Source code for

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from typing import List, Dict, Union

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.checks import isElectric
from resistics.common.math import getFrequencyArray
from resistics.common.plot import getViewFonts

[docs]class SpectrumData(ResisticsBase): """Class for holding spectra data Attributes ---------- windowSize : int The size of the time window in samples dataSize : int The number of samples in the frequency spectra sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency startTime : datetime.datetime The time of the first sample of the time data which was fourier transformed stopTime : datetime.time The time of the last sample of the time data which was fourier transformed chans : List[str] The channels in the data numChans : int The number of channels data : Dict The spectra data with channels as keys and arrays as values comments : List[str] Information about the spectra data as a list of strings Methods ------- __init__(kwargs) Initialise spectra data setData(windowSize, dataSize, sampleFreq, startTime, stopTime, data) Set data with parameters getComments() Get a deepcopy of the comments addComment(comment) Add a comment to the dataset copy() Get a copy of the spectrum data view(kwargs) View the spectra data printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__( self, windowSize: int, dataSize: int, sampleFreq: float, startTime: Union[datetime, str], stopTime: Union[datetime, str], data, comments: List[str] = [], ) -> None: """Initialise and set object parameters Parameters ---------- windowSize : int The window size in samples of the time data dataSize : int The spectra size in samples sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency in Hz startTime : datetime, str The startTime of the window stopTime : datetime, str The stopTime of the window data : Dict The data dictionary with keys as channels and values as spectra data comments : List[str] Dataset comments """ self.setData(windowSize, dataSize, sampleFreq, startTime, stopTime, data) self.comments = comments
[docs] def setData( self, windowSize: int, dataSize: int, sampleFreq: float, startTime: Union[datetime, str], stopTime: Union[datetime, str], data, ) -> None: """Set the object parameters Parameters ---------- windowSize : int The window size in samples of the time data dataSize : int The spectra size in samples sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency in Hz startTime : datetime, str The startTime of the window stopTime : datetime, str The stopTime of the window data : Dict The data dictionary with keys as channels and values as spectra data comments : List[str] Dataset comments """ self.windowSize = windowSize self.sampleFreq = sampleFreq # start time self.startTime = ( datetime.strptime(startTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if isinstance(startTime, str) else startTime ) # stop time self.stopTime = ( datetime.strptime(stopTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if isinstance(stopTime, str) else stopTime ) # other properties self.chans = sorted(data.keys()) self.numChans = len(self.chans) = data self.dataSize = data[self.chans[0]].size
@property def nyquist(self) -> float: """Get the nyquist frequency of the spectra data Returns ------- nyquist : float The nyquist frequency in Hz """ return self.sampleFreq / 2.0 @property def freqArray(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the frequency array of the spectra data Returns ------- freqArray : np.ndarray Array of frequencies """ return getFrequencyArray(self.sampleFreq, self.dataSize)
[docs] def getComments(self) -> List[str]: """Get a deepcopy of the comments Returns ------- List[str] Dataset comments as a list of strings """ return deepcopy(self.comments)
[docs] def addComment(self, comment: str) -> None: """Add a new comment Parameters ---------- comment : float A new comment """ self.comments.append(comment)
[docs] def copy(self): """Get a copy of the time data object Returns ------- TimeData A copy of the time data object """ return SpectrumData( self.windowSize, self.dataSize, self.sampleFreq, self.startTime, self.stopTime, deepcopy(, self.getComments(), )
[docs] def view(self, **kwargs) -> Figure: """Plot spectra data Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional A figure object plotfonts : Dict, optional A dictionary of plot fonts chans : List[str], optional A list of channels to plot label : str, optional Label for the plots xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis color : str, rgba Tuple The color for the line plot legend : bool Boolean flag for adding a legend Returns ------- plt.figure Matplotlib figure object """ f = self.freqArray fig = ( plt.figure(kwargs["fig"].number) if "fig" in kwargs else plt.figure(figsize=(20, 2 * self.numChans)) ) plotFonts = kwargs["plotfonts"] if "plotfonts" in kwargs else getViewFonts() color = kwargs["color"] if "color" in kwargs else None # suptitle st = fig.suptitle( "Spectra data from {} to {}".format(self.startTime, self.stopTime), fontsize=plotFonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot the data dataChans = kwargs["chans"] if "chans" in kwargs else self.chans numPlotChans = len(dataChans) for idx, chan in enumerate(dataChans): ax = plt.subplot(numPlotChans, 1, idx + 1) plt.title("Channel {}".format(chan), fontsize=plotFonts["title"]) # plot the data if "label" in kwargs: plt.plot( f, np.absolute([chan]), color=color, label=kwargs["label"] ) else: plt.plot(f, np.absolute([chan]), color=color) # add frequency label if idx == numPlotChans - 1: plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotFonts["axisLabel"]) # x axis options xlim = kwargs["xlim"] if "xlim" in kwargs else [f[0], f[-1]] plt.xlim(xlim) # y axis options if isElectric(chan): plt.ylabel("[mV/km]", fontsize=plotFonts["axisLabel"]) else: plt.ylabel("[nT]", fontsize=plotFonts["axisLabel"]) plt.grid() # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotFonts["axisTicks"]) # legend if "legend" in kwargs and kwargs["legend"]: plt.legend(loc=4) # show if the figure is not in keywords if "fig" not in kwargs: plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.02, 1, 0.96]) return fig
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] textLst.append("Sample rate [s] = {}".format(1.0 / self.sampleFreq)) textLst.append("Sampling frequency [Hz] = {}".format(self.sampleFreq)) textLst.append("Nyquist frequency [Hz] = {}".format(self.nyquist)) textLst.append("Number of time samples = {}".format(self.windowSize)) textLst.append("Number of frequency samples = {}".format(self.dataSize)) textLst.append("Number of channels = {}".format(self.numChans)) textLst.append("Channels = {}".format(self.chans)) textLst.append("Start time = {}".format(self.startTime)) textLst.append("Stop time = {}".format(self.stopTime)) if len(self.comments) == 0: textLst.append("No comments") else: textLst.append("Comments") for comment in self.comments: textLst.append("\t{}".format(comment)) return textLst