str The new outpath defining where data is written """ self.outPath = path
[docs] def setExtension(self) -> None: """For subclasses to set their own extension type""" self.extension = ".dat"
[docs] def setGlobalHeadersFromKeywords(self, headers: Dict, keywords: Dict) -> Dict: """Set the global headers Before writing out data, global headers are set. The priority order is: 1. keywords[headername] if headername exists in keywords 2. headers[headername] if headername exists in headers 3. "" where the header is not defined in either keywords or headers The reason keywords takes top priority is there may be instances where the headers defined in a reader may need to be altered due to processing of time data. Parameters ---------- headers : Dict Dictionary of header values keywords : Dict A dictionary of header values to overwrite those in headers """ globalHeaderwords = self.globalHeaderwords() for gH in globalHeaderwords: hdrVal = "" if gH in headers: hdrVal = headers[gH] if gH in keywords: hdrVal = keywords[gH] headers[gH] = hdrVal return headers
[docs] def setChanHeadersFromKeywords(self, chanHeaders: List, keywords: Dict) -> List: """Set the channel headers Before writing out data, channel headers are set. The priority order is: 1. keywords[headername] if headername exists in keywords 2. headers[headername] if headername exists in headers 3. "" where the channel header is not defined in either keywords or headers The reason keywords takes top priority is there may be instances where the headers defined in a reader may need to be altered due to processing of time data. Parameters ---------- chanHeaders : List List of channel headers keywords : Dict A dictionary of header values to overwrite those in channel headers """ chanHeaderwords = self.chanHeaderwords() for iChan in range(0, len(chanHeaders)): for cH in chanHeaderwords: hdrVal = "" if cH in chanHeaders[iChan]: hdrVal = chanHeaders[iChan][cH] if cH in keywords: hdrVal = keywords[cH] chanHeaders[iChan][cH] = hdrVal return chanHeaders
[docs] def calcStopDateTime( self, sampleFreq: float, numSamples: int, datetimeStart: datetime ) -> datetime: """Calculate time of last sample Parameters ---------- sampleFreq : float Sampling frequency in Hz of the time series data numSamples : int The number of samples in the time series data datetimeStart : datetime The time of the first sample """ # calculate duration in seconds # numSamples - 1 because have to remove the initial sample which is taken at start time duration = 1.0 * (numSamples - 1) / sampleFreq datetimeStop = datetimeStart + timedelta(seconds=duration) return datetimeStop
[docs] def globalHeaderwords(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of global headerwords to write out Returns ------- List[str] A list of the global header words of interest for writing out """ gHeaders = [ "sample_freq", "num_samples", "start_time", "start_date", "stop_time", "stop_date", "meas_channels", ] return gHeaders
[docs] def chanHeaderwords(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of channel headerwords to write out Returns ------- List[str] A list of the global header words of interest for writing out """ cHeaders = [ "sample_freq", "num_samples", "start_time", "start_date", "stop_time", "stop_date", "ats_data_file", "sensor_type", "channel_type", "ts_lsb", "scaling_applied", "pos_x1", "pos_x2", "pos_y1", "pos_y2", "pos_z1", "pos_z2", "sensor_sernum", "gain_stage1", "gain_stage2", "hchopper", "echopper", ] return cHeaders
[docs] def writeTemplateHeaderFiles( self, chans: List[str], chanFileMap: Dict, sampleFreq: float, numSamples: int, startDate: str, ): """Write a set of blank headers Blank headers might be useful for reading in ascii files where no headers are existing. By giving a few header words, many options can be set Parameters ---------- chans : List[str] List of chans (e.g. Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, Hz) chanFileMap : Dict[str, str] Map from channel to file numsamples : int Number of samples of data startdate : str The start date of the recording in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S """ # calculate start and end datetime datetimeStart = datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") datetimeStop = self.calcStopDateTime(sampleFreq, numSamples, datetimeStart) # set global header words globalKeywords = dict() globalKeywords["sample_freq"] = sampleFreq globalKeywords["num_samples"] = numSamples globalKeywords["start_date"] = datetimeStart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") globalKeywords["start_time"] = datetimeStart.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") globalKeywords["stop_date"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") globalKeywords["stop_time"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") globalKeywords["meas_channels"] = len(chans) # empty dictionary so that some headers get defaulted emptyDict = dict() # set global headers for keyword arguments headers = self.setGlobalHeadersFromKeywords(emptyDict, globalKeywords) # set channel headers for keyword arguments chanMap: Dict = dict() chanHeaders: List[Dict] = list() for idx, chan in enumerate(chans): chanMap[chan] = idx chanKeywords = dict(globalKeywords) chanKeywords["scaling_applied"] = True chanKeywords["ts_lsb"] = 1 chanKeywords["gain_stage1"] = 1 chanKeywords["gain_stage2"] = 1 chanKeywords["hchopper"] = 0 chanKeywords["echopper"] = 0 chanKeywords["pos_x1"] = 0 chanKeywords["pos_x2"] = 1 chanKeywords["pos_y1"] = 0 chanKeywords["pos_y2"] = 1 chanKeywords["pos_z1"] = 0 chanKeywords["pos_z2"] = 1 chanKeywords["sensor_sernum"] = 1 chanHeaders.append(chanKeywords) # set the chan header words self.setChanHeadersFromKeywords(chanHeaders, emptyDict) for idx, chan in enumerate(chans): # amend the data file in the chan headers chanHeaders[idx]["ats_data_file"] = chanFileMap[chan] chanHeaders[idx]["channel_type"] = chan for cH in chanHeaders[idx].keys(): if chanHeaders[idx][cH] == "": chanHeaders[idx][cH] = "None" self.writeHeaders(headers, chans, chanMap, chanHeaders, rename=False)
[docs] def writeDataset(self, reader: TimeReader, physical: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: """Write out a dataset by passing a data reader This method is intended to transform an existing dataset into internal format Parameters ---------- reader : DataReader A list of the global header words of interest for writing out physical : bool, optional An optional flag designating whether to use physical samples or not. Default is true """ if self.getOutPath() == "": self.printError("No output filepath given", quitRun=True) checkAndMakeDir(self.getOutPath()) # write using information from a reader file headers = reader.getHeaders() chanHeaders, chanMap = reader.getChanHeaders() # now write depending on whether scaling_applied or not if physical: # make sure dataset is written out in float and with scaling_applied header set to True self.dtype = np.float32 kwargs["scaling_applied"] = True # write out self.write( headers, chanHeaders, chanMap, reader.getPhysicalSamples(), **kwargs ) else: # write out unscaled samples self.printWarning( "Wrinting out of unscaled samples is not recommended due to scaling differences between the formats." ) self.printWarning( "Dataset will be written out but problems may be encountered in the future." ) self.write( headers, chanHeaders, chanMap, reader.getUnscaledSamples(), **kwargs )
[docs] def writeData( self, headers, chanHeaders, timeData, physical: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Write out time data This method requires the user to pass global headers and chan headers explicitly. Parameters ---------- headers : Dict Dictionary of headers chanHeaders : List List of channel headers timeData : TimeData Time series data to write out physical : bool, optional An optional flag designating whether the data is in field units (i.e. all scalings have been applied). This will result in the scaling_applied header being set to True. Default value for physical is True (i.e. data is assumed to be in field units). """ if self.getOutPath() == "": self.printWarning("No output filepath given") return # make the directory checkAndMakeDir(self.getOutPath()) # calculate our own cMap chanMap = {} for iChan in range(0, len(chanHeaders)): chanType = chanHeaders[iChan]["channel_type"] chanMap[chanType] = iChan # check if in physical units if physical: kwargs["scaling_applied"] = True self.dtype = np.float32 # write the data self.write(headers, chanHeaders, chanMap, timeData, **kwargs)
[docs] def write( self, headers: Dict, chanHeaders: List, chanMap: Dict, timeData: TimeData, **kwargs ): """Write out the header file Parameters ---------- headers : Dict Dictionary of headers chanHeaders : List List of channel headers chanMap : Dict Maps channel to index for chanHeaders timeData : TimeData Time series data as TimeData object """ # set global headers for keyword arguments headers = self.setGlobalHeadersFromKeywords(headers, kwargs) # set channel headers for keyword arguments chanHeaders = self.setChanHeadersFromKeywords(chanHeaders, kwargs) # now overwrite the options by checking the TimeData object # number of samples and sample frequency # Current method favours the time data object chans = sorted(list(timeData.chans)) dataSizes = [] for c in chans: dataSizes.append([c].size) if min(dataSizes) != max(dataSizes): self.printWarning( "Channels do not have the same number of samples: {} - {}".format( ", ".join(chans), ", ".join(dataSizes) ) ) self.printWarning("Only the smallest number of samples will be written out") numSamples = min(dataSizes) if headers["num_samples"] != numSamples: self.printWarning( "Number of samples {} in headers does not match number of samples in TimeData object {}. TimeData info will be used.".format( headers["num_samples"], numSamples ) ) headers["num_samples"] = numSamples timeData.numSamples = numSamples # sample freq if headers["sample_freq"] != timeData.sampleFreq: self.printWarning( "Sample frequency of {} Hz in headers does not match {} Hz in TimeData object".format( headers["sample_freq"], timeData.sampleFreq ) ) self.printWarning("Sample frequency in TimeData object will be used") headers["sample_freq"] = timeData.sampleFreq # deal with start and end time and create datetime objects # the start time does not change on resampling, only the end time datetimeStart = datetime.strptime( "{} {}".format(headers["start_date"], headers["start_time"]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", ) datetimeStop = datetime.strptime( "{} {}".format(headers["stop_date"], headers["stop_time"]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", ) # now let's compare to the time data if datetimeStart != timeData.startTime: self.printWarning( "Start in headers {} does not match that in TimeData object {}. TimeData start time will be used".format( datetimeStart, timeData.startTime ) ) datetimeStart = timeData.startTime if datetimeStop != timeData.stopTime: self.printWarning( "Stop in headers {} does not match that in TimeData object {}. TimeData stop time will be used".format( datetimeStop, timeData.stopTime ) ) datetimeStop = timeData.stopTime # now recalculate datetime using the number of samples and compare again datetimeRecalc = self.calcStopDateTime( timeData.sampleFreq, numSamples, datetimeStart ) if datetimeRecalc != datetimeStop: self.printWarning( "Note, discrepancy between stop time in given headers and those calculated from data" ) self.printWarning( "Causes of this might be resampling or interpolation processes and the limiting of data" ) self.printWarning( "If no resampling, interpolation or limiting of data has been performed, please check all times" ) self.printWarning( "Stop time {} calculated from data will be used instead of that in data {}".format( datetimeRecalc, datetimeStop ) ) datetimeStop = datetimeRecalc headers["start_date"] = datetimeStart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") headers["start_time"] = datetimeStart.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") headers["stop_date"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") headers["stop_time"] = datetimeStop.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") # now update all the chan headers and limit data to numSamples for c in chans:[c] =[c][:numSamples] cIndex = chanMap[c] chanHeaders[cIndex]["num_samples"] = headers["num_samples"] chanHeaders[cIndex]["sample_freq"] = headers["sample_freq"] chanHeaders[cIndex]["start_date"] = headers["start_date"] chanHeaders[cIndex]["start_time"] = headers["start_time"] chanHeaders[cIndex]["stop_date"] = headers["stop_date"] chanHeaders[cIndex]["stop_time"] = headers["stop_time"] # finally, check the number of measurement channels headers["meas_channels"] = len(chans) # now write out the headers and save to class variables self.writeHeaders(headers, chans, chanMap, chanHeaders) self.headers = headers self.chans = chans self.chanMap = chanMap self.chanHeaders = chanHeaders # write out comment file self.writeComments(timeData.comments) # write out the data files self.writeDataFiles(chans, timeData)
[docs] def writeHeaders( self, headers: Dict[str, Any], chans: List[str], chanMap: Dict[str, int], chanHeaders: List[Dict], rename: bool = True, ext: str = "hdr", ) -> bool: """Write out the header file Parameters ---------- headers : Dict Dictionary of headers chans : List[str] Channels as a list of strings chanMap : Dict Maps channel to index for chanHeaders chanHeaders : List List of channel headers rename : bool, optional Rename the output ats_data_files. Default is True and this is the case when writing out data which has been read in from a different source with pre-existing headers. However, if creating template header files, then set this to False. ext : str, optional The extension for the headers. Default is hdr """ # write out the global headers f = open(os.path.join(self.getOutPath(), "global.{}".format(ext)), "w") f.write("HEADER = GLOBAL\n") globalHeaderwords = self.globalHeaderwords() for gH in globalHeaderwords: f.write("{} = {}\n".format(gH, headers[gH])) f.close() # write out the channel headers chanHeaderwords = self.chanHeaderwords() for idx, c in enumerate(chans): cf = open( os.path.join(self.getOutPath(), "chan_{:02d}.{}".format(idx, ext)), "w" ) cf.write("HEADER = CHANNEL\n") # use the chanMap to get the index of the chanHeaders list cIndex = chanMap[c] # change the data file if necessary if rename: chanHeaders[cIndex]["ats_data_file"] = "chan_{:02d}{}".format( idx, self.extension ) # write out all the header words for cH in chanHeaderwords: cf.write("{} = {}\n".format(cH, chanHeaders[cIndex][cH])) cf.close() return True
[docs] def writeComments(self, comments: List[str]) -> None: """Write out a comments file Parameters ---------- comments : List[str] List of strings with data comments """ import resistics with open(os.path.join(self.getOutPath(), "comments.txt"), "w") as f: for c in comments: f.write("{}\n".format(c)) f.write( "Time series dataset written to {} on {} using resistics {}\n".format( self.getOutPath(),, resistics.__version__ ) ) f.write(breakComment())
[docs] def writeDataFiles(self, chans, timeData) -> None: """Write out data files""" raise NotImplementedError( "Write data files not implemented in base class. Only child classes should ever be instantiated." )
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Output file path for data = {}".format(self.getOutPath())) # if it exists, print out the headers if self.headers: textLst.append("Global Headers") textLst.append(self.headers) # if exists, print out a list of chans if self.chans: textLst.append("Channels found:") textLst.append(self.chans) # if exists, print out the chanMap if self.chanMap: textLst.append("Channel Map") textLst.append(self.chanMap) # if it exists, print out the chanHeaders if self.chanHeaders: textLst.append("Channel Headers") for c in self.chans: textLst.append(c) textLst.append(self.chanHeaders[self.chanMap[c]]) return textLst