Source code for resistics.common.checks

import inspect
from typing import List, Dict, Any

from resistics.common.print import generalPrint

[docs]def parseKeywords( default: Dict[str, Any], keywords: Dict[str, Any], printkw: bool = True ): """General print to terminal Parameters ---------- default : Dict[str, Any] Dictionary of default parameters keywords : Dict[str, Any] Dictionary of optional keywords printkw : bool Print out the keywords Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] The dictionary with the appropriate defaults overwritten by keyword arguments """ for w in default: if w in keywords: default[w] = keywords[w] if printkw: generalPrint( "{}::utilsCheck::parseKeywords".format(inspect.stack()[1][3]), str(default) ) return default
[docs]def elecChannelsList() -> List: """List of acceptable electric channels Returns ------- out : List List of acceptable electric channels """ return ["Ex", "Ey", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4"]
[docs]def isElectric(chan: str) -> bool: """Check if channel is electric Parameters ---------- chan : str Channel name Returns ------- out : bool True if channel is electric """ if chan in elecChannelsList(): return True return False
[docs]def magChannelsList() -> List: """List of acceptable magnetic channels Returns ------- out : List List of acceptable magnetic channels """ return ["Hx", "Hy", "Hz", "Bx", "By", "Bz"]
[docs]def isMagnetic(chan: str) -> bool: """Check if channel is magnetic Parameters ---------- chan : str Channel name Returns ------- out : bool True if channel is magnetic """ if chan in magChannelsList(): return True return False
[docs]def consistentChans(chan: str) -> str: """Convert channels to ensure consistency Parameters ---------- chan : str Channel name Returns ------- out : str Converted channel name """ standardChans = ["Hx", "Hy", "Hz", "Ex", "Ey"] if chan in standardChans: return chan if chan == "Bx": return "Hx" if chan == "By": return "Hy" if chan == "Bz": return "Hz" return chan