Source code for

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Dict, Any
from configobj import ConfigObj

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from resistics.common.print import listToString
from import loadConfig

[docs]class ConfigData(ResisticsBase): """Class for holding cofiguration options Attributes ---------- configFile : str Path to the configuration file configParams : ConfigObj ConfigObj object to parse configuration information Methods ------- __init__(configFile) Initialise configuration data configure() Configure all the options printList() Class information as a list of strings """ def __init__(self, configFile: str = "") -> None: """Initialise with default configuration options Parameters ---------- configFile : str Path to the configuration file """ self.configFile: str = configFile self.configParams = loadConfig(self.configFile) # options dictionary self.flags: Dict[str, bool] = {} self.configure()
[docs] def configure(self) -> None: """Set the configuration parameters This sets a couple of flags in the configuration to regarding whether a custom set of evaluation frequencies are being used or a custom window size definition """ # frequencies self.flags["customfrequencies"] = False if len(self.configParams["Frequencies"]["frequencies"]) > 0: # custom frequencies have been provided self.flags["customfrequencies"] = True # check to make sure appropriate number of frequencies provided numUserFreqs = len(self.configParams["Frequencies"]["frequencies"]) numExpectedFreqs = ( self.configParams["Decimation"]["numlevels"] * self.configParams["Frequencies"]["perlevel"] ) if numUserFreqs != numExpectedFreqs: self.printError( "Custom frequencies provided. Please ensure that the number of frequencies is equal to numlevels * perlevel", quitRun=True, ) # windows self.flags["customwindows"] = False numUserWindows = len(self.configParams["Window"]["windowsizes"]) numUserOverlaps = len(self.configParams["Window"]["overlapsizes"]) if numUserWindows > 0 and numUserOverlaps > 0: self.flags["customwindows"] = True numlevels = self.configParams["Decimation"]["numlevels"] if numUserWindows != numlevels or numUserOverlaps != numlevels: self.printError( "When supplying custom window sizes, the number of window sizes provided should be equal to the number of decimation levels (numlevels)", quitRun=True, )
[docs] def getSpectraCores(self) -> int: """Returns the number of cores to run specrta calculations on There is a global ncores parameter and one in the Spectra section. The Spectra one takes precedent when they are both set. Returns ------- ncores : int The number of cores to run spectra calculations on """ if self.configParams["Spectra"]["ncores"] != -1: return self.configParams["Spectra"]["ncores"] if self.configParams["ncores"] != -1: return self.configParams["ncores"] return 0
[docs] def getStatisticCores(self) -> int: """Returns the number of cores to run statistic calculations on There is a global ncores parameter and one in the Statistics section. The Statistics one takes precedent when they are both set. Returns ------- ncores : int The number of cores to run statistic calculations on """ if self.configParams["Statistics"]["ncores"] != -1: return self.configParams["Statistics"]["ncores"] if self.configParams["ncores"] != -1: return self.configParams["ncores"] return 0
[docs] def getSolverCores(self) -> int: """Returns the number of cores to run solver calculations on There is a global ncores parameter and one in the Solver section. The Solver one takes precedent when they are both set. Returns ------- ncores : int The number of cores to run solver calculations on """ if self.configParams["Solver"]["ncores"] != -1: return self.configParams["Solver"]["ncores"] if self.configParams["ncores"] != -1: return self.configParams["ncores"] return 0
[docs] def getConfigComment(self) -> str: """Returns a string to add as a comment to data Returns ------- str Comment string to add to data """ if self.configFile == "": return "Using default configuration" else: return "Using configuration with name {} in configuration file {}".format( self.configParams["name"], self.configFile )
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst: List[str] = [] if self.configFile == "": textLst.append("Configuration file = Default configuration") else: textLst.append("Configuration file = {:s}".format(self.configFile)) textLst.append("Configuration name = {:s}".format(self.configParams["name"])) textLst.append("Flags:") for key, value in self.flags.items(): textLst.append("{:s} = {}".format(key, value)) textLst.append("Configuration Parameters:") textLst.append("Name = {:s}".format(self.configParams["name"])) textLst.append("ncores = {:d}".format(self.configParams["ncores"])) textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Calibration") textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Decimation") textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Frequencies") textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Window") textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Spectra") textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Statistics") textLst = textLst + self.printListSection("Solver") return textLst
[docs] def printListSection(self, section: str) -> List[str]: """Configuration section information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst: List[str] = [] textLst.append("{:s}:".format(section)) for key, value in self.configParams[section].items(): textLst.append("\t{:s} = {}".format(key, value)) defaultOptions = "No defaults used" if len(self.configParams[section].defaults) > 0: defaultOptions = listToString(self.configParams[section].defaults) textLst.append("\tDefaulted options = {:s}".format(defaultOptions)) return textLst