Source code for resistics.project.transfunc

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from typing import Union, List, Dict

from resistics.common.checks import parseKeywords, isElectric, isMagnetic
from import checkFilepath, fileFormatSampleFreq
from resistics.common.print import arrayToString
from import ProjectData
from resistics.project.utils import projectText, projectWarning, projectError
from import SiteData
from import TransferFunctionData

[docs]def getTransferFunctionData( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: float, **kwargs ) -> TransferFunctionData: """Get transfer function data Parameters ---------- projData : projecData The project data site : str Site to get the transfer functiond data for sampleFreq : int, float The sampling frequency for which to get the transfer function data specdir : str, optional The spectra directories used postpend : str, optional The postpend on the transfer function files """ from import TransferFunctionReader options: Dict = dict() options["specdir"]: str = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["postpend"]: str = "" options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) # deal with the postpend if options["postpend"] != "": postpend = "_{}".format(options["postpend"]) else: postpend = options["postpend"] siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) sampleFreqStr = fileFormatSampleFreq(sampleFreq) path = os.path.join( siteData.transFuncPath, "{:s}".format(sampleFreqStr), "{}_fs{:s}_{}{}".format(site, sampleFreqStr, options["specdir"], postpend), ) # check path if not checkFilepath(path): projectWarning("No transfer function file with name {}".format(path)) return False projectText( "Reading transfer function for site {}, sample frequency {}, file {}".format( site, sampleFreq, path ) ) tfReader = TransferFunctionReader(path) tfReader.printInfo() return tfReader.tfData
[docs]def processProject(projData: ProjectData, **kwargs) -> None: """Process a project Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData The project data instance for the project sites : List[str], optional List of sites sampleFreqs : List[float], optional List of sample frequencies to process specdir : str, optional The spectra directories to use inchans : List[str], optional Channels to use as the input of the linear system inputsite : str, optional Site from which to take the input channels. The default is to use input and output channels from the same site outchans : List[str], optional Channels to use as the output of the linear system remotesite : str, optional The site to use as the remote site remotechans : List[str], optional Channels to use from the remote reference site crosschannels : List[str], optional List of channels to use for cross powers masks : Dict, optional Masks dictionary for passing mask data. The key should be a site name and the value should either be a string for a single mask or a list of multiple masks. datetimes : List, optional List of datetime constraints, each one as a dictionary. For example [{"type": "datetime", "start": 2018-08-08 00:00:00, "end": 2018-08-08 16:00:00, "levels": [0,1]}]. Note that levels is optional. postpend : str, optional String to postpend to the transfer function output ncores : int, optional The number of cores to run the transfer function calculations on """ options: Dict = dict() options["sites"]: List[str] = projData.getSites() options["sampleFreqs"]: List[float] = projData.getSampleFreqs() options["specdir"]: str = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["inchans"]: List[str] = ["Hx", "Hy"] options["inputsite"]: str = "" options["outchans"]: List[str] = ["Ex", "Ey"] options["remotesite"]: str = "" options["remotechans"]: List[str] = options["inchans"] options["crosschannels"]: List[str] = [] options["masks"]: Dict = {} options["datetimes"]: List = [] options["postpend"]: str = "" options["ncores"] = projData.config.getSolverCores() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) for site in options["sites"]: siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) siteFreqs = siteData.getSampleFreqs() for sampleFreq in siteFreqs: # check if not included if sampleFreq not in options["sampleFreqs"]: continue processSite(projData, site, sampleFreq, **options)
[docs]def processSite( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: Union[int, float], **kwargs ): """Process a single sampling frequency for a site The site passed is assumed to be the output site (the output channels will come from this site). If channels from a different site are desired to be used as the input channels, this can be done by specifying the optional inputsite argument. .. todo:: Give a few different examples here Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData The project data instance for the project site : str Site to process sampleFreq : float, int Sample frequency to process specdir : str, optional The spectra directories to use inchans : List[str], optional Channels to use as the input of the linear system inputsite : str, optional Site from which to take the input channels. The default is to use input and output channels from the same site outchans : List[str], optional Channels to use as the output of the linear system remotesite : str, optional The site to use as the remote site remotechans : List[str], optional Channels to use from the remote reference site crosschannels : List[str], optional List of channels to use for cross powers masks : Dict, optional Masks dictionary for passing mask data. The key should be a site name and the value should either be a string for a single mask or a list of multiple masks. datetimes : List, optional List of datetime constraints, each one as a dictionary. For example [{"type": "datetime", "start": 2018-08-08 00:00:00, "end": 2018-08-08 16:00:00, "levels": [0,1]}]. Note that levels is optional. postpend : str, optional String to postpend to the transfer function output ncores : int, optional The number of cores to run the transfer function calculations on """ from resistics.decimate.decimator import Decimator from resistics.window.selector import WindowSelector from resistics.project.shortcuts import ( getDecimationParameters, getWindowParameters, getWindowSelector, getLocalRegressor, getRemoteRegressor, ) options = {} options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["inchans"] = ["Hx", "Hy"] options["inputsite"] = "" options["outchans"] = ["Ex", "Ey"] options["remotesite"] = "" options["remotechans"] = options["inchans"] options["crosschannels"] = [] options["masks"] = {} options["datetimes"] = [] options["postpend"] = "" options["ncores"] = projData.config.getSolverCores() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) if options["inputsite"] == "": options["inputsite"] = site projectText("Processing site {}, sampling frequency {}".format(site, sampleFreq)) siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) # define decimation parameters decParams = getDecimationParameters(sampleFreq, projData.config) decParams.printInfo() winParams = getWindowParameters(decParams, projData.config) # window selector winSelector = getWindowSelector(projData, decParams, winParams, options["specdir"]) # if two sites are duplicated (e.g. input site and output site), winSelector only uses distinct sites. Hence using site and inputSite is no problem even if they are the same processSites = [] if options["remotesite"]: processSites = [site, options["inputsite"], options["remotesite"]] winSelector.setSites(processSites) else: # if no remote site, then single site processing processSites = [site, options["inputsite"]] winSelector.setSites(processSites) # add window masks if len(list(options["masks"].keys())) > 0: for maskSite in options["masks"]: if maskSite not in processSites: # there is a site in the masks dictionary which is of no interest continue if isinstance(options["masks"][maskSite], str): # a single mask winSelector.addWindowMask(maskSite, options["masks"][maskSite]) continue if all(isinstance(item, str) for item in options["masks"][maskSite]): # list of masks for the site for mask in options["masks"][maskSite]: winSelector.addWindowMask(maskSite, mask) # add datetime constraints for dC in options["datetimes"]: levels = None if "levels" in dC: levels = dC["levels"] if dC["type"] == "datetime": winSelector.addDatetimeConstraint(dC["start"], dC["stop"], levels) if dC["type"] == "time": winSelector.addTimeConstraint(dC["start"], dC["stop"], levels) if dC["type"] == "date": winSelector.addDateConstraint(dC["date"], levels) # calculate the shared windows and print info winSelector.calcSharedWindows() winSelector.printInfo() winSelector.printDatetimeConstraints() winSelector.printWindowMasks() winSelector.printSharedWindows() winSelector.printWindowsForFrequency() # now have the windows, pass the winSelector to processors outPath = siteData.transFuncPath if options["remotesite"]: projectText( "Remote reference processing with sites: in = {}, out = {}, reference = {}".format( options["inputsite"], site, options["remotesite"] ) ) processor = getRemoteRegressor(winSelector, outPath, projData.config) processor.setRemote(options["remotesite"], options["remotechans"]) else: projectText( "Single site processing with sites: in = {}, out = {}".format( options["inputsite"], site ) ) processor = getLocalRegressor(winSelector, outPath, projData.config) # add the input and output site processor.setInput(options["inputsite"], options["inchans"]) processor.setOutput(site, options["outchans"]) if len(options["crosschannels"]) > 0: processor.crossChannels = options["crosschannels"] processor.postpend = options["postpend"] processor.printInfo() projectText("Processing data using {} cores".format(options["ncores"])) processor.process(options["ncores"])
[docs]def viewImpedance(projData: ProjectData, **kwargs) -> List[Figure]: """View impedance tensor data Parameters ---------- projData : projecData The project data sites : List[str], optional List of sites to plot transfer functions for sampleFreqs : List[float], optional List of samples frequencies for which to plot transfer functions polarisations : List[str], optional A list of polarisations to plot. For example, ["ExHx", "ExHy", "EyHx", "EyHy"] specdir : str, optional The spectra directories used postpend : str, optional The postpend on the transfer function files oneplot : bool, optional Plot the polarisation on a single plot show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict A dictionary of plot options. For example, set the resistivity y limits using res_ylim, set the phase y limits using phase_ylim and set the xlimits using xlim """ from resistics.common.plot import ( savePlot, plotOptionsTransferFunction, getTransferFunctionFigSize, transferFunctionColours, ) options = {} options["sites"] = projData.getSites() options["sampleFreqs"] = projData.getSampleFreqs() options["polarisations"] = ["ExHx", "ExHy", "EyHx", "EyHy"] options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["postpend"] = "" options["oneplot"] = True options["save"] = False options["show"] = True options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsTransferFunction() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) # loop over sites figs = [] for site in options["sites"]: siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) sampleFreqs = set(siteData.getSampleFreqs()) # find the intersection with the options["freqs"] sampleFreqs = sampleFreqs.intersection(options["sampleFreqs"]) sampleFreqs = sorted(list(sampleFreqs)) # if prepend is a string, then make it a list if isinstance(options["postpend"], str): options["postpend"] = [options["postpend"]] plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] # now loop over the postpend options for pp in options["postpend"]: # add an underscore if not empty postpend = "_{}".format(pp) if pp != "" else pp if options["plotoptions"]["figsize"] is None: figsize = getTransferFunctionFigSize( options["oneplot"], len(options["polarisations"]) ) else: figsize = options["plotoptions"]["figsize"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) mks = ["o", "*", "d", "^", "h"] lstyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"] colours = transferFunctionColours() # loop over sampling frequencies includedFreqs = [] for idx, sampleFreq in enumerate(sampleFreqs): tfData = getTransferFunctionData( projData, site, sampleFreq, specdir=options["specdir"], postpend=pp ) if not tfData: continue includedFreqs.append(sampleFreq) projectText( "Plotting transfer function for site {}, sample frequency {}".format( site, sampleFreq ) ) # plot mk = mks[idx % len(mks)] ls = lstyles[idx % len(lstyles)] tfData.viewImpedance( fig=fig, polarisations=options["polarisations"], mk=mk, ls=ls, colours=colours, oneplot=options["oneplot"], res_ylim=options["plotoptions"]["res_ylim"], phase_ylim=options["plotoptions"]["phase_ylim"], xlim=options["plotoptions"]["xlim"], label="{}".format(sampleFreq), plotfonts=options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"], ) # check if any files found if len(includedFreqs) == 0: continue # sup title sub = "Site {}: {}".format(site, options["specdir"] + postpend) sub = "{}\nfs = {}".format(sub, arrayToString(includedFreqs, decimals=3)) st = fig.suptitle(sub, fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"]) st.set_y(0.99) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) figs.append(fig) if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath filename = "transFunction_{}_{}{}".format( site, options["specdir"], postpend ) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if not options["show"]: plt.close("all") else:["plotoptions"]["block"]) return figs
[docs]def viewTipper(projData: ProjectData, **kwargs) -> List[Figure]: """View transfer function data Parameters ---------- projData : projecData The project data sites : List[str], optional List of sites to plot transfer functions for sampleFreqs : List[float], optional List of samples frequencies for which to plot transfer functions specdir : str, optional The spectra directories used postpend : str, optional The postpend on the transfer function files cols : bool, optional Boolean flag, True to arrange tipper plot as 1 row with 3 columns show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict A dictionary of plot options. For example, set the resistivity y limits using res_ylim, set the phase y limits using phase_ylim and set the xlimits using xlim """ from resistics.common.plot import ( savePlot, plotOptionsTipper, getTransferFunctionFigSize, transferFunctionColours, ) options = {} options["sites"] = projData.getSites() options["sampleFreqs"] = projData.getSampleFreqs() options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["postpend"] = "" options["cols"] = True options["save"] = False options["show"] = True options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsTipper() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) # loop over sites figs = [] for site in options["sites"]: siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) sampleFreqs = set(siteData.getSampleFreqs()) # find the intersection with the options["freqs"] sampleFreqs = sampleFreqs.intersection(options["sampleFreqs"]) sampleFreqs = sorted(list(sampleFreqs)) # if prepend is a string, then make it a list if isinstance(options["postpend"], str): options["postpend"] = [options["postpend"]] plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] # now loop over the postpend options for pp in options["postpend"]: # add an underscore if not empty postpend = "_{}".format(pp) if pp != "" else pp fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) mks = ["o", "*", "d", "^", "h"] lstyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"] # loop over sampling frequencies includedFreqs = [] for idx, sampleFreq in enumerate(sampleFreqs): tfData = getTransferFunctionData( projData, site, sampleFreq, specdir=options["specdir"], postpend=pp ) if not tfData: continue includedFreqs.append(sampleFreq) projectText( "Plotting tipper for site {}, sample frequency {}".format( site, sampleFreq ) ) mk = mks[idx % len(mks)] ls = lstyles[idx % len(lstyles)] tfData.viewTipper( fig=fig, rows=options["cols"], mk=mk, ls=ls, label="{}".format(sampleFreq), xlim=options["plotoptions"]["xlim"], length_ylim=options["plotoptions"]["length_ylim"], angle_ylim=options["plotoptions"]["angle_ylim"], plotfonts=options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"], ) # check if any files found if len(includedFreqs) == 0: continue # sup title sub = "Site {} tipper: {}".format(site, options["specdir"] + postpend) sub = "{}\nfs = {}".format(sub, arrayToString(includedFreqs, decimals=3)) st = fig.suptitle(sub, fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"]) st.set_y(0.99) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) figs.append(fig) if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath filename = "tipper_{}_{}{}".format(site, options["specdir"], postpend) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if not options["show"]: plt.close("all") else:["plotoptions"]["block"]) return figs