Source code for resistics.common.print

from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, List, Set

[docs]def generalPrint(pre: str, info: str) -> None: """Print to terminal Parameters ---------- pre : str String describing where the information is being output from info : str Information string """ print("{} {}: {}".format("%H:%M:%S"), pre, info))
[docs]def breakPrint() -> None: """Prints a break in the terminal to make things easier to read""" print("---------------------------------------------------") print("") print("---------------------------------------------------")
[docs]def blockPrint(pre: str, text: Union[List, str]) -> None: """Prints a block of information to the terminal with separators Parameters ---------- pre : str String describing where the information is being output from text : str, List Information string or a list of strings to print out in the black """ generalPrint(pre, "####################") generalPrint(pre, "{} INFO BEGIN".format(pre.upper())) generalPrint(pre, "####################") if isinstance(text, str): generalPrint(pre, text) else: for t in text: generalPrint(pre, t) generalPrint(pre, "####################") generalPrint(pre, "{} INFO END".format(pre.upper())) generalPrint(pre, "####################")
[docs]def warningPrint(pre: str, info: str) -> None: """Print a warning to the terminal Parameters ---------- pre : str String describing where the information is being output from info : str Information string """ print("{} {}: {}".format("%H:%M:%S"), pre.upper(), info))
[docs]def errorPrint(pre: str, info: str, quitRun: bool = False): """Print an error Parameters ---------- pre : str String describing where the information is being output from info : str Information string quitRun : bool, optional Bool flag for quitting execution of the code due to the error """ print( "ERROR: {} {}: {}".format("%H:%M:%S"), pre.upper(), info ) ) if quitRun: print("Exiting...") exit()
[docs]def breakComment() -> str: """Returns a string to show a break in data comments Returns ------- str A separator string """ return "---------------------------------------------------"
[docs]def arrayToString(data: np.ndarray, tabs: bool = False, decimals: int = 8) -> str: """Convert an array to a string separated by commas Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Data array tabs : bool, optional Bool flag for using tabs instead of commas decimals : int, optional Number of decimal places to print Returns ------- out : str Output string """ outputStr: str = "" sep: str = ", " if tabs: sep = "\t" for d in data: outputStr = outputStr + "{num:.{dec}f}{sep}".format( num=d, dec=decimals, sep=sep ) outputStr = outputStr.strip() outputStr = outputStr.rstrip(",") return outputStr
[docs]def arrayToStringSci(data: np.ndarray) -> str: """Convert an array to a string of scientific numbers separated by commas Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Data array Returns ------- out : str Output string """ outputStr = "" for d in data: outputStr = outputStr + "{:.6e}, ".format(d) outputStr = outputStr.strip() return outputStr.rstrip(",")
[docs]def arrayToStringInt(data: np.ndarray) -> str: """Convert an array to a string of integers numbers separated by commas Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Data array Returns ------- out : str Output string """ outputStr = "" for d in data: if isinstance(d, float): d = int(d) outputStr = outputStr + "{:d}, ".format(d) outputStr = outputStr.strip() return outputStr.rstrip(",")
[docs]def listToString(lst: List) -> str: """Convert a list to a comma separated string Parameters ---------- lst : list List Returns ------- out : str Output string """ outputStr = "" for val in lst: outputStr = outputStr + "{}, ".format(val) outputStr = outputStr.strip() return outputStr.rstrip(",")
[docs]def list2rangesFormatter( start: Union[int, str], end: Union[int, str], step: Union[int, str] ) -> str: """A string for showing a range as shown below 1-5:1 represents 1,2,3,4,5 2-10:2 represents 2,4,6,8,10 Parameters ---------- start : int Start point end : int End point step : int Step Returns ------- out : str Output string """ return "{}-{}:{}".format(start, end, step)
[docs]def list2ranges(data: Union[List, Set]): """Convert a list of numbers to a list of ranges For example, the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 35, 40, 45] becomes "1-4:1,6-12:2,15-24:3,26,35-45:5" Parameters ---------- data : list, set List or set of numbers Returns ------- out : str Output string """ lst = data if type(data) is set: lst = list(data) lst = sorted(lst) n = len(lst) result = [] resultVals = [] scan = 0 while n - scan > 2: step = lst[scan + 1] - lst[scan] if lst[scan + 2] - lst[scan + 1] != step: result.append(str(lst[scan])) resultVals.append([lst[scan], lst[scan], 0]) scan += 1 continue for j in range(scan + 2, n - 1): if lst[j + 1] - lst[j] != step: result.append(list2rangesFormatter(lst[scan], lst[j], step)) resultVals.append([lst[scan], lst[j], step]) scan = j + 1 break else: result.append(list2rangesFormatter(lst[scan], lst[-1], step)) resultVals.append([lst[scan], lst[-1], step]) return ",".join(result) if n - scan == 1: result.append(str(lst[scan])) resultVals.append([lst[scan], lst[scan], 0]) elif n - scan == 2: result.append(",".join(map(str, lst[scan:]))) resultVals.append([lst[scan], lst[scan], 0]) resultVals.append([lst[scan + 1], lst[scan + 1], 0]) return ",".join(result)