Source code for resistics.project.spectra

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Union, Dict

from import ProjectData
from import SiteData
from import TimeData
from import SpectrumReader
from resistics.common.checks import parseKeywords, isMagnetic
from resistics.common.print import listToString, breakComment
from resistics.project.utils import projectText, projectWarning, projectError

[docs]def getSpecReader( projData: ProjectData, site: str, meas: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[SpectrumReader, None]: """Get the spectrum reader for a measurement Parameters ---------- site : str Site for which to get the spectra reader meas : str The measurement options : Dict Options in a dictionary declevel : int, optional Decimation level for which to get data specdir : str, optional String that specifies spectra directory for the measurement Returns ------- SpectrumReader The SpectrumReader object or None if data does not exist """ options = {} options["declevel"]: int = 0 options["specdir"]: str = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) measurements = siteData.getMeasurements() if meas not in measurements: projectError("Measurement directory {} not found".format(meas), quitRun=True) # create the spectrum reader specReader = SpectrumReader( os.path.join(siteData.getMeasurementSpecPath(meas), options["specdir"]) ) specReader.printInfo() # open the spectra file for the current decimation level if it exists check = specReader.openBinaryForReading("spectra", options["declevel"]) if not check: projectWarning( "Spectra file does not exist at level {}".format(options["declevel"]) ) return None return specReader
[docs]def calculateSpectra(projData: ProjectData, **kwargs) -> None: """Calculate spectra for the project time data The philosophy is that spectra are calculated out for all data and later limited using statistics and time constraints Parameters ---------- projData : ProjectData A project data object sites : str, List[str], optional Either a single site or a list of sites sampleFreqs : int, float, List[float], optional The frequencies in Hz for which to calculate the spectra. Either a single frequency or a list of them. chans : List[str], optional The channels for which to calculate out the spectra polreverse : Dict[str, bool] Keys are channels and values are boolean flags for reversing scale : Dict[str, float] Keys are channels and values are floats to multiply the channel data by calibrate : bool, optional Flag whether to calibrate the data or not notch : List[float], optional List of frequencies to notch filter : Dict, optional Filter parameters specdir : str, optional The spectra directory to save the spectra data in ncores : int, optional The number of cores to run the transfer function calculations on """ from import SpectrumWriter from resistics.decimate.decimator import Decimator from resistics.window.windower import Windower from resistics.project.shortcuts import ( getCalibrator, getDecimationParameters, getWindowParameters, ) from resistics.project.preprocess import ( applyPolarisationReversalOptions, applyScaleOptions, applyCalibrationOptions, applyFilterOptions, applyNotchOptions, ) options = {} options["sites"] = projData.getSites() options["sampleFreqs"]: List[float] = projData.getSampleFreqs() options["chans"]: List[str] = [] options["polreverse"]: Union[bool, Dict[str, bool]] = False options["scale"]: Union[bool, Dict[str, float]] = False options["calibrate"]: bool = True options["notch"]: List[float] = [] options["filter"]: Dict = {} options["specdir"]: str = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["ncores"] = projData.config.getSpectraCores() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) # prepare calibrator cal = getCalibrator(projData.calPath, projData.config) if options["calibrate"]: cal.printInfo() datetimeRef = projData.refTime for site in options["sites"]: siteData = projData.getSiteData(site) siteData.printInfo() # calculate spectra for each frequency for sampleFreq in options["sampleFreqs"]: measurements = siteData.getMeasurements(sampleFreq) projectText( "Site {} has {:d} measurement(s) at sampling frequency {:.2f}".format( site, len(measurements), sampleFreq ) ) if len(measurements) == 0: continue # no data files at this sample rate for meas in measurements: projectText( "Calculating spectra for site {} and measurement {}".format( site, meas ) ) # get measurement start and end times - this is the time of the first and last sample reader = siteData.getMeasurement(meas) startTime = siteData.getMeasurementStart(meas) stopTime = siteData.getMeasurementEnd(meas) dataChans = ( options["chans"] if len(options["chans"]) > 0 else reader.getChannels() ) timeData = reader.getPhysicalData(startTime, stopTime, chans=dataChans) timeData.addComment(breakComment()) timeData.addComment("Calculating project spectra") timeData.addComment(projData.config.getConfigComment()) # apply various options applyPolarisationReversalOptions(options, timeData) applyScaleOptions(options, timeData) applyCalibrationOptions(options, cal, timeData, reader) applyFilterOptions(options, timeData) applyNotchOptions(options, timeData) # define decimation and window parameters decParams = getDecimationParameters(sampleFreq, projData.config) numLevels = decParams.numLevels winParams = getWindowParameters(decParams, projData.config) dec = Decimator(timeData, decParams) timeData.addComment( "Decimating with {} levels and {} frequencies per level".format( numLevels, decParams.freqPerLevel ) ) # loop through decimation levels for declevel in range(0, numLevels): # get the data for the current level check = dec.incrementLevel() if not check: break # not enough data timeData = dec.timeData # create the windower and give it window parameters for current level sampleFreqDec = dec.sampleFreq win = Windower( datetimeRef, timeData, winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), winParams.getOverlap(declevel), ) if win.numWindows < 2: break # do no more decimation # print information and add some comments projectText( "Calculating spectra for decimation level {}".format(declevel) ) timeData.addComment( "Evaluation frequencies for this level {}".format( listToString(decParams.getEvalFrequenciesForLevel(declevel)) ) ) timeData.addComment( "Windowing with window size {} samples and overlap {} samples".format( winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), winParams.getOverlap(declevel), ) ) if projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["applywindow"]: timeData.addComment( "Performing fourier transform with window function {}".format( projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["windowfunc"] ) ) else: timeData.addComment( "Performing fourier transform with no window function" ) # collect time data timeDataList = [] for iW in range(0, win.numWindows): timeDataList.append(win.getData(iW)) # open spectra file for saving specPath = os.path.join( siteData.getMeasurementSpecPath(meas), options["specdir"] ) specWrite = SpectrumWriter(specPath, datetimeRef) specWrite.openBinaryForWriting( "spectra", declevel, sampleFreqDec, winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), winParams.getOverlap(declevel), win.winOffset, win.numWindows, dataChans, ) if options["ncores"] > 0: specDataList = multiSpectra( options["ncores"], timeDataList, sampleFreqDec, winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), projData.config.configParams, ) else: specDataList = calculateWindowSpectra( timeDataList, sampleFreqDec, winParams.getWindowSize(declevel), projData.config.configParams, ) # write out to spectra file for iW in range(0, win.numWindows): specWrite.writeBinary(specDataList[iW]) specWrite.writeCommentsFile(timeData.getComments()) specWrite.closeFile()
[docs]def calculateWindowSpectra( timeDataList: List[TimeData], sampleFreq: float, windowSize: int, config: Union[Dict, None] = None, ): """Calculate spectra for a list of TimeData Parameters ---------- timeDataList : List[TimeData] A list of TimeData objects sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency of the TimeData windowSize : int The number of samples in the window Returns ------- specDataList : List[SpectrumData] A list of spectra data """ from resistics.spectra.calculator import SpectrumCalculator specCalc = SpectrumCalculator(sampleFreq, windowSize, config=config) numWindows = len(timeDataList) specDataList = list() # loop though windows and calculate spectra for iW in range(0, numWindows): timeData = timeDataList[iW] specDataList.append(specCalc.calcFourierCoeff(timeData)) return specDataList
[docs]def multiSpectra( ncores: int, timeDataList: List[TimeData], sampleFreq: float, windowSize: int, config: Dict[str, None] = None, ): """Multiprocessing of spectra Parameters ---------- ncores: int The number of cores for multiprocessing timeDataList : List[TimeData] A list of TimeData objects sampleFreq : float The sampling frequency of the TimeData windowSize : int The number of samples in the window Returns ------- specDataList : List[SpectrumData] A list of spectra data """ import multiprocessing as mp # separate time data into batches numWindows = len(timeDataList) batchSize = int(np.ceil(numWindows / ncores)) batches = [] sizes = [] for iB in range(0, ncores): batchStartWin = iB * batchSize if batchStartWin >= numWindows: break batchEndWin = batchStartWin + batchSize if batchEndWin > numWindows: batchEndWin = numWindows batch = [] for iW in range(batchStartWin, batchEndWin): batch.append(timeDataList[iW]) batches.append(batch) sizes.append(str(len(batch))) # set up tuples multiTuples = [(batch, sampleFreq, windowSize, config) for batch in batches] # multiprocess projectText("Running spectra calculations on {} cores".format(ncores)) projectText( "{} windows being run in {} batches with sizes {}".format( numWindows, len(batches), ", ".join(sizes) ) ) with mp.Pool(ncores) as pool: out = pool.starmap(calculateWindowSpectra, multiTuples) # format the output into a single list specDataList = [] for outBatch in out: specDataList = specDataList + outBatch return specDataList
[docs]def viewSpectra( projData: ProjectData, site: str, meas: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View spectra for a measurement Parameters ---------- projData : projecData The project data site : str The site to view meas: str The measurement of the site to view chans : List[str], optional Channels to plot declevel : int, optional Decimation level to plot plotwindow : int, str, Dict, optional Windows to plot (local). If int, the window with local index plotwindow will be plotted. If string and "all", all the windows will be plotted if there are less than 20 windows, otherwise 20 windows throughout the whole spectra dataset will be plotted. If a dictionary, needs to have start and stop to define a range. specdir : str, optional String that specifies spectra directory for the measurement show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed. If no data was found, then None is returned. """ from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, colorbarMultiline options = {} options["chans"]: List[str] = [] options["declevel"]: int = 0 options["plotwindow"]: Union[int, Dict, str] = [0] options["specdir"]: str = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["show"]: bool = True options["save"]: bool = False options["plotoptions"]: Dict = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText("Plotting spectra for measurement {} and site {}".format(meas, site)) specReader = getSpecReader(projData, site, meas, **options) if specReader is None: return None # channels dataChans = specReader.getChannels() if len(options["chans"]) > 0: dataChans = options["chans"] numChans = len(dataChans) # get windows numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows() sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq() # get the window data windows = options["plotwindow"] if isinstance(windows, str) and windows == "all": if numWindows > 20: windows = list( np.linspace(0, numWindows, 20, endpoint=False, dtype=np.int32) ) else: windows = list(np.arange(0, numWindows)) elif isinstance(windows, int): windows = [windows] # if an integer, make it into a list elif isinstance(windows, dict): windows = list(np.arange(windows["start"], windows["stop"] + 1)) # create a figure plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] cmap = colorbarMultiline() fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) for iW in windows: if iW >= numWindows: break color = cmap(iW / numWindows) winData = specReader.readBinaryWindowLocal(iW) winData.view( fig=fig, chans=dataChans, label="{} to {}".format( winData.startTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), winData.stopTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ), plotfonts=plotfonts, color=color, ) st = fig.suptitle( "Spectra plot, site = {}, meas = {}, fs = {:.2f} [Hz], decimation level = {:2d}".format( site, meas, sampleFreqDec, options["declevel"] ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # put on axis labels etc for idx, chan in enumerate(dataChans): ax = plt.subplot(numChans, 1, idx + 1) plt.title("Amplitude {}".format(chan), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) if len(options["plotoptions"]["amplim"]) == 2: ax.set_ylim(options["plotoptions"]["amplim"]) ax.set_xlim(0, specReader.getSampleFreq() / 2.0) plt.grid(True) # fig legend and formatting ax = plt.gca() h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.77, 0.92]) # legend axis legax = plt.axes(position=[0.77, 0.02, 0.23, 0.88], in_layout=False) plt.tick_params(left=False, labelleft=False, bottom=False, labelbottom="False") legax.legend(h, l, loc="upper left", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) # plot show and save if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath filename = "spectraData_{}_{}_dec{}_{}".format( site, meas, options["declevel"], options["specdir"] ) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig
[docs]def viewSpectraSection( projData: ProjectData, site: str, meas: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View spectra section for a measurement Parameters ---------- projData : projecData The project data site : str The site to view meas: str The measurement of the site to view chans : List[str], optional Channels to plot declevel : int, optional Decimation level to plot specdir : str, optional String that specifies spectra directory for the measurement show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed. If no data was found, then None is returned. """ from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, colorbar2dSpectra options = {} options["chans"] = [] options["declevel"] = 0 options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["show"] = True options["save"] = False options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Plotting spectra section for measurement {} and site {}".format(meas, site) ) specReader = getSpecReader(projData, site, meas, **options) if specReader is None: return None # channels dataChans = specReader.getChannels() if len(options["chans"]) > 0: dataChans = options["chans"] # get windows numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows() sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq() f = specReader.getFrequencyArray() # if plotting a section, ignore plotwindow if numWindows > 250: windows = list(np.linspace(0, numWindows, 250, endpoint=False, dtype=np.int32)) else: windows = np.arange(0, numWindows) # create figure plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) st = fig.suptitle( "Spectra section, site = {}, meas = {}, fs = {:.2f} [Hz], decimation level = {:2d}, windows = {:d}, {} to {}".format( site, meas, sampleFreqDec, options["declevel"], len(windows), windows[0], windows[-1], ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # collect the data specData = np.empty( shape=(len(windows), len(dataChans), specReader.getDataSize()), dtype="complex" ) dates = [] for idx, iW in enumerate(windows): winData = specReader.readBinaryWindowLocal(iW) for cIdx, chan in enumerate(dataChans): specData[idx, cIdx, :] =[chan] dates.append(winData.startTime) ampLim = options["plotoptions"]["amplim"] for idx, chan in enumerate(dataChans): ax = plt.subplot(1, len(dataChans), idx + 1) plotData = np.transpose(np.absolute(np.squeeze(specData[:, idx, :]))) if len(ampLim) == 2: plt.pcolor( dates, f, plotData, norm=LogNorm(vmin=ampLim[0], vmax=ampLim[1]), cmap=colorbar2dSpectra(), ) else: plt.pcolor( dates, f, plotData, norm=LogNorm(vmin=plotData.min(), vmax=plotData.max()), cmap=colorbar2dSpectra(), ) cb = plt.colorbar()["axisTicks"]) # set axis limits ax.set_ylim(0, specReader.getSampleFreq() / 2.0) ax.set_xlim([dates[0], dates[-1]]) if isMagnetic(chan): plt.title("Amplitude {} [nT]".format(chan), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) else: plt.title("Amplitude {} [mV/km]".format(chan), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) ax.set_ylabel("Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) ax.set_xlabel("Time", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) plt.grid(True) # plot format fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90, ha="center") fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.02, 0.02, 0.96, 0.92]) # plot show and save if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath filename = "spectraSection_{}_{}_dec{}_{}".format( site, meas, options["declevel"], options["specdir"] ) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig
[docs]def viewSpectraStack( projData: ProjectData, site: str, meas: str, **kwargs ) -> Union[Figure, None]: """View spectra stacks for a measurement Parameters ---------- projData : projecData The project data site : str The site to view meas: str The measurement of the site to view chans : List[str], optional Channels to plot declevel : int, optional Decimation level to plot numstacks : int, optional The number of windows to stack coherences : List[List[str]], optional A list of coherences to add, specified as [["Ex", "Hy"], ["Ey", "Hx"]] specdir : str, optional String that specifies spectra directory for the measurement show : bool, optional Show the spectra plot save : bool, optional Save the plot to the images directory plotoptions : Dict, optional Dictionary of plot options Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure or None A matplotlib figure unless the plot is not shown and is saved, in which case None and the figure is closed. If no data was found, then None is returned. """ from resistics.common.plot import savePlot, plotOptionsSpec, colorbarMultiline options = {} options["chans"] = [] options["declevel"] = 0 options["numstacks"] = 10 options["coherences"] = [] options["specdir"] = projData.config.configParams["Spectra"]["specdir"] options["show"] = True options["save"] = False options["plotoptions"] = plotOptionsSpec() options = parseKeywords(options, kwargs) projectText( "Plotting spectra stack for measurement {} and site {}".format(meas, site) ) specReader = getSpecReader(projData, site, meas, **options) if specReader is None: return None # channels dataChans = specReader.getChannels() if len(options["chans"]) > 0: dataChans = options["chans"] numChans = len(dataChans) # get windows numWindows = specReader.getNumWindows() sampleFreqDec = specReader.getSampleFreq() f = specReader.getFrequencyArray() # calculate num of windows to stack in each set stackSize = int(np.floor(1.0 * numWindows / options["numstacks"])) if stackSize == 0: projectWarning( "Too few windows for number of stacks {}".format(options["numstacks"]) ) options["numstacks"] = numWindows stackSize = 1 projectWarning("Number of stacks changed to {}".format(options["numstacks"])) # calculate number of rows - in case interested in coherences too nrows = ( 2 if len(options["coherences"]) == 0 else 2 + np.ceil(1.0 * len(options["coherences"]) / numChans) ) # setup the figure plotfonts = options["plotoptions"]["plotfonts"] cmap = colorbarMultiline() fig = plt.figure(figsize=options["plotoptions"]["figsize"]) st = fig.suptitle( "Spectra stack, fs = {:.6f} [Hz], decimation level = {:2d}, windows in each set = {:d}".format( sampleFreqDec, options["declevel"], stackSize ), fontsize=plotfonts["suptitle"], ) st.set_y(0.98) # do the stacking for iP in range(0, options["numstacks"]): stackStart = iP * stackSize stackStop = min(stackStart + stackSize, numWindows) color = cmap(iP / options["numstacks"]) # dictionaries to hold data for this section stackedData = {} ampData = {} phaseData = {} powerData = {} # assign initial zeros for c in dataChans: stackedData[c] = np.zeros(shape=(specReader.getDataSize()), dtype="complex") ampData[c] = np.zeros(shape=(specReader.getDataSize()), dtype="complex") phaseData[c] = np.zeros(shape=(specReader.getDataSize()), dtype="complex") for c2 in dataChans: powerData[c + c2] = np.zeros( shape=(specReader.getDataSize()), dtype="complex" ) # now stack the data and create nice plots for iW in range(stackStart, stackStop): winData = specReader.readBinaryWindowLocal(iW) for c in dataChans: stackedData[c] +=[c] ampData[c] += np.absolute([c]) phaseData[c] += np.angle([c]) * (180.0 / np.pi) # get coherency data for c2 in dataChans: powerData[c + c2] +=[c] * np.conjugate([c2] ) if iW == stackStart: startTime = winData.startTime if iW == stackStop - 1: stopTime = winData.stopTime # scale powers and stacks ampLim = options["plotoptions"]["amplim"] for idx, c in enumerate(dataChans): stackedData[c] = stackedData[c] / (stackStop - stackStart) ampData[c] = ampData[c] / (stackStop - stackStart) phaseData[c] = phaseData[c] / (stackStop - stackStart) for c2 in dataChans: # normalisation powerData[c + c2] = 2 * powerData[c + c2] / (stackStop - stackStart) # normalisation powerData[c + c2][[0, -1]] = powerData[c + c2][[0, -1]] / 2 # plot ax1 = plt.subplot(nrows, numChans, idx + 1) plt.title("Amplitude {}".format(c), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) h = ax1.semilogy( f, ampData[c], color=color, label="{} to {}".format( startTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), stopTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ), ) if len(ampLim) == 2: ax1.set_ylim(ampLim) else: ax1.set_ylim(0.01, 1000) ax1.set_xlim(0, sampleFreqDec / 2.0) if isMagnetic(c): ax1.set_ylabel("Amplitude [nT]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) else: ax1.set_ylabel("Amplitude [mV/km]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) ax1.set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.grid(True) # set tick sizes for label in ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax1.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # plot phase ax2 = plt.subplot(nrows, numChans, numChans + idx + 1) plt.title("Phase {}".format(c), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) ax2.plot( f, phaseData[c], color=color, label="{} to {}".format( startTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), stopTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ), ) ax2.set_ylim(-180, 180) ax2.set_xlim(0, sampleFreqDec / 2.0) ax2.set_ylabel("Phase [degrees]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.grid(True) # set tick sizes for label in ax2.get_xticklabels() + ax2.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # plot coherences for idx, coh in enumerate(options["coherences"]): c = coh[0] c2 = coh[1] cohNom = np.power(np.absolute(powerData[c + c2]), 2) cohDenom = powerData[c + c] * powerData[c2 + c2] coherence = cohNom / cohDenom ax = plt.subplot(nrows, numChans, 2 * numChans + idx + 1) plt.title("Coherence {} - {}".format(c, c2), fontsize=plotfonts["title"]) ax.plot( f, coherence, color=color, label="{} to {}".format( startTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), stopTime.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ), ) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1) ax.set_xlim(0, sampleFreqDec / 2) ax.set_ylabel("Coherence", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]", fontsize=plotfonts["axisLabel"]) plt.grid(True) # set tick sizes for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(plotfonts["axisTicks"]) # fig legend and layout ax = plt.gca() h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() fig.tight_layout(rect=[0.01, 0.01, 0.98, 0.81]) # legend legax = plt.axes(position=[0.01, 0.82, 0.98, 0.12], in_layout=False) plt.tick_params(left=False, labelleft=False, bottom=False, labelbottom=False) legax.legend(h, l, ncol=4, loc="upper center", fontsize=plotfonts["legend"]) # plot show and save if options["save"]: impath = projData.imagePath filename = "spectraStack_{}_{}_dec{}_{}".format( site, meas, options["declevel"], options["specdir"] ) savename = savePlot(impath, filename, fig) projectText("Image saved to file {}".format(savename)) if options["show"]:["plotoptions"]["block"]) if not options["show"] and options["save"]: plt.close(fig) return None return fig