Source code for

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from matplotlib.dates import (
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any

# import from package
from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import arrayToString
from resistics.window.utils import gArray2datetime
from resistics.common.plot import (

[docs]class StatisticData(ResisticsBase): """Class for holding information about a statistic Attributes ---------- statName : str The name of the statistic refTime : datetime.datetime The reference time of the project sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency of the data winSize : int Window size in samples winOlap : int Window overlap in samples numWindows : int Number of windows winStats : List[str] Values calculated for the statistic numStatsPerWindow : int The number of statistics per window (length of winStats) stats : np.ndarray The statistic data of size number of windows * number evaluation frequencies * number of window stats evalFreq : List, np.ndarray The evaluation frequencies for the statistic data freq2index : Dict Mapping from evaluation frequency to index globalIndices : List, np.ndarray Array of global indices. Allows local -> global conversion global2localMap : Dict Dictionary which maps global indices to local. Allows global -> local conversion comments : List[str] Statistic comments dtype : str (default "float") The data type of the statistic values maxcols : int (default 4) The number of columns in plots globalDatesStart : List, np.ndarray Global window start datetimes globalDatesStop : List, np.ndarray Global window stop datetimes Methods ------- __init__(sampleFreq, numLevels, evalFreq, kwargs) Initialise maskData getStats(includewindows, maskwindows) Get the statistics array and choose to either include some windows or mask some windows getUnmaskedIndices(maskwindows) Return the local indices to use given a set of global indices to exclude getStatLocal(localIndex) Get statistic values for a local window index getStatGlobal(globalIndex) Get statistic values for a global window index getGlobalIndex(localIndex) Get the global window index for a local window index getLocalIndicesF(globalIndices) Get local indices for an list or array of global indices getGlobalDates() Get the global index dates for all the windows setStatParams(numWindows, winStats, evalFreq) Set the statistic parameters and prepare the data arrays addStat(localIndex, globalIndex, stat) Add a statistic, providing the local index, the corresponding global index and the statististic values getComments() Get a deepcopy of the comments addComment(comment) Add a comment to the comments view(eFreqI, **kwargs) View statistic values for a evaluation frequency (time on x axis, statistic values on y axis) histogram(eFreqI, **kwargs) View a histogram of the statistic values for each statistic component for a single evaluation frequency crossplot(eFreqI, **kwargs) View a crossplot of the data addColourbar(plot, cax, title, plotfonts) Add a colourbar to a plot addColourbarDates(plot, cax, title, plotfonts) Add a coloubar the represents dates to the plot dateTicks(gIndices, dates, timeNum) Deal with the dateTicks of the plot calcColourData(plotData, val, eFreqI, keywords) Calculate colours getRowsCols(maxcols, numStats) Get the number of rows and columns for a plot printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__( self, statName: str, refTime: datetime, sampleFreq: float, winSize: int, winOlap: int, **kwargs ): """Initialise statistic data Parameters ---------- statName : str Name of the statistic refTime : datetime.datetime Reference time for the project sampleFreq : float Sample frequency of the data in Hz winSize : int The window size in samples winOlap : int The window overlap in samples kwargs : Dict Two optional arguments: "name" for statistic name and "stats" for the statistics to use """ self.statName: str = statName self.refTime = refTime if isinstance(self.refTime, str): self.refTime = datetime.strptime(self.refTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") self.sampleFreq: float = sampleFreq self.winSize: int = winSize self.winOlap: int = winOlap # defaults from keywords self.numWindows: int = 0 self.winStats: List[str] = [] self.numStatsPerWindow: int = 0 self.evalFreq: Union[List, np.ndarray] = [] self.freq2index: Dict = {} self.globalIndices: Union[List, np.ndarray] = [] self.global2localMap: Dict = {} self.comments: List[str] = [] self.dtype: str = "float" # global dates self.globalDatesStarts: Union[List, np.ndarray] = [] self.globalDatesStops: Union[List, np.ndarray] = [] # plot params self.maxcols: int = 4 # parse keywords self.initialiseFromKeywords(kwargs)
[docs] def initialiseFromKeywords(self, keywords): """Initialise object properties using the keywords""" if "numWindows" in keywords: self.numWindows = keywords["numWindows"] if "winStats" in keywords: self.winStats = keywords["winStats"] self.numStatsPerWindow = len(self.winStats) if "evalFreq" in keywords: self.evalFreq = keywords["evalFreq"] for idx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq): self.freq2index[eFreq] = idx if "stats" in keywords: self.stats = keywords["stats"] if "globalIndices" in keywords: self.globalIndices = keywords["globalIndices"] # make the global 2 local map for ii in np.arange(0, len(self.globalIndices)): self.global2localMap[self.globalIndices[ii]] = ii if "comment" in keywords: self.comments = keywords["comment"] if "dtype" in keywords: self.dtype = keywords["dtype"]
[docs] def getStats( self, includewindows: Union[np.ndarray, List, None] = None, maskwindows: Union[np.ndarray, List, None] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Get statistics when either selecting a set of indices or wanting to mask a set of indices Parameters ---------- includewindows : List, np.ndarray, optional Windows to get. This should be a list of numpy array of global indices. maskwindows : List, np.ndarray, optional Windows to exclude. This is expected to be a list, set or numpy array of global indices. Returns ------- np.ndarray Statistics limited by the window selection options """ if includewindows is not None: includewindows = self.getLocalIndices(includewindows) return self.stats[includewindows, :] elif maskwindows is not None and len(maskwindows) > 0: includewindows = self.getUnmaskedIndices(maskwindows) if includewindows is not None: return self.stats[includewindows, :] return self.stats
[docs] def getUnmaskedIndices( self, maskWindows: Union[List, np.ndarray] ) -> Union[List, None]: """Given a list of global windows to mask, returns the set of indices to include in the plot Parameters ---------- maskWindows : List, np.ndarray Global indices of windows to mask Returns ------- List, None List of indices to include. None if all windows should be included """ includewindows = set(self.globalIndices) - set(maskWindows) if len(includewindows) == self.numWindows: # nothing to mask return None return self.getLocalIndices(includewindows)
[docs] def getStatLocal(self, localIndex: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get statistics for a local window index Parameters ---------- localIndex : int Local index of the window Returns ------- out : np.ndarray Statistics for the local window """ return self.stats[localIndex, :]
[docs] def getStatGlobal(self, globalIndex: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get statistics for a local window index Parameters ---------- globalIndex : int Global index of the window Returns ------- out : np.ndarray Statistics for the local window """ if globalIndex not in self.global2localMap: self.printError( "There are two statistics with the same global window index" ) self.printError("This should never happen") self.printError("Exiting", quitRun=True) localIndex = self.global2localMap[globalIndex] return self.stats[localIndex]
[docs] def getGlobalIndex(self, localIndex): """Get global index for local index Parameters ---------- localIndex : int Local index of the window Returns ------- globalIndex : int Global index for local index """ return self.globalIndices[localIndex]
[docs] def getLocalIndices( self, globalIndices: Tuple[List[int], np.ndarray] ) -> List[int]: """Converts a list or array of global indices to local indices Parameters ---------- globalIndices : List, np.ndarray Global indices to convert into local indices Returns ------- List List of local indices """ indices = [] for win in globalIndices: indices.append(self.global2localMap[win]) return indices
[docs] def getGlobalDates(self): """Get the global start dates and end dates for each window Returns ------- np.ndarray The global window start times """ # want to get the start date for each window here if len(self.globalDatesStarts) != self.numWindows: self.globalDatesStarts, self.globalDatesStops = gArray2datetime( self.globalIndices, self.refTime, self.sampleFreq, self.winSize, self.winOlap, ) return self.globalDatesStarts
[docs] def setStatParams( self, numWindows: int, winStats: List[str], evalFreq, dtype: Any = None ): """Set the statistic parameters Parameters ---------- numWindows : int Number of windows for which the statistic has been or will be calculated winStats : int The parameters in the statistic evalFreq : List A list of evaluation frequencies dtype : str, optional The datatype of the statistic values """ self.numWindows = numWindows # details about the statistics self.winStats = winStats self.numStatsPerWindow = len(winStats) # details about the evaluation frequencies self.evalFreq = evalFreq for idx, eFreq in enumerate(evalFreq): self.freq2index[eFreq] = idx # data type if not (dtype is None): self.dtype = dtype self.stats = np.empty( shape=(self.numWindows, self.evalFreq.size, self.numStatsPerWindow), dtype=self.dtype, ) # an array to hold global indices and a dictionary to map them back to local indices self.globalIndices = np.empty(shape=(self.numWindows), dtype=int) self.global2localMap = {}
[docs] def addStat(self, localIndex: int, globalIndex: int, stat) -> None: """Add statistic values for a window for all evaluation frequencies Parameters ---------- localIndex : int Local index of the window globalIndex : int Global index of the window stat : Dict An dictionary of dictionaries. First set of key, values are evaluationFrequencies and dictionaries, second set of key, values are statistic names in winStats and their corresponding value for the window """ # add the data - the data is in the format [eFreq][key][val] for idx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq): # do it in this order because sorted for ist, st in enumerate(self.winStats): self.stats[localIndex, idx, ist] = stat[eFreq][st] # then add the global index self.globalIndices[localIndex] = globalIndex self.global2localMap[globalIndex] = localIndex
[docs] def getComments(self) -> List[str]: """Get a deepcopy of the comments Returns ------- List[str] Dataset comments as a list of strings """ return deepcopy(self.comments)
[docs] def addComment(self, comment: str) -> None: """Add a new comment Parameters ---------- comment : float A new comment """ self.comments.append(comment)
[docs] def view(self, eFreqI: int, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plot statistics for evaluation frequency index Plots a simple scatter of each statistic with datetime on the xaxis (datetime of the window start dates). Number of subplots is equal to numStaStatPerWindow. Parameters ---------- eFreqI : int Evaluation frequency index maskwindows : List, np.ndarray Global windows to exclude fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts label : str, optional Label for the plots clim : List, optional Limits for colourbar axis xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis ylim : List, optional Limits for the y axis colortitle : str, optional Title for the colourbar legened : bool Boolean flag for adding a legend Returns ------- plt.figure Matplotlib figure object """ # get windows to plot and global dates maskWindows = kwargs["maskwindows"] if "maskwindows" in kwargs else [] plotIndices = self.getUnmaskedIndices(maskWindows) globalDates = self.getGlobalDates() eFreq = self.evalFreq[eFreqI] # plot params nrows, ncols = self.getRowsCols(self.maxcols) plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() fig: plt.figure = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(4 * ncols, 5 * nrows)) ) st = fig.suptitle( "{} data for evaluation frequency: {}".format(self.statName, eFreq), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # plot the data for idx, val in enumerate(self.winStats): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title("Value {}".format(val), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) label = kwargs["label"] if "label" in kwargs else eFreq # limit the data by plotIndices if not False plotData = np.squeeze(self.stats[:, eFreqI, idx]) plotDates = globalDates if plotIndices is not None: plotData = plotData[plotIndices] plotDates = plotDates[plotIndices] # the colourdata colourbool, colourdata, cmap = self.calcColourData( plotData, val, eFreqI, kwargs ) # scatter plot if not colourbool: scat = plt.scatter( plotDates, plotData, edgecolors="none", marker="o", s=12, label=label, ) else: scat = plt.scatter( plotDates, plotData, c=colourdata, edgecolors="none", marker="o", s=12, cmap=cmap, label=label, ) clim = ( kwargs["clim"] if ("clim" in kwargs and len(kwargs["clim"]) > 0) else [colourdata.min(), colourdata.max()] ) scat.set_clim(clim) # x axis options plt.xlabel("Time", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) xlim = ( kwargs["xlim"] if ("xlim" in kwargs and len(kwargs["xlim"]) > 0) else [globalDates[0], globalDates[-1]] ) plt.xlim(xlim) ax.format_xdata = DateFormatter("%H-%M-%S") fig.autofmt_xdate() # y axis options if "ylim" in kwargs and len(kwargs["ylim"]) > 0: plt.ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) plt.ylabel("Value {}".format(val), fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) plt.grid(True, ls="--") # legend if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]: plt.legend(loc=4) # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: if colourbool: fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.85, 0.92]) cax = fig.add_axes([0.88, 0.10, 0.03, 0.80]) colourtitle = ( kwargs["colortitle"] if "colortitle" in kwargs else "Value" ) self.addColourbar(scat, cax, colourtitle, plotfonts) else: fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) return fig
[docs] def histogram(self, eFreqI: int, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plot statistics for evaluation frequency index Plots a histogram of each statistic with bins on the xaxis and count on the yaxis. Ideal for exploring the distribution of statistic values over the windows. Parameters ---------- eFreqI : int Evaluation frequency index maskwindows : List, np.ndarray Global windows to exclude numbins : int The number of bins for the histogram data binning fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts label : str, optional Label for the plots xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis legened : bool Boolean flag for adding a legend Returns ------- plt.figure Matplotlib figure object """ # deal with maskwindows, which are global indices maskWindows = kwargs["maskwindows"] if "maskwindows" in kwargs else [] plotIndices = self.getUnmaskedIndices(maskWindows) eFreq = self.evalFreq[eFreqI] # plot options numbins = kwargs["numbins"] if "numbins" in kwargs else 40 nrows, ncols = self.getRowsCols(self.maxcols) plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() fig = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(4 * ncols, 4 * nrows)) ) st = fig.suptitle( "{} data for evaluation frequency: {}".format(self.statName, eFreq), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # plot the data for idx, val in enumerate(self.winStats): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title("Value {}".format(val), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) label = kwargs["label"] if "label" in kwargs else eFreq # data plotData = np.squeeze(self.stats[:, eFreqI, idx]) if plotIndices is not None: plotData = plotData[plotIndices] # remove infinities and nans plotData = plotData[np.isfinite(plotData)] # x axis options xlim = ( kwargs["xlim"] if "xlim" in kwargs else [np.min(plotData), np.max(plotData)] ) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.xlabel("Value", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # now plot with xlim in mind plt.hist(plotData, numbins, range=xlim, facecolor="red", alpha=0.75) # y axis options plt.ylabel("Count", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) plt.grid(True, ls="--") # legend if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]: plt.legend(loc=4) # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) return fig
[docs] def crossplot(self, eFreqI: int, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plots crossplots of statistic components for evaluation frequency index Notes ----- By default, the crossplots plotted are statistic component 1 vs statistic component 2 statistic component 3 vs statistic component 4 etc But crossplots can be explicity set by using the crossplots keyword. They should be specified as a list of a list of strings e.g. crossplots = [[component2, component3], [component1, component4]] Parameters ---------- eFreqI : int Evaluation frequency index maskwindows : List, np.ndarray Global windows to exclude crossplots : List[List[str]], optional The parameters to crossplot fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts label : str, optional Label for the plots clim : List, optional Limits for colourbar axis xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis ylim : List, optional Limits for the y axis colortitle : str, optional Title for the colourbar legened : bool Boolean flag for adding a legend Returns ------- plt.figure Matplotlib figure object """ # deal with maskwindows, which are global indices maskWindows = kwargs["maskwindows"] if "maskwindows" in kwargs else [] plotIndices = self.getUnmaskedIndices(maskWindows) # figure out the crossplots if "crossplots" in kwargs: crossplots = kwargs["crossplots"] else: crossplots = list(zip(self.winStats[::2], self.winStats[1::2])) # plot parameters nrows, ncols = self.getRowsCols(self.maxcols, numStats=len(crossplots)) eFreq = self.evalFreq[eFreqI] plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() fig = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(4 * ncols, 5 * nrows)) ) st = fig.suptitle( "{} crossplots for evaluation frequency: {:.3f} Hz".format( self.statName, eFreq ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot the data for idx, cplot in enumerate(crossplots): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title( "{} vs. {}".format(cplot[0], cplot[1]), fontsize=plotfonts["title"] ) label = kwargs["label"] if "label" in kwargs else eFreq # the colourdata colourbool, colourdata, cmap = self.calcColourData( self.globalIndices, cplot[0], eFreqI, kwargs ) # get plot data plotI1 = self.winStats.index(cplot[0]) plotData1 = np.squeeze(self.stats[:, eFreqI, plotI1]) plotI2 = self.winStats.index(cplot[1]) plotData2 = np.squeeze(self.stats[:, eFreqI, plotI2]) if plotIndices is not None: plotData1 = plotData1[plotIndices] plotData2 = plotData2[plotIndices] colourdata = colourdata[plotIndices] # scatter plot scat = plt.scatter( plotData1, plotData2, c=colourdata, edgecolors="none", marker="o", s=12, cmap=cmap, label=label, ) clim = ( kwargs["clim"] if "clim" in kwargs else [colourdata.min(), colourdata.max()] ) scat.set_clim(clim) # x axis options plt.xlabel("Value {}".format(cplot[0]), fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) if "xlim" in kwargs: plt.xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) # y axis options plt.ylabel("Value {}".format(cplot[1]), fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) if "ylim" in kwargs: plt.ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) plt.grid(True, ls="--") # legend if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]: plt.legend(loc=4) # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.85, 0.92]) cax = fig.add_axes([0.88, 0.10, 0.03, 0.80]) if not colourbool: self.addColourbarDates(scat, cax, "Time", plotfonts) else: colourtitle = ( kwargs["colortitle"] if "colortitle" in kwargs else "Value" ) self.addColourbar(scat, cax, colourtitle, plotfonts) return fig
[docs] def densityplot(self, eFreqI: int, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plots density plots of statistic components for evaluation frequency index Notes ----- By default, the density plots plotted are statistic component 1 vs statistic component 2 statistic component 3 vs statistic component 4 etc But density plots can be explicity set by using the crossplots keyword. They should be specified as a list of a list of strings e.g. crossplots = [[component2, component3], [component1, component4]] Parameters ---------- eFreqI : int Evaluation frequency index maskwindows : List, np.ndarray Global windows to exclude crossplots : List[List[str]], optional The parameters to crossplot fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts label : str, optional Label for the plots xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis ylim : List, optional Limits for the y axis colortitle : str, optional Title for the colourbar legened : bool Boolean flag for adding a legend Returns ------- plt.figure Matplotlib figure object """ # deal with maskwindows, which are global indices maskWindows = kwargs["maskwindows"] if "maskwindows" in kwargs else [] plotIndices = self.getUnmaskedIndices(maskWindows) # figure out the crossplots if "crossplots" in kwargs: crossplots = kwargs["crossplots"] else: crossplots = list(zip(self.winStats[::2], self.winStats[1::2])) # plot parameters nrows, ncols = self.getRowsCols(self.maxcols, numStats=len(crossplots)) eFreq = self.evalFreq[eFreqI] plotfonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() fig = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(4 * ncols, 5 * nrows)) ) st = fig.suptitle( "{} density plots for evaluation frequency: {:.3f} Hz".format( self.statName, eFreq ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot the data for idx, cplot in enumerate(crossplots): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title( "{} vs. {}".format(cplot[0], cplot[1]), fontsize=plotfonts["title"] ) label = kwargs["label"] if "label" in kwargs else eFreq # get plot data plotI1 = self.winStats.index(cplot[0]) plotData1 = np.squeeze(self.stats[:, eFreqI, plotI1]) plotI2 = self.winStats.index(cplot[1]) plotData2 = np.squeeze(self.stats[:, eFreqI, plotI2]) if plotIndices is not None: plotData1 = plotData1[plotIndices] plotData2 = plotData2[plotIndices] nbins = 200 if "xlim" in kwargs: plt.xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) rangex = kwargs["xlim"] else: minx = np.percentile(plotData1, 2) maxx = np.percentile(plotData1, 98) plt.xlim(minx, maxx) rangex = [minx, maxx] if "ylim" in kwargs: plt.ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) rangey = kwargs["ylim"] else: miny = np.percentile(plotData2, 2) maxy = np.percentile(plotData2, 98) plt.ylim(miny, maxy) rangey = [miny, maxy] plt.hist2d( plotData1, plotData2, bins=(nbins, nbins), range=[rangex, rangey],, ) # axis options plt.xlabel("Value {}".format(cplot[0]), fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel("Value {}".format(cplot[1]), fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) plt.grid(True, ls="--") # legend if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]: plt.legend(loc=4) # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.85, 0.92]) return fig
[docs] def addColourbar( self, plot: PathCollection, cax, title: str, plotfonts: Dict ) -> None: """Add a colourbar to a plot Parameters ---------- plot : matplotlib.collections.PathCollection A plot e.g. a scatter graph cax : Colourbar axis title : str The tital for the colourbar plotfonts : Dict A dictionary with font types as keys and sizes as values """ plt.colorbar(plot, cax=cax) cax.set_title(title, y=1.02, fontsize=plotfonts["title"])
[docs] def addColourbarDates(self, plot: PathCollection, cax, title: str, plotfonts: Dict): """Make the colourbar show dates for identifying window times where there is not date axis Parameters ---------- plot : matplotlib.collections.PathCollection A plot e.g. a scatter graph cax : Colourbar axis title : str The tital for the colourbar plotfonts : Dict A dictionary with font types as keys and sizes as values """ ticks, tickLabels = self.dateTicks(self.globalIndices, self.getGlobalDates(), 5) cb = plt.colorbar(plot, cax=cax) cb.set_ticks(ticks) cb.set_ticklabels(tickLabels) cax.set_title(title, y=1.02, fontsize=plotfonts["title"])
[docs] def dateTicks(self, gIndices, dates, timeNum): """Format dateticks .. todo:: Write more complete documentation """ numVals = len(gIndices) if timeNum >= numVals: timeNum = numVals plotIndices = [] for i in range(0, timeNum): plotIndices.append(int(i * numVals * 1.0 / (timeNum - 1))) plotIndices[-1] = numVals - 1 ticks = [] tickLabels = [] for i in plotIndices: ticks.append(gIndices[i]) tickLabels.append(dates[i].strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) return ticks, tickLabels
[docs] def calcColourData(self, plotData, val, eFreqI, keywords): """Calculate the colour data .. todo:: Write more complete documentation """ if "colorstat" in keywords and "colormap" in keywords: colourVal = keywords["colormap"][val] colourIndex = keywords["colorstat"].winStats.index(colourVal) return ( True, np.squeeze(keywords["colorstat"].stats[:, eFreqI, colourIndex]), colorbar2dOther(), ) return False, plotData, colorbar2dTime()
[docs] def getRowsCols(self, maxcols: int, numStats: int = 0) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the numbers of rows and columns for the plots Parameters ---------- maxcols : int The maximum number of columns numStats : int The number of statistics to plot (in case this is not all of the winStats) """ if numStats < 1: numStats = self.numStatsPerWindow return getPlotRowsAndCols(maxcols, numStats)
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst: List[str] = [] textLst.append("Statistic Name = {}".format(self.statName)) textLst.append( "Reference time = {}".format(self.refTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) ) textLst.append("Sample freq [Hz] = {}".format(self.sampleFreq)) textLst.append("Window size = {}".format(self.winSize)) textLst.append("Window overlap = {}".format(self.winOlap)) textLst.append("Number of windows = {}".format(self.numWindows)) textLst.append("Statistics per Window = {}".format(", ".join(self.winStats))) textLst.append( "Evalutation frequencies = {}".format(arrayToString(self.evalFreq)) ) # comments textLst.append("Comments...") if len(self.comments) == 0: textLst.append("No comments") else: for comment in self.comments: textLst.append("\t{}".format(comment)) return textLst