Source code for

import os
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import breakComment, arrayToStringSci
from import checkAndMakeDir
from resistics.common.math import intdiv
from import SpectrumData
from resistics.window.utils import gIndex2datetime

[docs]class SpectrumReader(ResisticsBase): """Reads in spectra data for measurements Spectrum reader reads in the info file for the spectra data and .dat files (for ascii formatted spectra data) and .bin files (for binary formatted data). Spectra files are located in: project -> specData -> site -> datapath -> spectra data files Attributes ---------- datapath : str Data root for spectra data headerKeys : Spectra file header keys headers : Dict Spectra file header values comments: List[str] Spectra file comments dataType : Data type of spectra data dataByteSize : int Byte size of a single data point filepath : str Filepath for spectra files file : bool The data file Methods ------- __init__(datapath) Initialise the SpectrumReader getReferenceTime() Get the reference time used for the spectrum calculation getChannels() Get the channels in the spectra data getNumChannels() Get the number of channels getSampleFreq() Get the sampling frequency of the data getNumWindows() Get the number of windows in the spectra file getWindowSize() Get the window size used for the data getWindowOverlap() Get the window overlap size getDataSize() Get the number of samples in a spectra window getGlobalOffset() Get the window global offset getGlobalRange() Get the window global indices range getFrequencyArray() Get the frequency array of the frequencies of the spectra data points getComments() Get a deepcopy of the comments openBinaryForReading(filename, fileInc): Open a binary spectra file given by filename and fileInc (the decimation level) readBinaryWindowLocal(localIndex) Read a spectra window given by a local index in binary format readBinaryWindowGlobal(globalIndex) Read a spectra window given by a global index (relative to reference time) in binary format openAsciiForReading(filename, fileInc): Open a ascii spectra file given by filename and fileInc (the decimation level) readAsciiWindowLocal(localIndex) Read a spectra window given by a local index in ascii format readAsciiWindowGlobal(globalIndex) Read a spectra window given by a global index (relative to reference time) in ascii format readInfoFile(filepath) Read the spectra information file given by filepath getInfoValue(header, line) Put header value in the correct format for header and line readCommentsFile(filepath): Read the comments file given by filepath getFileBase(filename, fileInc): Get the spectra file name closeFile() Close spectra data file printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__(self, datapath: str) -> None: """Initialise Parameters ---------- datapath : str, optional Path to spectra directory """ self.datapath: str = datapath if not os.path.exists(self.datapath): self.printWarning("Directory {} does not exist".format(self.datapath)) self.headerKeys: List[str] = [ "Reference time", "Sample frequency", "Window size", "Window overlap", "Global offset", "Number of windows", "Number of channels", "Data size", "Channels", ] self.headers: Dict = {} self.comments: List[str] = [] self.dataType = np.dtype("complex64") self.dataByteSize: int = self.dataType.itemsize self.filepath: str = "" self.file = None
[docs] def getReferenceTime(self) -> datetime: """Get reference time for spectra calculation Returns ------- datetime The reference time used for the spectra calculation """ return self.headers["Reference time"]
[docs] def getSampleFreq(self) -> float: """Get sampling frequency of time data used for spectra calculation Returns ------- float Sampling frequency of the time data """ return float(self.headers["Sample frequency"])
[docs] def getNumChannels(self) -> int: """Get the number of channels Returns ------- int The number of channels """ return int(self.headers["Number of channels"])
[docs] def getChannels(self) -> List[str]: """Get the channels in the spectra data Returns ------- List[str] List of channels """ return self.headers["Channels"]
[docs] def getNumWindows(self) -> int: """Get number of windows for which spectra have been calculated Returns ------- int The number of windows """ return int(self.headers["Number of windows"])
[docs] def getWindowSize(self) -> int: """Get the size of the time data window in samples Returns ------- int Size of time data window in samples """ return int(self.headers["Window size"])
[docs] def getWindowOverlap(self) -> int: """Get the size of the time data overlap in samples Returns ------- int Size of time data overlap in samples """ return int(self.headers["Window overlap"])
[docs] def getDataSize(self) -> int: """Get the size of the corresponding spectrum data for a window Returns ------- int Number of samples in one spectrum window """ return int(self.headers["Data size"])
[docs] def getGlobalOffset(self) -> int: """Get global window offset The global window offset references windows to the reference time rather than the start time of the time data Returns ------- int Global window offset """ return int(self.headers["Global offset"])
[docs] def getGlobalRange(self) -> List[int]: """Get the range of window global indices The first global index is given by getGlobalOffset() as the counting starts from zero. The last global index is self.getGlobalOffset() + self.getNumWindows() - 1. Returns ------- List[int] List with two elements, the first being the global index of the first spectrum window and the second, the global index of the last spectrum window """ return [ self.getGlobalOffset(), self.getGlobalOffset() + self.getNumWindows() - 1, ]
[docs] def getFrequencyArray(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the frequency array Frequency array are the frequency points in the spectra Returns ------- np.ndarray Frequency array """ return np.linspace(0, self.getSampleFreq() / 2.0, self.getDataSize())
[docs] def getComments(self) -> List[str]: """Get a deepcopy of the comments Returns ------- List[str] Dataset comments as a list of strings """ return deepcopy(self.comments)
[docs] def getSpectrumData( self, localIndex: int, data: Dict[str, np.ndarray] ) -> SpectrumData: """Return a spectrum data object from a data dictionary and the local index Parameters ---------- localIndex : int The local index of the spectra window data : Dict[str, np.ndarray] The data dictionary Returns ------- SpectrumData A SpectrumData object """ startTime, stopTime = gIndex2datetime( localIndex + self.getGlobalOffset(), self.getReferenceTime(), self.getSampleFreq(), self.getWindowSize(), self.getWindowOverlap(), ) return SpectrumData( windowSize=self.getWindowSize(), dataSize=self.getDataSize(), sampleFreq=self.getSampleFreq(), startTime=startTime, stopTime=stopTime, data=data, comments=self.comments, )
[docs] def openBinaryForReading(self, filename: str, fileInc: int) -> bool: """Open a binary data file for reading self.file is not set in this method because spectra data is read using memmap. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of spectra files fileInc : int The decimation level """ filebase = self.getFileBase(filename, fileInc) filepathInfo = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".info") filepathComments = os.path.join(self.datapath, "comments.txt") self.filepath = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".bin") # check files exist if not os.path.exists(filepathInfo) or not os.path.exists(self.filepath): self.printWarning( "No data found in either {} or {}".format(filepathInfo, self.filepath) ) return False # read info file self.readInfoFile(filepathInfo) self.readCommentsFile(filepathComments) self.channelByteSize = self.dataByteSize * self.getDataSize() self.windowByteSize = self.channelByteSize * self.getNumChannels() return True
[docs] def readBinaryWindowLocal(self, localIndex: int) -> SpectrumData: """Get spectrum data for a window defined by a local index (for binary formatted data) Parameters ---------- localIndex: int The local index """ if localIndex >= self.getNumWindows(): self.printWarning("Local index {:d} out of bounds".format(localIndex)) self.printWarning( "Min index = {:d}, Max index = {:d}".format(0, self.getNumWindows() - 1) ) # with binary files, want the correct bytes byteOff = localIndex * self.windowByteSize data = {} for cI, c in enumerate(self.getChannels()): chanOff = cI * self.channelByteSize data[c] = np.memmap( self.filepath, dtype=self.dataType, mode="r", offset=byteOff + chanOff, shape=(self.getDataSize()), ) return self.getSpectrumData(localIndex, data)
[docs] def readBinaryWindowGlobal(self, globalIndex: int) -> SpectrumData: """Get spectrum data for a window defined by a global index (for binary formatted data) Parameters ---------- globalIndex: int The global index """ if ( globalIndex >= self.getNumWindows() + self.getGlobalOffset() or globalIndex < self.getGlobalOffset() ): self.printWarning("Global index {:d} out of bounds".format(globalIndex)) self.printWarning( "Min index = {:d}, Max index = {:d}".format( self.getGlobalOffset(), self.getGlobalOffset() + self.getNumWindows() - 1, ) ) # convert global index to local index and return readAsciiWindowLocal localIndex = globalIndex - self.getGlobalOffset() return self.readBinaryWindowLocal(localIndex)
[docs] def readBinaryBatchGlobal( self, globalIndices: Union[List[int], None] = None ) -> Tuple[List[SpectrumData], np.ndarray]: """Batch read binary windows Batch reading binary windows allows the data for calculation to be split over multi processes Parameters ---------- globalIndices : List[int], None, optional The global indices to batch read. By default, all windows will be returned if not specified Returns ------- List[SpectrumData] A list of SpectrumData objects globalIndices: np.ndarray An array of the global indices for the SpectrumData actually returned """ if globalIndices is not None and len(globalIndices) == 0: # zero windows request, return empty list and global indices array return [], np.array([]) self.file = open(self.filepath, "rb") batchData = np.fromfile(self.file, dtype=self.dataType) self.printText( "Reading {:.8f} GB of data from file {}".format( os.path.getsize(self.filepath) / 1e9, self.filepath ) ) self.file.close() self.file = None # find the windows to get if globalIndices is not None and len(globalIndices) > 0: localIndices = np.sort(np.array(list(globalIndices))) - self.getGlobalOffset() localIndices = localIndices[localIndices >= 0] localIndices = localIndices[localIndices < self.getNumWindows()] globalIndices = localIndices + self.getGlobalOffset() else: localIndices = np.arange(0, self.getNumWindows()) globalIndices = localIndices + self.getGlobalOffset() specData = [] dataSize = self.getDataSize() windowSize = dataSize * self.getNumChannels() for localIndex in localIndices: intOff = localIndex * windowSize data = {} for cI, c in enumerate(self.getChannels()): chanOff = intOff + cI * dataSize data[c] = batchData[chanOff : chanOff + dataSize] specData.append(self.getSpectrumData(localIndex, data)) return specData, globalIndices
[docs] def openAsciiForReading(self, filename: str, fileInc: int) -> bool: """Open a ascii data file for reading Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of spectra files fileInc : int The decimation level """ filebase = self.getFileBase(filename, fileInc) filepathInfo = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".info") self.filepath = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".dat") # check files exist if not os.path.exists(filepathInfo) or not os.path.exists(self.filepath): self.printWarning( "No data found in either {} or {}".format(filepathInfo, self.filepath) ) return False # read info file self.readInfoFile(filepathInfo) # open file for reading self.file = open(self.filepath, "rb") # run through and find line endings self.lineOffset = [] offset = 0 for line in self.file: self.lineOffset.append(offset) offset += len(line) return True
[docs] def readAsciiWindowLocal(self, localIndex: int) -> SpectrumData: """Get spectrum data for a window defined by a local index (for ascii formatted data) Parameters ---------- localIndex: int The local index """ if localIndex >= self.getNumWindows(): self.printWarning("Local index {:d} out of bounds".format(localIndex)) self.printWarning( "Min index = {:d}, Max index = {:d}".format(0, self.getNumWindows() - 1) ) # with ascii files, want the correct lines # find line where local index starts windowStartLine = localIndex * self.getNumChannels() data = {} for cI, c in enumerate(self.getChannels()): indexC = windowStartLine + cI[indexC]) line = self.file.readline() data[c] = np.loadtxt(line.strip().split(","), dtype=complex) # return data startTime, stopTime = gIndex2datetime( localIndex + self.getGlobalOffset(), self.getReferenceTime(), self.getSampleFreq(), self.getWindowSize(), self.getWindowOverlap(), ) return SpectrumData( windowSize=self.getWindowSize(), dataSize=self.getDataSize(), sampleFreq=self.getSampleFreq(), startTime=startTime, stopTime=stopTime, data=data, comments=self.comments, )
[docs] def readAsciiWindowGlobal(self, globalIndex: int) -> SpectrumData: """Get spectrum data for a window defined by a global index (for ascii formatted data) Parameters ---------- globalIndex: int The global index """ if ( globalIndex >= self.getNumWindows() + self.getGlobalOffset() or globalIndex < self.getGlobalOffset() ): self.printWarning("Global index {:d} out of bounds".format(globalIndex)) self.printWarning( "Min index = {:d}, Max index = {:d}".format( self.getGlobalOffset(), self.getGlobalOffset() + self.getNumWindows() - 1, ) ) # convert global index to local index and return readAsciiWindowLocal localIndex = globalIndex - self.getGlobalOffset() return self.readAsciiWindowLocal(localIndex)
[docs] def readInfoFile(self, filepath: str) -> None: """Read the info file for the spectra Parameters ---------- filepath : str Info file path """ infoFile = open(filepath, "r") lines = infoFile.readlines() infoFile.close() # loop through all headers and get values for h in self.headerKeys: for l in lines: if h in l: self.headers[h] = self.getInfoValue(h, l) break
[docs] def getInfoValue(self, header: str, line: str) -> Any: """Format some of the info file values Parameters ---------- header : str The header line : str The line from the info file """ split = line.split("=") split[1] = split[1].strip() if header == "Channels": return split[1].split() elif header == "Reference time": return datetime.strptime(split[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") elif header == "Sample frequency": return float(split[1]) else: return int(float(split[1]))
[docs] def readCommentsFile(self, filepath: str) -> None: """Read comments file from filepath Parameters ---------- filepath : str Comments file path """ if os.path.exists(filepath): f = open(filepath, "r") self.comments = f.readlines() f.close() for idx, comment in enumerate(self.comments): self.comments[idx] = comment.rstrip() # add a new comment self.comments.append("Reading spectra data in path {}".format(self.datapath))
[docs] def getFileBase(self, filename: str, fileInc: int) -> str: """Read comments file from filepath Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of spectra files fileInc : int The decimation level """ return filename + "{:02d}".format(fileInc)
[docs] def closeFile(self): """Close spectra file""" if self.filepath != "": self.printText("Closing file {}".format(self.filepath)) self.filepath = "" if self.file is not None: self.file.close() else: self.printText("No file open")
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Data root = {}".format(self.datapath)) if len(self.headers) > 0: textLst.append("Filepath = {}".format(self.filepath)) for h in self.headerKeys: textLst.append("{} = {}".format(h, self.headers[h])) if len(self.comments) > 0: textLst.append("Comments") for comment in self.comments: textLst.append("\t{}".format(comment)) else: textLst.append("No comments") return textLst
[docs]class SpectrumWriter(ResisticsBase): """Writes spectra data for measurements Spectrum writer writes out spectra data as either binary (recommended) or ascii (more space required). A spectra file should be written out for each decimation level along with an information file, again for each decimation level. A single comments file is written out to record the processing sequence. Spectra files are located in: project -> specData -> site -> datapath -> spectra data files .dat files are ascii formatted data .bin files are binary formatted data Attributes ---------- datapath : str Data root for spectra data filepath : str Filepath for spectra files refTime : datetime The reference time for the project file : bool The data file Methods ------- __init__(datapath, refTime) Initialise the SpectrumWriter openBinaryForWriting(filename, fileInc, sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, numWindows, channels) Open file for writing binary spectra data writeBinary(specData) Write out binary spectra data for a single time window openAsciiForWriting(filename, fileInc, sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, numWindows, channels) Open file for writing ascii spectra data writeAscii(specData) Write out ascii spectra data for a single time window writeInfoFile(filepath, sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, numWindows, channels) Write out the spectra information file writeCommentsFile(comments) Write out the comments file getFileBase(filename, fileInc) Get the spectra file name closeFile() Close spectra data file printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__(self, datapath: str, refTime: datetime): """Initialise spectrum writer Parameters ---------- datapath : str Root pathway for spectra data refTime : datetime Reference time """ self.datapath: str = datapath self.filepath: str = "" self.refTime: datetime = refTime self.file = None
[docs] def openBinaryForWriting( self, filename, fileInc, sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, numWindows, channels, ) -> None: """Write binary spectrum file Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for spectra files fileInc : int The decimation level sampleFreq : float Sampling frequeny of time data winSize : int Window size in samples for time data windows winOverlap : int Overlap size in samples for time data windows globalOffset : int Global offset for local and global indices numWindows : int The number of windows in the time data channels : List[str] Channels in data """ # sort channels alphabetically - matching the order in the data files self.channels = sorted(channels) checkAndMakeDir(self.datapath) filebase: str = filename + "{:02d}".format(fileInc) # info file filepathInfo: str = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".info") self.writeInfoFile( filepathInfo, sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, numWindows, self.channels, ) # open file for data self.filepath: str = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".bin") self.printText("Opening file {}".format(self.filepath)) self.file = open(self.filepath, "wb")
[docs] def writeBinary(self, specData): """Write spectrum data to binary file Parameters ---------- specData : SpectrumData Spectrum data """ for c in self.channels: # save as complex64 instead of 128 - otherwise too big self.file.write([c].astype("complex64").tobytes())
[docs] def openAsciiForWriting( self, filename: str, fileInc: str, sampleFreq: float, winSize: int, winOverlap: int, globalOffset: int, numWindows: int, channels: List[str], ) -> None: """Write ascii spectrum file Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for spectra files fileInc : int The decimation level sampleFreq : float Sampling frequeny of time data winSize : int Window size in samples for time data windows winOverlap : int Overlap size in samples for time data windows globalOffset : int Global offset for local and global indices numWindows : int The number of windows in the time data channels : List[str] Channels in data """ # sort channels alphabetically - matching the order in the data files self.channels = sorted(channels) checkAndMakeDir(self.datapath) filebase: str = filename + "{:02d}".format(fileInc) # info file filepathInfo: str = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".info") self.writeInfoFile( filepathInfo, sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, numWindows, self.channels, ) # open file for data self.filepath: str = os.path.join(self.datapath, filebase + ".dat") self.printText("Opening file {}".format(self.filepath)) self.file = open(self.filepath, "w")
[docs] def writeAscii(self, specData: SpectrumData) -> None: """Write spectrum data to ascii file Parameters ---------- specData : SpectrumData Spectrum data """ for c in self.channels: outStr = arrayToStringSci([c]) outStr = outStr + "\n" self.file.write(outStr)
[docs] def writeInfoFile( self, filepath: str, sampleFreq: float, winSize: int, winOverlap: int, globalOffset: int, numWindows: int, channels: List[str], ) -> None: """Write info file Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath for info file sampleFreq : float Sampling frequeny of time data winSize : int Window size in samples for time data windows winOverlap : int Overlap size in samples for time data windows globalOffset : int Global offset for local and global indices numWindows : int The number of windows in the time data channels : List[str] Channels in data """ infoFile = open(filepath, "w") # write out header information numChannels = len(channels) tmp = winSize + 1 # if winSize is odd, this will go down if winSize % 2 == 0: tmp = tmp + 1 dataSize = intdiv(tmp, 2) infoFile.write( "Reference time = {}\nSample frequency = {:.8f}\nWindow size = {:d}\nWindow overlap = {:d}\nGlobal offset = {:d}\n".format( self.refTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), sampleFreq, winSize, winOverlap, globalOffset, ) ) infoFile.write( "Number of windows = {:d}\nData size = {:d}\n".format(numWindows, dataSize) ) infoFile.write("Number of channels = {:d}\n".format(numChannels)) infoFile.write("Channels = " + " ".join(channels)) infoFile.close()
[docs] def writeCommentsFile(self, comments: List[str]) -> None: """Write comments file Parameters ---------- comments : List[str] List of comments """ import resistics with open(os.path.join(self.datapath, "comments.txt"), "w") as f: for c in comments: f.write("{}\n".format(c)) f.write( "Spectra data written out to {} on {} using resistics {}\n".format( self.datapath,, resistics.__version__ ) ) f.write(breakComment())
[docs] def getFileBase(self, filename: str, fileInc: int) -> str: """Read comments file from filepath Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of spectra files fileInc : int The decimation level """ return filename + "{:02d}".format(fileInc)
[docs] def closeFile(self): """Close spectra file""" if self.filepath != "" and self.file: self.printText("Closing file {}".format(self.filepath)) self.file.close() self.filepath = "" else: self.printText("No file open")
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Data root = {}".format(self.datapath)) if not (self.file is None): textLst.append("Current file open: {}".format(self.filepath)) return textLst