import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
from typing import List
from resistics.common.math import intdiv
[docs]def smooth1d(x: np.ndarray, winLen: int = 11, window: str = "hann"):
"""Smooth in 1 dimension
x : np.ndarray
The data array to be smoothed
winLen : int
The number of samples to smooth across
window : str
The window function. Default is "hann".
The data is padded before the smoothing to ensure that the output data is the same size as the input.
The window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string
if x.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.")
if x.size < winLen:
raise ValueError("Input vector needs to be bigger than window size.")
if winLen < 3:
return x
s = np.pad(x, (winLen, winLen), mode="edge")
if window == "flat": # moving average
w = np.ones(winLen, "d")
w = eval("signal." + window + "(winLen)")
# assume winLen is odd
off = winLen + intdiv((winLen - 1), 2)
if winLen % 2 == 0: # check if even and recalc off
off = winLen + intdiv(winLen, 2)
y = np.convolve(s, w / w.sum(), mode="full")
return y[off : off + x.size]
[docs]def smooth2d(x: np.ndarray, winLen: List[int] = [5, 5], window: str = "hann"):
"""Smooth in 2-D
This smooths in a window and across windows too
x : np.ndarray
A 2-D array to be smoothed
winLen : List[int]
A two element list with winLen[0] being smoothing across windows and winLen[1] the smoothing within a window
window : str
The window function to use. Default is hann.
w1 = eval("signal." + window + "(winLen[0])")
w2 = eval("signal." + window + "(winLen[1])")
# calculate the 2d smoothing kernel
kernel = np.outer(w1, w2)
# pad to help the boundaries
padded = np.pad(x, ((winLen[0], winLen[0]), (winLen[1], winLen[1])), mode="edge")
# 2d smoothing
blurred = signal.fftconvolve(padded, kernel, mode="same")
return blurred[
winLen[0] : winLen[0] + x.shape[0], winLen[1] : winLen[1] + x.shape[1]