Source code for resistics.project.statistics

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Any

from import ProjectData
from import StatisticData
from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator
from resistics.statistics.utils import getStatElements
from resistics.window.selector import WindowSelector
from import SpectrumReader
from import SpectrumData
from resistics.project.mask import getMaskData
from import fileFormatSampleFreq
from resistics.common.print import listToString
from resistics.common.checks import parseKeywords
from resistics.project.utils import projectText, projectWarning, projectError

[docs]def getStatisticData( projData: ProjectData, site: str, meas: str, stat: str, declevel: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> StatisticData: """Get the statistic data for a statistic for a site measurement Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData Project instance site : str The site for which to get the statistic data meas : str The measurement for which to get the statistic stat : str The statistic for which to get the measurement declevel : int, optional The decimation level to read in. Default is 0. specdir : str, optional The spectra directory Returns ------- StatisticData, None A StatisticData object or None if the statistic data does not exist """ from import StatisticIO options = {} options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) if not siteData: projectError("Unable to find site {} in project".format(site), quitRun=True) # load the statistic data statIO = StatisticIO() statIO.setDatapath( os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementStatPath(meas), options["specdir"]) ) statData =, declevel) return statData
[docs]def getStatisticDataForSampleFreq( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: float, stat: str, declevel: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> List[StatisticData]: """Get the statistic data (for a particular decimation level) for all measurements in a site with sampling frequency sampleFreq Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData Project instance site : str The site for which to get the statistic data sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency stat : str The statistic for which to get the measurement declevel : int, optional The decimation level to read in. Default is 0. specdir : str, optional The spectra directory Returns ------- Dict[str, StatisticData] A statistic data object """ from import StatisticIO options = {} options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) if not siteData: projectError("Unable to find site {} in project".format(site), quitRun=True) # load the statistic data statData: Dict[str, StatisticData] = {} statIO = StatisticIO() measurements = siteData.getMeasurements(sampleFreq) for meas in measurements: statIO.setDatapath( os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementStatPath(meas), options["specdir"]) ) # make sure some data was found chk =, declevel) if chk is not None: statData[meas] =, declevel) else: projectWarning( "No {} data found for site {} and measurement {}".format( stat, site, meas ) ) return statData
[docs]def calculateStatistics(projData: ProjectData, **kwargs): """Calculate statistics for sites Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project data instance sites : List[str], optional A list of sites to calculate statistics for sampleFreqs : List[float], optional List of sampling frequencies for which to calculate statistics specdir : str, optional The spectra directory for which to calculate statistics stats : List[str], optional The statistics to calculate out. Acceptable values are: "absvalEqn" "coherence", "psd", "poldir", "transFunc", "resPhase", "partialcoh". Configuration file values are used by default. ncores : int, optional The number of cores to run the transfer function calculations on """ from import StatisticIO from resistics.project.shortcuts import getDecimationParameters options = {} options["sites"] = projData.getSites() options["sampleFreqs"] = projData.getSampleFreqs() options["chans"] = [] options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["stats"] = projData.config.configParams["Statistics"]["stats"] options["ncores"] = projData.config.getStatisticCores() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Calculating stats: {} for sites: {}".format( listToString(options["stats"]), listToString(options["sites"]) ) ) # loop through sites and calculate statistics statIO = StatisticIO() for site in options["sites"]: siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) measurements = siteData.getMeasurements() for meas in measurements: sampleFreq = siteData.getMeasurementSampleFreq(meas) if sampleFreq not in options["sampleFreqs"]: continue projectText( "Calculating stats for site {}, measurement {}".format(site, meas) ) decParams = getDecimationParameters(sampleFreq, projData.config) numLevels = decParams.numLevels specReader = SpectrumReader( os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementSpecPath(meas), options["specdir"]) ) # calculate statistics for decimation level if spectra file exists for declevel in range(0, numLevels): check = specReader.openBinaryForReading("spectra", declevel) if not check: continue refTime = specReader.getReferenceTime() winSize = specReader.getWindowSize() winOlap = specReader.getWindowOverlap() numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows() sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq() evalFreq = decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel) # dictionary for saving statistic data statData = {} for stat in options["stats"]: statElements = getStatElements(stat) statData[stat] = StatisticData( stat, refTime, sampleFreqDec, winSize, winOlap ) statData[stat].setStatParams(numWindows, statElements, evalFreq) statData[stat].comments = specReader.getComments() statData[stat].addComment(projData.config.getConfigComment()) statData[stat].addComment("Calculating statistic: {}".format(stat)) statData[stat].addComment( "Statistic components: {}".format(listToString(statElements)) ) # get all the spectra data in batch and process all the windows spectraData, globalIndices = specReader.readBinaryBatchGlobal() if options["ncores"] > 0: out = multiStatistics( options["ncores"], spectraData, evalFreq, options["stats"] ) for iW in range(numWindows): for stat in options["stats"]: statData[stat].addStat(iW, globalIndices[iW], out[iW][stat]) else: statCalculator = StatisticCalculator() for iW in range(numWindows): winSpecData = spectraData[iW] winStatData = calculateWindowStatistics( winSpecData, evalFreq, options["stats"], statCalculator=statCalculator, ) for stat in options["stats"]: statData[stat].addStat( iW, globalIndices[iW], winStatData[stat] ) specReader.closeFile() # save statistic for stat in options["stats"]: statIO.setDatapath( os.path.join( siteData.getMeasurementStatPath(meas), options["specdir"] ) ) statIO.write(statData[stat], declevel)
[docs]def calculateRemoteStatistics(projData: ProjectData, remoteSite: str, **kwargs): """Calculate statistics involving a remote reference site Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project data instance remoteSite : str The name of the site to use as the remote site sites : List[str], optional A list of sites to calculate statistics for sampleFreqs : List[float], optional List of sampling frequencies for which to calculate statistics specdir : str, optional The spectra directory for which to calculate statistics remotestats : List[str], optional The statistics to calculate out. Acceptable statistics are: "RR_coherence", "RR_coherenceEqn", "RR_absvalEqn", "RR_transferFunction", "RR_resPhase". Configuration file values are used by default. """ from import StatisticIO from resistics.statistics.calculator import StatisticCalculator from resistics.project.shortcuts import ( getDecimationParameters, getWindowParameters, getWindowSelector, ) options = {} options["sites"] = projData.getSites() options["sampleFreqs"] = projData.getSampleFreqs() options["chans"] = [] options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["remotestats"] = projData.config.configParams["Statistics"]["remotestats"] options["ncores"] = projData.config.getStatisticCores() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Calculating stats: {} for sites: {} with remote site {}".format( listToString(options["remotestats"]), listToString(options["sites"]), remoteSite, ) ) statIO = StatisticIO() for site in options["sites"]: siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) measurements = siteData.getMeasurements() for meas in measurements: sampleFreq = siteData.getMeasurementSampleFreq(meas) if sampleFreq not in options["sampleFreqs"]: continue projectText( "Calculating stats for site {}, measurement {} with reference {}".format( site, meas, remoteSite ) ) # decimation and window parameters decParams = getDecimationParameters(sampleFreq, projData.config) numLevels = decParams.numLevels winParams = getWindowParameters(decParams, projData.config) # create the window selector and find the shared windows winSelector = getWindowSelector(projData, decParams, winParams) winSelector.setSites([site, remoteSite]) winSelector.calcSharedWindows() # create the spectrum reader specReader = SpectrumReader( os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementSpecPath(meas), options["specdir"]) ) # calculate statistics for decimation level if spectra file exists for declevel in range(0, numLevels): check = specReader.openBinaryForReading("spectra", declevel) if not check: continue # information regarding only this spectra file refTime = specReader.getReferenceTime() winSize = specReader.getWindowSize() winOlap = specReader.getWindowOverlap() numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows() evalFreq = decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel) sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq() globalOffset = specReader.getGlobalOffset() # find size of the intersection between the windows in this spectra file and the shared windows sharedWindows = winSelector.getSharedWindowsLevel(declevel) sharedWindowsMeas = sharedWindows.intersection( set(np.arange(globalOffset, globalOffset + numWindows)) ) sharedWindowsMeas = sorted(list(sharedWindowsMeas)) numSharedWindows = len(sharedWindowsMeas) statData = {} # create the statistic handlers for stat in options["remotestats"]: statElements = getStatElements(stat) statData[stat] = StatisticData( stat, refTime, sampleFreqDec, winSize, winOlap ) # with remote reference the number of windows is number of shared windows statData[stat].setStatParams( numSharedWindows, statElements, evalFreq ) statData[stat].comments = specReader.getComments() statData[stat].addComment(projData.config.getConfigComment()) statData[stat].addComment( "Calculating remote statistic: {}".format(stat) ) statData[stat].addComment( "Statistic components: {}".format(listToString(statElements)) ) # collect the spectra data spectraData, _globalIndices = specReader.readBinaryBatchGlobal( sharedWindowsMeas ) remoteData = [] for globalWindow in sharedWindowsMeas: _, remoteReader = winSelector.getSpecReaderForWindow( remoteSite, declevel, globalWindow ) remoteData.append(remoteReader.readBinaryWindowGlobal(globalWindow)) # calculate if options["ncores"] > 0: out = multiStatistics( options["ncores"], spectraData, evalFreq, options["remotestats"], remoteData=remoteData, ) for iW, globalWindow in enumerate(sharedWindowsMeas): for stat in options["remotestats"]: statData[stat].addStat(iW, globalWindow, out[iW][stat]) else: statCalculator = StatisticCalculator() for iW, globalWindow in enumerate(sharedWindowsMeas): winStatData = calculateWindowStatistics( spectraData[iW], evalFreq, options["remotestats"], remoteSpecData=remoteData[iW], statCalculator=statCalculator, ) for stat in options["remotestats"]: statData[stat].addStat(iW, globalWindow, winStatData[stat]) # save statistic for stat in options["remotestats"]: statIO.setDatapath( os.path.join( siteData.getMeasurementStatPath(meas), options["specdir"] ) ) statIO.write(statData[stat], declevel)
[docs]def calculateWindowStatistics( winSpecData: SpectrumData, evalFreq: np.ndarray, stats: List[str], remoteSpecData: Union[SpectrumData, None] = None, statCalculator: Union[StatisticCalculator, None] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Calculate the statistics for a single window This method is meant to be used with multiprocessing Parameters ---------- winSpecData : SpectrumData Spectrum data for a single window evalFreq : np.ndarray Array for evaluation frequencies stats : List[str] List of statistics to calculate remoteSpecData : None, SpectrumData Optionally add remote spectrum data to calculate remote statistics statCalculator : None, StatisticCalculator Provide a statistic calculator to avoid multiple creation of objects """ if statCalculator is None: statCalculator = StatisticCalculator() statCalculator.setSpectra(winSpecData.freqArray, winSpecData, evalFreq) if remoteSpecData is not None: statCalculator.addRemoteSpec(remoteSpecData) data = {} for stat in stats: data[stat] = statCalculator.getDataForStatName(stat) return data
[docs]def multiStatistics( ncores: int, spectraData: List[SpectrumData], evalFreq: np.ndarray, stats: List[str], remoteData: Union[List[SpectrumData], None] = None, ): """Multiprocessing of statistics Parameters ---------- ncores : int The number of cores to use spectraData : List[SpectrumData] List of spectrum data to process evalFreq : np.ndarray The evaluation frequencies stats : List[str] The statistics to calculate remoteData : None, List[SpectrumData] Remote data in case of remote reference statistics. None is default Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] The statistic data returned as a list with an entry for every window. The dictionary maps the statistic name to the data for that window. """ import multiprocessing as mp # prepare the lists if remoteData is None: multiTuples = [(winSpecData, evalFreq, stats) for winSpecData in spectraData] else: multiTuples = [ (winSpecData, evalFreq, stats, remoteSpecData) for winSpecData, remoteSpecData in zip(spectraData, remoteData) ] # multiprocess projectText("Running statistic calculations on {} cores".format(ncores)) with mp.Pool(ncores) as pool: out = pool.starmap(calculateWindowStatistics, multiTuples) return out
[docs]def viewStatistic( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: Union[int, float], stat: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View statistic data for a single sampling frequency of a site Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project instance site : str The site for which to plot statistics stat : str The statistic to plot sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency for which to plot statistics declevel : int The decimation level to plot eFreqI : int The evaluation frequency index specdir : str The spectra directory maskname : str Mask name clim : List, optional Limits for colourbar axis xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis ylim : List, optional Limits for the y axis colortitle : str, optional Title for the colourbar show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed. If no data was found, None. """ from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, getPlotRowsAndCols options = {} options["declevel"] = 0 options["eFreqI"] = 0 options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["maskname"] = "" options["clim"] = [] options["xlim"] = [] options["ylim"] = [] options["colortitle"] = "" options["show"] = True options["save"] = False options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Plotting statistic {} for site {} and sampling frequency {}".format( stat, site, sampleFreq ) ) statData = getStatisticDataForSampleFreq( projData, site, sampleFreq, stat, declevel=options["declevel"], specdir=options["specdir"], ) statMeas = list(statData.keys()) if len(statMeas) == 0: projectWarning( "No statistic files for site {}, sampling frequency {}, statistic {} and decimation level {}".format( site, sampleFreq, stat, options["declevel"] ) ) return None # get the evaluation frequency eFreq = statData[statMeas[0]].evalFreq[options["eFreqI"]] # get the mask data maskWindows = [] if options["maskname"] != "": maskData = getMaskData(projData, site, options["maskname"], sampleFreq) maskWindows = maskData.getMaskWindowsFreq( options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"] ) # setup the figure plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) # get the date limits siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) if len(options["xlim"]) == 0: start = siteData.getMeasurementStart(statMeas[0]) end = siteData.getMeasurementEnd(statMeas[0]) for meas in statMeas: start = min(start, siteData.getMeasurementStart(meas)) end = max(end, siteData.getMeasurementEnd(meas)) options["xlim"] = [start, end] # do the plots for meas in statMeas: statData[meas].view( options["eFreqI"], fig=fig, xlim=options["xlim"], ylim=options["ylim"], clim=options["clim"], label=meas, plotfonts=options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"], maskwindows=maskWindows, ) # add a legened plt.legend(markerscale=4, fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) # do the title after all the plots fig.suptitle( "{} values for {}, sampling frequency = {:.2f} Hz, decimation level = {} and evaluation frequency {} Hz".format( stat, site, sampleFreq, options["declevel"], eFreq ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) # plot format, show and save fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath sampleFreqStr = fileFormatSampleFreq(sampleFreq) filename = "stat_{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_dec{:d}_efreq{:d}_{:s}".format( stat, site, sampleFreqStr, options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"], options["specdir"], ) if options["maskname"] != "": filename = "{}_{}".format(filename, options["maskname"]) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig
[docs]def viewStatisticHistogram( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: float, stat: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View statistic histograms for a single sampling frequency of a site Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project instance site : str The site for which to plot statistics stat : str The statistic to plot sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency for which to plot statistics declevel : int The decimation level to plot eFreqI : int The evaluation frequency index specdir : str The spectra directory maskname : str Mask name numbins : int The number of bins for the histogram data binning xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis maxcols : int The maximum number of columns in the plots show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None. If no data was found, None. """ from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, getPlotRowsAndCols options = {} options["declevel"] = 0 options["eFreqI"] = 0 options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["maskname"] = "" options["numbins"] = 40 options["xlim"] = [] options["maxcols"] = 4 options["show"] = True options["save"] = False options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Plotting histogram for statistic {}, site {} and sampling frequency {}".format( stat, site, sampleFreq ) ) statData = getStatisticDataForSampleFreq( projData, site, sampleFreq, stat, declevel=options["declevel"], specdir=options["specdir"], ) statMeas = list(statData.keys()) if len(statMeas) == 0: projectWarning( "No statistic files for site {}, sampling frequency {}, statistic {} and decimation level {}".format( site, sampleFreq, stat, options["declevel"] ) ) return None # get the statistic components statComponents = statData[statMeas[0]].winStats # get the evaluation frequency eFreq = statData[statMeas[0]].evalFreq[options["eFreqI"]] # get the mask data maskWindows = [] if options["maskname"] != "": maskData = getMaskData(projData, site, options["maskname"], sampleFreq) maskWindows = maskData.getMaskWindowsFreq( options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"] ) # plot information nrows, ncols = getPlotRowsAndCols(options["maxcols"], len(statComponents)) numbins = options["numbins"] plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) # suptitle st = fig.suptitle( "{} histogram for {}, sampling frequency {} Hz, decimation level {} and evaluation frequency {} Hz".format( stat, site, sampleFreq, options["declevel"], eFreq ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot the data for idx, val in enumerate(statComponents): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title("Histogram {}".format(val), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) plotData = np.empty(shape=(0)) for meas in statMeas: stats = statData[meas].getStats(maskwindows=maskWindows) plotData = np.concatenate( (plotData, np.squeeze(stats[:, options["eFreqI"], idx])) ) # remove infinities and nans plotData = plotData[np.isfinite(plotData)] # x axis options xlim = ( options["xlim"] if len(options["xlim"]) > 0 else [np.min(plotData), np.max(plotData)] ) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.xlabel("Value", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # now plot with xlim in mind plt.hist(plotData, numbins, range=xlim, facecolor="red", alpha=0.75) plt.grid() # y axis options plt.ylabel("Count", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # plot format, show and save fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath sampleFreqStr = fileFormatSampleFreq(sampleFreq) filename = "statHist_{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_dec{:d}_efreq{:d}_{:s}".format( stat, site, sampleFreqStr, options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"], options["specdir"], ) if options["maskname"] != "": filename = "{}_{}".format(filename, options["maskname"]) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig
[docs]def viewStatisticCrossplot( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: Union[int, float], stat: str, crossplots: List[List[str]], **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View statistic crossplot data for a single sampling frequency of a site Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project instance site : str The site for which to plot statistics stat : str The statistic to plot sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency for which to plot statistics crossplots : List[List[str]] The statistic element pairs to crossplot declevel : int The decimation level to plot eFreqI : int The evaluation frequency index specdir : str The spectra directory maskname : str Mask name xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis ylim : List, optional Limits for the y axis maxcols : int The maximum number of columns in the plots show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed. If no data was found, None. """ from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, getPlotRowsAndCols options = {} options["declevel"] = 0 options["eFreqI"] = 0 options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["maskname"] = "" options["xlim"] = [] options["ylim"] = [] options["maxcols"] = 2 options["show"] = True options["save"] = False options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Plotting crossplot for statistic {}, site {} and sampling frequency {}".format( stat, site, sampleFreq ) ) statData = getStatisticDataForSampleFreq( projData, site, sampleFreq, stat, declevel=options["declevel"], specdir=options["specdir"], ) statMeas = list(statData.keys()) if len(statMeas) == 0: projectWarning( "No statistic files for site {}, sampling frequency {}, statistic {} and decimation level {}".format( site, sampleFreq, stat, options["declevel"] ) ) return None # get the evaluation frequency eFreq = statData[statMeas[0]].evalFreq[options["eFreqI"]] # get the mask data maskWindows = [] if options["maskname"] != "": maskData = getMaskData(projData, site, options["maskname"], sampleFreq) maskWindows = maskData.getMaskWindowsFreq( options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"] ) # plot information nrows, ncols = getPlotRowsAndCols(options["maxcols"], len(crossplots)) plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) # suptitle st = fig.suptitle( "{} crossplots for {}, sampling frequency {} Hz,\ndecimation level {} and evaluation frequency {} Hz".format( stat, site, sampleFreq, options["declevel"], eFreq ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot the data for idx, cplot in enumerate(crossplots): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title("Crossplot {}".format(cplot), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) for meas in statMeas: stats = statData[meas].getStats(maskwindows=maskWindows) plotI1 = statData[meas].winStats.index(cplot[0]) plotData1 = np.squeeze(stats[:, options["eFreqI"], plotI1]) plotI2 = statData[meas].winStats.index(cplot[1]) plotData2 = np.squeeze(stats[:, options["eFreqI"], plotI2]) scat = plt.scatter( plotData1, plotData2, edgecolors="none", marker="o", s=12, label=meas ) # x axis options if len(options["xlim"]) > 0: plt.xlim(options["xlim"]) if len(options["ylim"]) > 0: plt.ylim(options["ylim"]) plt.xlabel(cplot[0], fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel(cplot[1], fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.grid(True) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) plt.legend(loc=2, markerscale=4, fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) # plot format, show and save fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath sampleFreqStr = fileFormatSampleFreq(sampleFreq) filename = "statCrossplot_{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_dec{:d}_efreq{:d}_{:s}".format( stat, site, sampleFreqStr, options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"], options["specdir"], ) if options["maskname"] != "": filename = "{}_{}".format(filename, options["maskname"]) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig
[docs]def viewStatisticDensityplot( projData: ProjectData, site: str, sampleFreq: Union[int, float], stat: str, crossplots: List[List[str]], **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View statistic data as a density plot for a single sampling frequency of a site Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project instance site : str The site for which to plot statistics stat : str The statistic to plot sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency for which to plot statistics crossplots : List[List[str]] The statistic element pairs to crossplot declevel : int The decimation level to plot eFreqI : int The evaluation frequency index specdir : str The spectra directory maskname : str Mask name xlim : List, optional Limits for the x axis ylim : List, optional Limits for the y axis maxcols : int The maximum number of columns in the plots show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed. If no data was found, None. """ from resistics.common.plot import ( savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, getPlotRowsAndCols, colorbar2dSpectra, ) options = {} options["declevel"] = 0 options["eFreqI"] = 0 options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["maskname"] = "" options["xlim"] = [] options["ylim"] = [] options["maxcols"] = 2 options["show"] = True options["save"] = False options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Plotting density plot for statistic {}, site {} and sampling frequency {}".format( stat, site, sampleFreq ) ) statData = getStatisticDataForSampleFreq( projData, site, sampleFreq, stat, declevel=options["declevel"], specdir=options["specdir"], ) statMeas = list(statData.keys()) if len(statMeas) == 0: projectWarning( "No statistic files for site {}, sampling frequency {}, statistic {} and decimation level {}".format( site, sampleFreq, stat, options["declevel"] ) ) return None # get the evaluation frequency eFreq = statData[statMeas[0]].evalFreq[options["eFreqI"]] # get the mask data maskWindows = [] if options["maskname"] != "": maskData = getMaskData(projData, site, options["maskname"], sampleFreq) maskWindows = maskData.getMaskWindowsFreq( options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"] ) # plot information nrows, ncols = getPlotRowsAndCols(options["maxcols"], len(crossplots)) plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) # suptitle st = fig.suptitle( "{} density plots for {}, sampling frequency {} Hz,\ndecimation level {} and evaluation frequency {} Hz".format( stat, site, sampleFreq, options["declevel"], eFreq ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # now plot the data for idx, cplot in enumerate(crossplots): ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1) plt.title("Crossplot {}".format(cplot), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) plotAll1 = [] plotAll2 = [] for meas in statMeas: stats = statData[meas].getStats(maskwindows=maskWindows) plotI1 = statData[meas].winStats.index(cplot[0]) plotData1 = np.squeeze(stats[:, options["eFreqI"], plotI1]) plotI2 = statData[meas].winStats.index(cplot[1]) plotData2 = np.squeeze(stats[:, options["eFreqI"], plotI2]) # add to all data if plotData1.size == 0: continue if plotData1.size == 1: plotAll1 = plotAll1 + [float(plotData1)] plotAll2 = plotAll2 + [float(plotData2)] else: plotAll1 = plotAll1 + plotData1.tolist() plotAll2 = plotAll2 + plotData2.tolist() plotAll1 = np.array(plotAll1) plotAll2 = np.array(plotAll2) nbins = 200 if len(options["xlim"]) > 0: plt.xlim(options["xlim"]) rangex = options["xlim"] else: minx = np.percentile(plotAll1, 2) maxx = np.percentile(plotAll1, 98) ax.set_xlim(minx, maxx) rangex = [minx, maxx] if len(options["ylim"]) > 0: plt.ylim(options["ylim"]) rangey = options["ylim"] else: miny = np.percentile(plotAll2, 2) maxy = np.percentile(plotAll2, 98) ax.set_ylim(miny, maxy) rangey = [miny, maxy] plt.hist2d( plotAll1, plotAll2, bins=(nbins, nbins), range=[rangex, rangey],, ) # axis format plt.xlabel(cplot[0], fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.ylabel(cplot[1], fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.grid(True) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # plot format, show and save # fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.92]) if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath sampleFreqStr = fileFormatSampleFreq(sampleFreq) filename = "statDensityplot_{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_dec{:d}_efreq{:d}_{:s}".format( stat, site, sampleFreqStr, options["declevel"], options["eFreqI"], options["specdir"], ) if options["maskname"] != "": filename = "{}_{}".format(filename, options["maskname"]) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig