Source code for resistics.common.plot

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from matplotlib.dates import (
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, Tuple

from resistics.common.checks import parseKeywords

[docs]def savePlot(path: str, filename: str, fig: plt.figure) -> str: """Save plot whilst checking for overwriting Parameters ---------- path : str The path to save the file filename : str Filename to save to fig : plt.figure Matplotlig figure to save Returns ------- str The filename written out to """ import os filenameForWriting = filename fileExists = True counter = 1 while fileExists: filepath = os.path.join(path, "{}.png".format(filenameForWriting)) if os.path.exists(filepath): filenameForWriting = "{}.{}".format(filename, counter) counter += 1 else: fileExists = False break filepath = os.path.join(path, "{}.png".format(filenameForWriting)) fig.savefig(filepath) return filenameForWriting
[docs]def getPlotRowsAndCols(maxCols: int, numPlots: int = 0) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the numbers of rows and columns for plots Parameters ---------- maxCols : int The maximum number of columns numPlots : int The of subplots """ if numPlots <= maxCols: ncols = numPlots nrows = 1 else: ncols = maxCols nrows = int(np.ceil(1.0 * numPlots / maxCols)) return nrows, ncols
[docs]def plotOptionsStandard(**kwargs) -> Dict: """Get a set of standard plot options Parameters ---------- figsize : Tuple, optional Set the figure size plotfonts : Dict, optional Font sizes to use for plotting fonts block : bool, optional Boolean flag for blocking execution when plot is shown Returns ------- Dict Dictionary of standard plot options """ default: Dict = {} default["figsize"] = (20, 12) default["plotfonts"] = getViewFonts() default["block"] = True default = parseKeywords(default, kwargs) return default
[docs]def plotOptionsTime(**kwargs) -> Dict: """Get default plot options for plotting time data Parameters ---------- figsize : Tuple, optional Set the figure size plotfonts : Dict, optional Font sizes to use for plotting fonts block : bool, optional Boolean flag for blocking execution when plot is shown Eylim : List[float], optional y limits for electric data Hylim : List[float], optional y limits for magnetic data Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot options for plotting time data """ default = plotOptionsStandard() default["Eylim"] = [] default["Hylim"] = [] default = parseKeywords(default, kwargs) return default
[docs]def plotOptionsSpec(**kwargs) -> Dict: """Get default plot options for plotting spectra data Parameters ---------- figsize : Tuple, optional Set the figure size plotfonts : Dict, optional Font sizes to use for plotting fonts block : bool, optional Boolean flag for blocking execution when plot is shown amplim : List[float], optional Amplitude limits for plotting spectra Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot options for plotting spectra data """ default = plotOptionsStandard() default["amplim"] = [] default = parseKeywords(default, kwargs) return default
[docs]def plotOptionsTransferFunction(**kwargs) -> Dict: """Get default plot options for plotting transfer function data Parameters ---------- figsize : Tuple, optional Set the figure size plotfonts : Dict, optional Font sizes to use for plotting fonts block : bool, optional Boolean flag for blocking execution when plot is shown res_ylim : List[float], optional y limits for resistivity data phase_ylim : List[float], optional y limits for phase data xlim : List[float], optional x limits for transfer function data Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot options for plotting spectra data """ default = plotOptionsStandard() default["figsize"] = None default["res_ylim"] = [0.01, 10000] default["phase_ylim"] = [-20, 90] default["xlim"] = [0.0001, 10000] default = parseKeywords(default, kwargs) return default
[docs]def getTransferFunctionFigSize(oneplot: bool, npolarisations: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the plot size for a transfer function plot Notes ----- This is awkward because of maintaining aspect ratio for the apparent resistivity. A better solution might be required at some point. Parameters ---------- oneplot : bool All polarisations in one plot npolarisations : int Number of polarisations to plot Returns ------- figsize : Tuple The figure size """ if oneplot: return (6, 10) else: return (5 * npolarisations, 9)
[docs]def plotOptionsTipper(**kwargs) -> Dict: """Get default plot options for plotting transfer function data Parameters ---------- figsize : Tuple, optional Set the figure size plotfonts : Dict, optional Font sizes to use for plotting fonts block : bool, optional Boolean flag for blocking execution when plot is shown length_ylim : List[float], optional y limits for length data angle_ylim : List[float], optional y limits for angle data xlim : List[float], optional x limits for transfer function data Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot options for plotting spectra data """ default = plotOptionsStandard() default["figsize"] = (16, 5) default["length_ylim"] = [0.001, 1000] default["angle_ylim"] = [-30, 30] default["xlim"] = [0.0001, 10000] default = parseKeywords(default, kwargs) return default
[docs]def getViewFonts() -> Dict: """Get default plot font options for viewing plots Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot font options """ plotFonts: Dict = {} plotFonts["suptitle"] = 14 plotFonts["title"] = 12 plotFonts["axisLabel"] = 12 plotFonts["axisTicks"] = 12 plotFonts["legend"] = 12 return plotFonts
[docs]def getPlotFonts() -> Dict: """Get default plot font options for saving plots Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot font options """ plotFonts: Dict = {} plotFonts["suptitle"] = 18 plotFonts["title"] = 16 plotFonts["axisLabel"] = 16 plotFonts["axisTicks"] = 14 plotFonts["legend"] = 14 return plotFonts
[docs]def getPresentationFonts() -> Dict: """Get default plot font options for presentation plots Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot font options """ plotFonts: Dict = {} plotFonts["suptitle"] = 22 plotFonts["title"] = 20 plotFonts["axisLabel"] = 20 plotFonts["axisTicks"] = 20 plotFonts["legend"] = 20 return plotFonts
[docs]def getPaperFonts() -> Dict: """Get default plot font options for paper plots Returns ------- out : Dict Dictionary of default plot font options """ plotFonts: Dict = {} plotFonts["suptitle"] = 18 plotFonts["title"] = 17 plotFonts["axisLabel"] = 16 plotFonts["axisTicks"] = 15 plotFonts["legend"] = 15 return plotFonts
[docs]def transferFunctionColours() -> Dict[str, str]: """Get colours from the different components of standard magnetotelluric transfer functions Returns ------- Dict[str, str] Dictionary mapping magnetotelluric transfer funciton components to colours """ colours = { "ExHx": "orange", "EyHy": "green", "ExHy": "red", "EyHx": "blue", "HzHx": "gray", "HzHy": "magenta", } return colours
[docs]def colorbar2dTime(): """Get default colormap for 2d plots with time Returns ------- out : Colormap """ return
[docs]def colorbar2dSpectra(): """Return colorbar for plotting spectra sections Returns ------- out : Colormap """ return
[docs]def colorbar2dOther(): """Alternative colormap for 2d data Returns ------- out : Colormap """ return
[docs]def colorbarMultiline(): """Alternative colormap for plotting multiple line plots Returns ------- out : Colormap """ return
[docs]def addLegends(fig: plt.figure, pos: int = 1) -> None: """Add legends to all subplots in figure Parameters ---------- fig : magplotlib.pyplot.figure A matplotlib figure pos : int Location of legend """ axList = fig.axes for ax in axList: ax.legend(loc=pos)