import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interp
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Dict, Union
from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import listToString, arrayToString
from resistics.common.smooth import smooth1d
from import SpectrumData
from resistics.regression.robust import olsModel
[docs]class StatisticCalculator(ResisticsBase):
"""Calculate statistics for data restriction
Statistics are calculated out for each evaluation frequency in each window. Therefore, there are nwindow*nfreq statistics in total.
This class was written to speed up statistic calculations. Many statistics need the same data, for example power spectra. This class calculates and reuses some common values amongst the various statistics to improve calculation speed.
evalFreq : List
List of evaluation frequencies
winLen : int
Window length for spectra calculations
winType : str
Window function to apply to time data before fourier transform
inChans : List[str]
Input channels
inSize : int
Number of input channels
outChans : List[str]
Output channels
outSize : int
Number of output channels
specChans : List[str]
The channels for which to calculate auto and cross power spectra
remoteChans : List[str]
Remote reference channels
psdChans : List[str]
Power spectral density channels
cohPairs : List[List[str]]
Pairs of channels for coherence calculations
polDirs : List[List[str]]
Pairs of channels of polarisation direction calculation
spec: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
The spectra data dictionary mapping channel to data array
tfCalculated : bool
Boolean flag to show that the transfer function has been calculated for a window
remoteCalculated : bool
Boolean flag to show if the remote transfer function has been calculated
intercept : bool
Boolean flag to include an intercept into the
outData: Dict = {}
Get a list of the evaluation frequency
Get a list of the input channels for the transfer function calculation
Get a list of the output channels for the transfer function calculation
Get a list of the spectra channels
Get a list of the remote channels
Get a list of channels for which to calculate power spectral density
Get a list of coherence pairs to calculate
Get a list of polarisation direction channels to calculate
Get auto power data for a channel
getAutoPowerEval(chan, eIdx)
Get auto power data for a channel calculated at evaluation frequencies
getCrossPower(chan1, chan2)
Get cross power data between two channels
getCrossPowerEval(chan1, chan2, eIdx)
Get cross power data between two channels at the evaluation frequencies
Get the output data
Set the input channels for transfer function statistics
Set the output channels for the transfer function statistics
setSpectra(freq, winData, evalFreq)
Set the spectra data
Boolean flag for adding an intercept term
Calculate the cross power spectra matrix
Calculate the cross power spectra matrix at the evaluation frequencies
addRemoteSpec(remoteData, **kwargs)
Add a remote reference spectra
Calculate the remote data power spectral matrix
Calculate the remote data power spectra matrix at the evaluation frequencies
Calculate the power spectral matrix for remote reference processing
Calculate the power spectral matrix for remote reference processing at the evaluation frequencies
Get remote data auto power spectra
getRemoteAutoPowerEval(chan, eIdx)
Get remote data auto power spectra at evaluation frequency
getRemoteCrossPower(chan1, chan2)
Get remote cross power spectra data
getRemoteCrossPowerEval(chan1, chan2, eIdx)
Get remote cross power spectra value at evaluation frequency
getReferenceCrossPower(dataChan, remoteChan)
Get the remote reference formulation cross power spectra
getReferenceCrossPowerEval(dataChan, remoteChan, eIdx)
Get the remote reference formulation cross power spectra at a given evaluation frequency
Interpolate data to evaluation frequencies
Prepare the output dictionary which will be returned
Get the statistic data for a statistic
Calculate window power spectral density
Calculate window coherence for coherence pairs
Calculate polarisation directions
Calculate window partial coherences
Calculate window absolute values for the evaluation frequencies
Calculate window transfer function
Calculate window remote coherence with local data
Calculate remote equation coherence
Calculate remote absolute value
Calculate remote transfer function
Class information returned as list of strings
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialise the statistic calculator"""
# default evaluation frequencies
self.evalFreq: List = []
# power smoothing vals
self.winLen: int = 9
self.winType: str = "hanning"
# set some defaults
self.inChans: List[str] = ["Hx", "Hy"]
self.inSize: int = len(self.inChans)
self.outChans: List[str] = ["Ex", "Ey"]
self.outSize: int = len(self.outChans)
self.specChans: List[str] = self.inChans + self.outChans
self.remoteChans: List[str] = self.inChans
self.psdChans: List[str] = ["Ex", "Ey", "Hx", "Hy"]
self.cohPairs: List[List[str]] = [
["Ex", "Hx"],
["Ex", "Hy"],
["Ey", "Hx"],
["Ey", "Hy"],
self.polDirs: List[List[str]] = [["Ex", "Ey"], ["Hx", "Hy"]]
# set data presets
self.freq: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
self.spec: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}
# output data and marker for transfer function calculated
self.tfCalculated: bool = False
self.remoteCalculated: bool = False
self.intercept: bool = False
self.outData: Dict = {}
[docs] def getEvalFreq(self):
"""Get a copy of the evaluation frequency
List of evaluation frequencies
return deepcopy(self.evalFreq)
[docs] def getInChans(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get a copy of the input channels
List of input channels
return deepcopy(self.inChans)
[docs] def getOutChans(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get a copy of the output channels
List of output channels
return deepcopy(self.outChans)
[docs] def getSpecChans(self):
"""Get a copy of the channels for which to calculate spectra
List of spectra channels
return deepcopy(self.specChans)
[docs] def getRemoteChans(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get a copy of the remote reference channels
List of remote reference channels
return deepcopy(self.remoteChans)
[docs] def getPSDChans(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get a copy of the channels to include power spectral density
List of power spectral density channels
return deepcopy(self.psdChans)
[docs] def getCohPairs(self) -> List[List[str]]:
"""Get a copy of coherence channel pairs to calculate out
List of coherence pairs
return deepcopy(self.cohPairs)
[docs] def getPolDirs(self) -> List[List[str]]:
"""Get a list of polarisation direction pairs
List of polarisation direction pairs
return deepcopy(self.polDirs)
[docs] def getAutoPower(self, chan: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the auto power for a channel
chan : str
The channel for which to get the autopower
The auto power for the channel
idx = self.specChans.index(chan)
# then return the autopower
return self.spectralMatrix[idx, idx].real
[docs] def getAutoPowerEval(self, chan: str, eIdx: int) -> float:
"""Get the auto power value for an particular evaluation frequency
chan : str
The channel for which to get the autopower
eIdx : int
The index for the evaluation frequency
The auto power for the channel
idx = self.specChans.index(chan)
# then return the autopower
return self.evalMatrix[idx, idx, eIdx].real
[docs] def getCrossPower(self, chan1: str, chan2: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the cross power between two channels
chan1 : str
The first channel for the cross channels
chan2 : str
The second channl for the cross channels
The cross power spectral density
idx1 = self.specChans.index(chan1)
idx2 = self.specChans.index(chan2)
# then return the autopower
return self.spectralMatrix[idx1, idx2]
[docs] def getCrossPowerEval(self, chan1: str, chan2: str, eIdx: int) -> float:
"""Get the cross power between two channels
chan1 : str
The first channel for the cross channels
chan2 : str
The second channl for the cross channels
eIdex : int
The index of the evaluation frequency
The cross power spectral density
idx1 = self.specChans.index(chan1)
idx2 = self.specChans.index(chan2)
# then return the autopower
return self.evalMatrix[idx1, idx2, eIdx]
[docs] def getOutData(self) -> Dict:
"""Get the output data
The statistic output data
return deepcopy(self.outData)
[docs] def setInChans(self, inChans: List[str]) -> None:
"""Set the input channels
inChans : List[str]
Input channels for the magnetotelluric linear system
self.inChans = inChans
self.inSize = len(self.inChans)
[docs] def setOutChans(self, outChans: List[str]):
"""Set the output channels
inChans : List[str]
Output channels for the magnetotelluric linear system
self.outChans = outChans
self.outSize = len(self.outChans)
[docs] def setRemoteChans(self, remoteChans):
"""Set the input channels
inChans : List[str]
Input channels for the magnetotelluric linear system
self.remoteChans = remoteChans
[docs] def setPSDChans(self, psdChans: List[str]) -> None:
"""Set the power spectral density channels
psdChans : List[str]
Power spectral density channels. An example input would be: ["Ex", "Ey", "Hx", "Hy"]
self.psdChans = psdChans
[docs] def setCohPairs(self, cohPairs: List[List[str]]) -> None:
"""Set the power spectral density channels
If cohPairs of [["Ex", "Hx"], ["Ex", "Hy"], ["Ey", "Hx"], ["Ey", "Hy"]] are set, the following coherences will be calculated:
cohPairs : List[List[str]]
Set the coherence pairs using a list of channel pairs, for example: [["Ex", "Hx"], ["Ex", "Hy"], ["Ey", "Hx"], ["Ey", "Hy"]]
self.cohPairs = cohPairs
[docs] def setPolDirs(self, polDirs: List[List[str]]) -> None:
"""Set the polarisation direction pairs to calculate
If polDirs of [["Ex", "Ey"], ["Hx", "Hy"]] are set, the following polarisation directions will be calculated:
Ex Ey
Hx Hy
polDirs : List[List[str]]
Set polarisation direction channel pairs, for example: [["Ex", "Ey"], ["Hx", "Hy"]]
self.polDirs = polDirs
[docs] def setSpectra(
self, freq: np.ndarray, specData: SpectrumData, evalFreq: np.ndarray
) -> None:
"""Set the spectra data
freq : np.ndarray
The frequency points in the spectra data
specData : SpectrumData
Spectrum data (i.e. spectrum data for a window)
evalFreq : np.ndarray
Evaluation frequency array
self.freq = freq
self.spec: Dict[str, np.ndarray] =
self.evalFreq = evalFreq
self.numChans = len(self.specChans)
self.dataSize = specData.dataSize
# calculate the power matrix
# clear the out dictionary and set that transfer function not calculated
[docs] def setIntercept(self, intercept: bool):
"""Set the intercept boolean
intercept : bool
Boolean flag for having an intercept in the transfer function calculation
self.intercept = intercept
[docs] def calculateSpectralMatrix(self) -> None:
"""Calculate out the cross power spectral matrix
The method calculates out the cross powers which will then be used in the other statistic calculations.
The cross powers spectral matrix is a 3-D matrix of size:
numChans * numChans * numFrequencies
The elements of this are calculated by multiplying the spectra of one channel by the complex conjugate of the spectra of another channel.
# create the 3d array
self.spectralMatrix = np.empty(
shape=(self.numChans, self.numChans, self.dataSize), dtype="complex"
# now need to go through the chans
for ii in range(0, self.numChans):
for jj in range(ii, self.numChans):
chan1 = self.specChans[ii]
chan2 = self.specChans[jj]
self.spectralMatrix[ii, jj] = smooth1d(
self.spec[chan1] * np.conjugate(self.spec[chan2]),
if ii == jj:
# conjugate symmtry
self.spectralMatrix[jj, ii] = np.conjugate(
self.spectralMatrix[ii, jj]
[docs] def calculateEvalMatrix(self):
"""Calculate out the cross power spectral matrix at the evaluation frequencies
The method calculates out the cross powers which will then be used in the other statistic calculations at the evaluation frequencies
The cross powers spectral matrix for evaluation frequencies is a 3-D matrix of size:
numChans * numChans * numEvaluationFrequencies
The elements of this are calculated by taking the cross powers spectral matrix and using the result there to interpolate the values at the evaluation frequencies.
# create the array
self.evalMatrix = np.empty(
shape=(self.numChans, self.numChans, len(self.evalFreq)), dtype="complex"
for ii in range(0, self.numChans):
for jj in range(ii, self.numChans):
self.evalMatrix[ii, jj] = self.interpolateToEvalFreq(
self.spectralMatrix[ii, jj]
if ii != jj:
# conjugate symmtry
self.evalMatrix[jj, ii] = np.conjugate(self.evalMatrix[ii, jj])
[docs] def addRemoteSpec(
self, remoteData: SpectrumData, remoteChans: List[str] = []
) -> None:
"""Add coincident remote reference spectrum data
remoteData : SpectrumData
Spectrum data (i.e. spectrum data for a window)
remoteChans : List[str]
The channels to use from remote reference data
self.remoteSpec =
if len(remoteChans) > 0:
self.remoteChans = remoteChans
# now calculate some remote reference related values
[docs] def calculateRemoteSpectralMatrix(self):
"""Calculate out the cross power spectral matrix for the remote reference data
The method calculates out the cross powers for the remote reference channels which will then be used in the other statistic calculations.
The remote reference cross powers spectral matrix is a 3-D matrix of size:
numRemoteChans * numRemoteChans * numFrequencies
The elements of this are calculated by multiplying the spectra of one channel by the complex conjugate of the spectra of another channel.
# create the 3d array
numRemoteChans = len(self.remoteChans)
self.remoteSpectralMatrix = np.empty(
shape=(numRemoteChans, numRemoteChans, self.dataSize), dtype="complex"
# now need to go through the chans
for ii in range(0, numRemoteChans):
for jj in range(ii, numRemoteChans):
chan1 = self.remoteChans[ii]
chan2 = self.remoteChans[jj]
self.remoteSpectralMatrix[ii, jj] = smooth1d(
self.remoteSpec[chan1] * np.conjugate(self.remoteSpec[chan2]),
if ii == jj:
# conjugate symmtry
self.remoteSpectralMatrix[jj, ii] = np.conjugate(
self.remoteSpectralMatrix[ii, jj]
[docs] def calculateRemoteEvalMatrix(self):
"""Calculate out the cross power spectral matrix for the remote reference data at the evaluation frequencies
Takes the cross power spectral data calculate for the remote reference channels and interpoaltes it to the evaluation frequencies
# create the array
numRemoteChans = len(self.remoteChans)
self.remoteEvalMatrix = np.empty(
shape=(numRemoteChans, numRemoteChans, len(self.evalFreq)), dtype="complex"
for ii in range(0, numRemoteChans):
for jj in range(ii, numRemoteChans):
self.remoteEvalMatrix[ii, jj] = self.interpolateToEvalFreq(
self.remoteSpectralMatrix[ii, jj]
if ii != jj:
# conjugate symmtry
self.remoteEvalMatrix[jj, ii] = np.conjugate(
self.remoteEvalMatrix[ii, jj]
[docs] def calculateReferenceSpectralMatrix(self):
"""Calculate out the cross power spectral matrix between the site spectral data and the remote reference spectral data
The reference cross powers spectral matrix is a 3-D matrix of size:
numChans * numRemoteChans * numFrequencies
The elements of this are calculated by multiplying a channel of the site spectral data by the complex conjugate of a channel from the remote reference.
# cannot use conjugate symmetry in this case
self.referenceSpectralMatrix = np.empty(
shape=(self.numChans, len(self.remoteChans), self.dataSize), dtype="complex"
for ii, chan1 in enumerate(self.specChans):
for jj, chan2 in enumerate(self.remoteChans):
self.referenceSpectralMatrix[ii, jj] = smooth1d(
self.spec[chan1] * np.conjugate(self.remoteSpec[chan2]),
[docs] def calculateReferenceEvalMatrix(self):
"""Interpolate the remote and site cross powers spectral matrix to the evaluation frequencies.
self.referenceEvalMatrix = np.empty(
shape=(self.numChans, len(self.remoteChans), len(self.evalFreq)),
for ii, chan1 in enumerate(self.specChans):
for jj, chan2 in enumerate(self.remoteChans):
self.referenceEvalMatrix[ii, jj] = self.interpolateToEvalFreq(
self.referenceSpectralMatrix[ii, jj]
[docs] def getRemoteAutoPower(self, chan: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the auto power of a remote reference channel
chan : str
The channel for which to get the autopower
The autopower array (real for autopowers)
idx = self.remoteChans.index(chan)
return self.remoteSpectralMatrix[idx, idx].real
[docs] def getRemoteAutoPowerEval(self, chan: str, eIdx: int) -> float:
"""Get the auto power of a remote reference channel at an evaluation frequency
chan : str
The channel for which to get the autopower
eIdx : int
The evaluation frequency index
The autopower of the channel at the evaluation frequency
idx = self.remoteChans.index(chan)
return self.remoteEvalMatrix[idx, idx, eIdx].real
[docs] def getRemoteCrossPower(self, chan1: str, chan2: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the cross power of two remote reference channels
chan1 : str
The first channel for the cross power
chan2 : str
The second channel for the cross power
The cross power array
idx1 = self.remoteChans.index(chan1)
idx2 = self.remoteChans.index(chan2)
return self.remoteSpectralMatrix[idx1, idx2]
[docs] def getRemoteCrossPowerEval(self, chan1: str, chan2: str, eIdx: int) -> float:
"""Get the cross power of two remote reference channels at a single evaluation frequency
chan1 : str
The first channel for the cross power
chan2 : str
The second channel for the cross power
eIdx : int
The evaluation frequency index
The value of the cross power at the evaluation frequency
idx1 = self.remoteChans.index(chan1)
idx2 = self.remoteChans.index(chan2)
return self.remoteSpectralMatrix[idx1, idx2, eIdx]
[docs] def getReferenceCrossPower(self, dataChan: str, remoteChan: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the cross power of a data channel and a remote reference channel
dataChan : str
The data channel
remoteChan : str
The remote reference channel
The cross power array
idx1 = self.specChans.index(dataChan)
idx2 = self.remoteChans.index(remoteChan)
return self.referenceSpectralMatrix[idx1, idx2]
[docs] def getReferenceCrossPowerEval(
self, dataChan: str, remoteChan: str, eIdx: int
) -> float:
"""Get the cross power of a data channel and a remote reference channel at a single evaluation frequency
dataChan : str
The data channel
remoteChan : str
The remote reference channel
eIdx : int
The evaluation frequency index
The value of the cross power at the evaluation frequency
idx1 = self.specChans.index(dataChan)
idx2 = self.remoteChans.index(remoteChan)
return self.referenceEvalMatrix[idx1, idx2, eIdx]
[docs] def interpolateToEvalFreq(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Interpolate data on to the evaluation frequency
data : np.ndarray
Power spectral data defined at frequency points given in the freqs array
Data interpolated to evaluation frequencies
interpFunc = interp.interp1d(self.freq, data)
interpData = interpFunc(self.evalFreq)
return interpData
[docs] def prepareOutDict(self) -> None:
"""Prepare output statistic output dictionary
The outData dictionary is indexed in the following way:
outData[evaluation frequency][statistic component] = value
self.outData = {}
for e in self.evalFreq:
self.outData[e] = {}
# set various calculated flags to false
self.tfCalculated = False
self.remoteCalculated = False
[docs] def getDataForStatName(self, statName: str):
"""Return the data for a statistic
Given a statitic name, this method returns data from the correct internal method.
statName : str
The name of the statistic to calculate out
The output dictionary
if statName == "absvalEqn":
return self.winAbsVal()
elif statName == "coherence":
return self.winCoherence()
elif statName == "powerSpectralDensity":
return self.winPSD()
elif statName == "polarisationDirection":
return self.winPolarisations()
elif statName == "partialCoherence":
return self.winPartials()
elif statName == "transferFunction" or statName == "resPhase":
if self.tfCalculated:
return self.getOutData()
return self.winTransferFunction()
elif statName == "RR_coherence":
return self.winRemoteCoherence()
elif statName == "RR_coherenceEqn":
return self.winRemoteEqnCoherence()
elif statName == "RR_absvalEqn":
return self.winRemoteAbsVal()
elif statName == "RR_transferFunction" or statName == "RR_resPhase":
if self.remoteCalculated:
return self.getOutData()
return self.winRemoteTransferFunction()
"Statistic in getDataForStatName not recognised", quitRun=True
return self.winCoherence()
[docs] def winPSD(self):
"""Calculate power spectral densities
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
# need to divide by length of time too
freqLen = self.freq.size
timeLen = (freqLen - 1) * 2 # minus 1 because time sections are usually even
fs = self.freq[-1] * 2 # sampling frequency
# and then calculate amount of time
duration = timeLen / fs
# interpolate onto evaluation frequency and output to outData
for eIdx, eF in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
for chan in self.getPSDChans():
key = "psd{}".format(chan)
self.outData[eF][key] = self.getAutoPowerEval(chan, eIdx) / duration
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winCoherence(self):
"""Calculate spectral coherence pairs
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
for idx, p in enumerate(self.getCohPairs()):
c1 = p[0] # chan1
c2 = p[1] # chan2
for eIdx, eF in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
# calculate the nominator and denominator
cohNom = np.power(
np.absolute(self.getCrossPowerEval(c1, c2, eIdx)), 2
cohDenom = self.getAutoPowerEval(c1, eIdx) * self.getAutoPowerEval(
c2, eIdx
# save in outData
key = "coh{}".format(c1 + c2)
self.outData[eF][key] = cohNom / cohDenom
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winPolarisations(self):
"""Calculate polarisation directions
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
for idx, p in enumerate(self.getPolDirs()):
c1 = p[0] # chan1
c2 = p[1] # chan2
for eIdx, eF in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
# now calculate the nominator and denominator
cohNom = (
2 * self.getCrossPowerEval(c1, c2, eIdx).real
) # take the real part of this
cohDenom = self.getAutoPowerEval(c1, eIdx) - self.getAutoPowerEval(
c2, eIdx
# save to out dictionary
key = "pol{}".format(c1 + c2)
self.outData[eF][key] = np.arctan(cohNom / cohDenom) * (180.0 / np.pi)
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winPartials(self):
"""Calculate partial coherencies
Based on paper Weckmann, Magunia Ritter 2005.
e.g. coherence Ex, Hx w.r.t Hy
This currently only works for impedance tensor calculations and higher power partial coherencies are not supported.
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
Based on paper by Weckmann, Magunia Ritter 2005.
# get the coherences - these will be required later
winCoherence = self.winCoherence()
for i, outChan in enumerate(self.outChans):
for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
inChan1 = self.inChans[0]
inChan2 = self.inChans[1]
xOutIn1 = self.getCrossPowerEval(outChan, inChan1, eIdx)
xOutIn2 = self.getCrossPowerEval(outChan, inChan2, eIdx)
xIn1In2 = self.getCrossPowerEval(inChan1, inChan2, eIdx)
xIn2In1 = self.getCrossPowerEval(inChan2, inChan1, eIdx)
# calculate out transFunc components
denom = (
self.getAutoPowerEval(inChan1, eIdx)
* self.getAutoPowerEval(inChan2, eIdx)
- xIn1In2 * xIn2In1
# Z1
Z1nom = (
xOutIn1 * self.getAutoPowerEval(inChan2, eIdx) - xIn2In1 * xOutIn2
Z1 = Z1nom / denom
# Z2
Z2nom = (
self.getAutoPowerEval(inChan1, eIdx) * xOutIn2 - xIn1In2 * xOutIn1
Z2 = Z2nom / denom
# calculate bivariate coherency
rb = Z1 * self.getCrossPowerEval(
inChan1, outChan, eIdx
) + Z2 * self.getCrossPowerEval(inChan2, outChan, eIdx)
rb = rb / self.getAutoPowerEval(outChan, eIdx)
# now calculate out partials
# calculate partial inChan, outChan1 with respect to outChan2
cohkey = "coh{}".format(outChan + inChan2)
rp1 = (rb - winCoherence[eFreq][cohkey]) / (
1.0 - winCoherence[eFreq][cohkey]
# calculate partial inChan, outChan2 with respect to outChan1
cohkey = "coh{}".format(outChan + inChan1)
rp2 = (rb - winCoherence[eFreq][cohkey]) / (
1.0 - winCoherence[eFreq][cohkey]
# now save in outDict
self.outData[eFreq]["bivar{}".format(outChan)] = rb
self.outData[eFreq]["par{}".format(outChan + inChan1)] = rp1
self.outData[eFreq]["par{}".format(outChan + inChan2)] = rp2
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winAbsVal(self):
"""Absolute values of the cross power spectral matrix
This data is often useful for cross plotting
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
for iChan, chan in enumerate(self.specChans):
# first do the outchans multiplied by every other channel
for iOut, outChan in enumerate(self.outChans):
absval = np.absolute(self.getCrossPowerEval(outChan, chan, eIdx))
key = "abs{}{}".format(outChan, chan)
self.outData[eFreq][key] = absval
# then do the inchans multiplied by every other channel
for iIn, inChan in enumerate(self.inChans):
absval = np.absolute(self.getCrossPowerEval(inChan, chan, eIdx))
key = "abs{}{}".format(inChan, chan)
self.outData[eFreq][key] = absval
# return the dictionary
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winTransferFunction(self):
"""Calculate transfer function for the spectral data
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
totalSize = self.inSize + self.outSize
# now want to calculate the transfer function for each evaluation frequency
output = np.empty(
shape=(self.evalFreq.size, self.outSize, self.inSize), dtype="complex"
for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
# solve transfer function
obs = np.empty(shape=(self.outSize, totalSize), dtype="complex")
reg = np.empty(
shape=(self.outSize, totalSize, self.inSize), dtype="complex"
for i in range(0, self.outSize):
for j in range(0, totalSize):
# this is the observation row where,i is the observed output
# idx in the evaluation frequency
obs[i, j] = self.getCrossPowerEval(
self.outChans[i], self.specChans[j], eIdx
for k in range(0, self.inSize):
reg[i, j, k] = self.getCrossPowerEval(
self.inChans[k], self.specChans[j], eIdx
for i in range(0, self.outSize):
observation = obs[i, :]
predictors = reg[i, :, :]
# now do the solution
out, resids, squareResid, rank, s = olsModel(
predictors, observation, intercept=self.intercept
# out, resids, scale, weights = mmestimateModel(predictors, observation, intercept=False)
# not interested in the intercept (const) term
if self.intercept:
output[eIdx, i] = out[1:]
output[eIdx, i] = out
# calculate components of transfer function and res and phase
for i in range(0, self.outSize):
for j in range(0, self.inSize):
period = 1.0 / eFreq
res = 0.2 * period * np.power(np.absolute(output[eIdx, i, j]), 2)
phase = np.angle(output[eIdx, i, j], deg=True)
keyRes = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "Res"
keyPhase = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "Phase"
self.outData[eFreq][keyRes] = res
self.outData[eFreq][keyPhase] = phase
# add the components
keyReal = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "Real"
keyImag = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "Imag"
self.outData[eFreq][keyReal] = output[eIdx, i, j].real
self.outData[eFreq][keyImag] = output[eIdx, i, j].imag
# set transfer function calculated as true
# saves having to do it again
self.tfCalculated = True
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winRemoteCoherence(self):
"""Calulate coherence between data channels and remote channels
For example, this is the coherence of Ex-HxR, Ex-HyR, Ey-HxR, Ey-HyR, Hx-HxR, Hx-HyR, Hy-HxR, Hy-HyR
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
# now let's calculate coherency
# abs(crosspower(A,B))^2/autopower(A)*autpower(B)
for dataChan in self.specChans:
for remoteChan in self.remoteChans:
key = "{}{}RR".format(dataChan, remoteChan)
for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
cohNom = np.power(
self.getReferenceCrossPowerEval(dataChan, remoteChan, eIdx)
cohDenom = self.getAutoPowerEval(
dataChan, eIdx
) * self.getRemoteAutoPowerEval(remoteChan, eIdx)
coh = cohNom / cohDenom
self.outData[eFreq][key] = coh
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winRemoteEqnCoherence(self):
"""Calulates coherences for the remote reference solver equations
For example, this is the coherence of Ex-HxR, Ex-HyR, Ey-HxR, Ey-HyR, Hx-HxR, Hx-HyR, Hy-HxR, Hy-HyR
Write more information in these comments
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
# now calculate out the relevant coherencies
# here we calculate the coherency between <Ex,HyR> and <Hy,HyR> for example
for iOut, outChan in enumerate(self.outChans):
for iIn, inChan in enumerate(self.inChans):
for iRemote, remoteChan in enumerate(self.remoteChans):
# calculate powers
c1c1 = smooth1d(
self.getReferenceCrossPower(outChan, remoteChan)
* np.conjugate(
self.getReferenceCrossPower(outChan, remoteChan)
c2c2 = smooth1d(
self.getReferenceCrossPower(inChan, remoteChan)
* np.conjugate(self.getReferenceCrossPower(inChan, remoteChan)),
c1c2 = smooth1d(
self.getReferenceCrossPower(outChan, remoteChan)
* np.conjugate(self.getReferenceCrossPower(inChan, remoteChan)),
# now interpolate
c1c1 = self.interpolateToEvalFreq(c1c1)
c2c2 = self.interpolateToEvalFreq(c2c2)
c1c2 = self.interpolateToEvalFreq(c1c2)
# now calculate the nominator and denominator
cohNom = np.power(np.absolute(c1c2), 2)
cohDenom = c1c1 * c2c2
coh = (
cohNom / cohDenom
) # cast as float - discard complex part (complex part should be zero anyway)
# now need the coherencies for the evaluation frequencies
# this involves interpolation
key = "{}{}R-{}{}R".format(outChan, remoteChan, inChan, remoteChan)
for iFreq, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
self.outData[eFreq][key] = coh[iFreq]
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winRemoteAbsVal(self):
"""Absolute values of cross power spectral densities between remote refence channels and data channels
This data can be useful for cross plotting
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
for iOut, outChan in enumerate(self.outChans):
for iRemote, remoteChan in enumerate(self.remoteChans):
absOut = np.absolute(
self.getReferenceCrossPowerEval(outChan, remoteChan, eIdx)
keyOut = "abs{}{}R".format(outChan, remoteChan)
self.outData[eFreq][keyOut] = absOut
for iIn, inChan in enumerate(self.inChans):
absIn = np.absolute(
self.getReferenceCrossPowerEval(inChan, remoteChan, eIdx)
keyIn = "abs{}{}R".format(inChan, remoteChan)
self.outData[eFreq][keyIn] = absIn
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def winRemoteTransferFunction(self):
"""Calculate transfer function for the spectral data when remote reference is included too
Dict :
Dictionary with statistic values, indexed by [evaluation frequency][statistic component]
output = np.empty(
shape=(self.evalFreq.size, self.outSize, self.inSize), dtype="complex"
for eIdx, eFreq in enumerate(self.evalFreq):
# solve transfer function
obs = np.empty(shape=(self.outSize, self.inSize), dtype="complex")
reg = np.empty(
shape=(self.outSize, self.inSize, self.inSize), dtype="complex"
for i, outChan in enumerate(self.outChans):
for j, remoteChan in enumerate(self.remoteChans):
# this is the observation row where,i is the observed output
# eIdx in the evaluation frequency
obs[i, j] = self.getReferenceCrossPowerEval(
outChan, remoteChan, eIdx
for k, inChan in enumerate(self.inChans):
reg[i, j, k] = self.getReferenceCrossPowerEval(
inChan, remoteChan, eIdx
for i in range(0, self.outSize):
observation = obs[i, :]
predictors = reg[i, :, :]
# now do the solution
out, resids, squareResid, rank, s = olsModel(
predictors, observation, intercept=self.intercept
# out, resids, scale, weights = mmestimateModel(predictors, observation, intercept=False)
# not interested in the intercept (const) term
if self.intercept:
output[eIdx, i] = out[1:]
output[eIdx, i] = out
# calculate components of transfer function and res and phase
for i in range(0, self.outSize):
for j in range(0, self.inSize):
period = 1.0 / eFreq
res = 0.2 * period * np.power(np.absolute(output[eIdx, i, j]), 2)
phase = np.angle(output[eIdx, i, j], deg=True)
keyRes = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "ResRR"
keyPhase = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "PhaseRR"
self.outData[eFreq][keyRes] = res
self.outData[eFreq][keyPhase] = phase
# add the components
keyReal = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "RealRR"
keyImag = self.outChans[i] + self.inChans[j] + "ImagRR"
self.outData[eFreq][keyReal] = output[eIdx, i, j].real
self.outData[eFreq][keyImag] = output[eIdx, i, j].imag
# set transfer function calculated as true
# saves having to do it again
self.remoteCalculated = True
return self.getOutData()
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]:
"""Class information as a list of strings
out : list
List of strings with information
textLst = []
textLst.append("Default options")
textLst.append("\tInput Chans = {}".format(listToString(self.getInChans())))
textLst.append("\tOutput Chans = {}".format(listToString(self.getOutChans())))
"\tRemote Chans = {}".format(listToString(self.getRemoteChans()))
textLst.append("\tPowers = {}".format(listToString(self.getPSDChans())))
"\tCoherence pairs = {}".format(listToString(self.getCohPairs()))
"\tPartial coherence = {}".format(listToString(self.getPolDirs()))
if len(self.getEvalFreq()) == 0:
textLst.append("Evaluation frequencies = {}")
"Evaluation frequencies = {}".format(arrayToString(self.getEvalFreq()))
return textLst