Source code for

import os
from datetime import datetime
import glob
from typing import Union

from import checkAndMakeDir
from import ConfigData
from import loadConfig
from import ProjectData
from resistics.project.utils import (

[docs]def newProject( projectPath: str, refTime: Union[str, datetime], configFile: str = "", name: str = "mtProj", ) -> ProjectData: """Create a new project in project path A new project will be created in project path. If the project path directory does not exist, a new one will be made. If a project already exists in project path, this project will be loaded and returned. Parameters ---------- projectPath : str Path for the project directory refTime : datetime The reference time for the project configFile : str, optional Path to a configuration file name : str, optional (default is "mtProj") The name of the project file Returns ------- ProjectData A project data object """ # create project path directory checkAndMakeDir(projectPath) # reference time if isinstance(refTime, str): refTime = datetime.strptime(refTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # print info textLst = [ "Creating a new project in path: {}".format(projectPath), "Project name: {}".format(name), ] projectBlock(textLst) # create the subdirectories projectFile = os.path.join(projectPath, "{}.prj".format(name)) timePath = os.path.join(projectPath, "timeData") specPath = os.path.join(projectPath, "specData") statPath = os.path.join(projectPath, "statData") maskPath = os.path.join(projectPath, "maskData") transFuncPath = os.path.join(projectPath, "transFuncData") calPath = os.path.join(projectPath, "calData") imagePath = os.path.join(projectPath, "images") saveProjectFile( projectFile, refTime, calPath, timePath, specPath, statPath, maskPath, transFuncPath, imagePath, ) # configuration file config = ConfigData(configFile) proj = ProjectData( projectFile, refTime, calPath, timePath, specPath, statPath, maskPath, transFuncPath, imagePath, config=config, ) proj.printInfo() proj.config.printInfo() return proj
[docs]def loadProject(projectPath: str, configFile: str = "") -> ProjectData: """Load an existing project Parameters ---------- projectPath : str Path for the project directory configFile : str Path to a configuration file Returns ------- ProjectData A project data object """ # search for the .prj file (hopefully only one) gl = glob.glob(os.path.join(projectPath, "*.prj")) if len(gl) == 0: projectError("Unable to find project file in path: {}".format(projectPath)) projectFile: str = os.path.basename(gl[0]) projectText( "Loading project file: {}".format(os.path.join(projectPath, projectFile)) ) projectPaths = loadProjectFile(os.path.join(projectPath, projectFile)) # check the configuration file config = ConfigData(configFile) proj = ProjectData( projectFile, projectPaths["refTime"], projectPaths["calPath"], projectPaths["timePath"], projectPaths["specPath"], projectPaths["statPath"], projectPaths["maskPath"], projectPaths["transFuncPath"], projectPaths["imagePath"], config=config, ) proj.printInfo() proj.config.printInfo() return proj
[docs]def saveProjectFile( filepath: str, refTime: datetime, calPath: str, timePath: str, specPath: str, statPath: str, maskPath: str, transFuncPath: str, imagePath: str, ) -> None: """Save the project file to filepath Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to project file """ f = open(filepath, "w") f.write("Calibration data path = {}\n".format(calPath)) f.write("Time data path = {}\n".format(timePath)) f.write("Spectra data path = {}\n".format(specPath)) f.write("Statistics data path = {}\n".format(statPath)) f.write("Mask data path = {}\n".format(maskPath)) f.write("TransFunc data path = {}\n".format(transFuncPath)) f.write("Image data path = {}\n".format(imagePath)) f.write("Reference time = {}\n".format(refTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) f.close()
[docs]def loadProjectFile(filepath: str) -> None: """Load project from path to project file Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to project file Returns ------- projPath : Dict[str, Union[str, datetime]] A dictionary with various project paths """ f = open(filepath, "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() projPaths = {} for l in lines: split = l.strip().split("=") if "Calibration data path" in l: projPaths["calPath"] = split[1].strip() if "Time data path" in l: projPaths["timePath"] = split[1].strip() if "Spectra data path" in l: projPaths["specPath"] = split[1].strip() if "Statistics data path" in l: projPaths["statPath"] = split[1].strip() if "Mask data path" in l: projPaths["maskPath"] = split[1].strip() if "TransFunc data path" in l: projPaths["transFuncPath"] = split[1].strip() if "Image data path" in l: projPaths["imagePath"] = split[1].strip() if "Reference time" in l: projPaths["refTime"] = datetime.strptime( split[1].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) return projPaths