Source code for

import os
import numpy as np
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Tuple

from resistics.common.base import ResisticsBase
from import CalibrationData
from import checkAndMakeDir
from resistics.common.print import listToString

[docs]class CalibrationIO(ResisticsBase): """Class for reading and writing calibration files Calibration files hold impulse response data for instruments and sensors that needs to be removed from time series data. Calibration data is stored in: project -> calData Attributes ---------- datafile : str Path to calibration data file fileformat : str The file format of the calibration file chopper : bool Boolean flag for reading chopper on or off or writing chopper on or off extend : bool Boolean flag for extending (extrapolating) the calibration data Methods ------- __init__(datapath, fileformat, chopper, extend) Initialise the CalibrationIO object. refresh(datapath, fileformat, chopper, extend) Refresh the CalibrationIO parameters read() Read calibration file readInductionData() Read internal format calibration file for induction coils readMetronixData() Read metronix style calibration file for induction coils readRSPData() Read RSP style calibration file for induction coils readRSPXData() Read RSPX style calibration file for induction coils readInternalFormat() Read internal format calibration file unitCalibration() A unit calibration, used if nothing else is found sortCalData(data) Sort calibration data into ascending order (lower to higher) extendCalData(data) Extrapolate the calibration data to higher and lower frequencies linesToArray(dataLines) Convert a set of data lines in a calibration file into a list writeInternalFormat() Write internal format calibration file writeInternalTemplate() Write a template file for internal calibration format printList() Class status returned as list of strings """ def __init__( self, datafile: str = "", fileformat: str = "induction", chopper: bool = False, extend: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialise CalibrationIO Parameters ---------- datafile : str, optional, optional Path to calibration data file format : str, optional, optional Calibration file format chopper : bool, optional Boolean flag for reading chopper on or off data, mostly used with metronix data. Default is False. extend : bool, optional Boolean flag for extrapolating the calibration data. Default is True. """ self.refresh(datafile, fileformat, chopper, extend)
[docs] def refresh( self, datafile: str = "", fileformat: str = "induction", chopper: bool = False, extend: bool = True, ) -> None: """Refresh the CalibrationIO parameters Parameters ---------- datafile : str, optional Path to calibration data file format : str, optional Calibration file format chopper : bool Boolean flag for reading chopper on or off data, mostly used with metronix data extend : bool Boolean flag for extrapolating the calibration data """ self.datafile: str = datafile self.fileformat: str = fileformat self.chopper: bool = chopper self.extend: bool = extend
[docs] def read(self) -> CalibrationData: """Read data from calibration file and return CalibrationData object Notes ----- Data for magnetic channel calibration is returned with units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mV/nT], Phase [radians] Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ if self.fileformat == "metronix": return self.readMetronixData() elif self.fileformat == "rsp": return self.readRSPData() elif self.fileformat == "rspx": return self.readRSPXData() elif self.fileformat == "induction": return self.readInductionData() else: return self.unitCalibration()
[docs] def readInductionData(self): """Read data from a text based calibration file for induction coils Text based calibration files should be used when reading of other formats appears to be failing or are not supported. Notes ----- Data in file is assumed to be in units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mv/nT], Phase [degrees or radians] Data is returned with units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mV/nT], Phase [radians] Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ calData = self.readInternalFormat() return calData
[docs] def readMetronixData(self) -> CalibrationData: """Read data from metronix calibration file Notes ----- Metronix data is in units: F [Hz], Magnitude [V/nT*Hz], Phase [deg] for both chopper on and off. Data is returned with units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mV/nT], Phase [radians]. Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ with open(self.datafile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() numLines = len(lines) # serial and sensor - there is no sensor information in the file serial: int = 1 sensor: str = "" # no static gain - already included staticGain: float = 1 # variables to save line numbers chopperOn: int = 0 chopperOff: int = 0 # find locations for chopperOn and chopperOff for il in range(0, numLines): # remove whitespace and new line characters lines[il] = lines[il].strip() if "Magnetometer" in lines[il]: try: split1 = lines[il].split(":")[1].strip() split2 = split1.split()[0] if "#" in split1: tmp = split2.split("#") sensor = tmp[0].strip() serial = int(tmp[1].strip()) else: serial = int(split2.strip()) except: self.printWarning( "Unable to read serial number from calibration file" ) if "Chopper On" in lines[il]: chopperOn = il if "Chopper Off" in lines[il]: chopperOff = il # get the part of the file required depending on chopper on or off dataLines: List = [] dataReadFrom: int = chopperOff if self.chopper: dataReadFrom = chopperOn # get the data - starting from the next line il = dataReadFrom + 1 while il < numLines and lines[il] != "": # save line then increment dataLines.append(lines[il]) il = il + 1 # get the data as an array data = self.linesToArray(dataLines) # sort and extend data = self.sortCalData(data) if self.extend: data = self.extendCalData(data) # unit manipulation - change V/(nT*Hz) to mV/nT data[:, 1] = data[:, 1] * data[:, 0] * 1000 # unit manipulation - change phase to radians data[:, 2] = data[:, 2] * (math.pi / 180) return CalibrationData( self.datafile, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], staticGain=staticGain, chopper=self.chopper, serial=serial, sensor=sensor, )
[docs] def readRSPData(self) -> CalibrationData: """Read data from a RSP calibration file Notes ----- RSP data is in units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mv/nT], Phase [deg] Data is returned with units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mV/nT], Phase [radians] Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ with open(self.datafile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() numLines = len(lines) serial: int = 1 staticGain: float = 1 sensor: str = "" dataReadFrom: int = 0 for il in range(0, numLines): # remove whitespace and new line characters lines[il] = lines[il].strip() # find serial if "induction coil no" in lines[il]: split1 = lines[il].split(":")[1] serial = int(split1.split("-")[0].strip()) # find sensor if "SensorType" in lines[il]: sensor = lines[il].split()[1] # find static gain value if "StaticGain" in lines[il]: staticGain = float(lines[il].split()[1]) if "FREQUENCY" in lines[il]: dataReadFrom = il dataLines = [] il = dataReadFrom + 2 # get part of file desired while il < numLines and lines[il] != "": # save line then increment dataLines.append(lines[il]) il = il + 1 # get the data as an array data = self.linesToArray(dataLines) # unit manipulation - change phase to radians and apply static gain data[:, 1] = data[:, 1] * staticGain data[:, 2] = data[:, 2] * (math.pi / 180) # sort and extend data = self.sortCalData(data) if self.extend: data = self.extendCalData(data) return CalibrationData( self.datafile, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], staticGain, chopper=self.chopper, sensor=sensor, serial=serial, )
[docs] def readRSPXData(self) -> CalibrationData: """Read data from calibration file Notes ----- RSPX data is in units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mv/nT], Phase [deg] Data is returned with units: F [Hz], Magnitude [mV/nT], Phase [radians] Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ # this is xml format - use EL tree import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse(self.datafile) root = tree.getroot() # serial serial: int = 1 if root.find("SensorId") is not None: serial = int(root.find("SensorId").text) # sensor sensor: str = "" if root.find("SensorSpecification") is not None: sensor = root.find("SensorSpecification").text # static gain staticGain: float = 1.0 if root.find("StaticGain") is not None: staticGain = float(root.find("StaticGain").text) # get the calibration data dataList = [] for resp in root.findall("ResponseData"): dataList.append( [ float(resp.get("Frequency")), float(resp.get("Magnitude")), float(resp.get("Phase")), ] ) # now create array data = np.array(dataList) # change phase to radians and apply static gain data[:, 1] = data[:, 1] * staticGain data[:, 2] = data[:, 2] * (math.pi / 180) # sort and extend data = self.sortCalData(data) if self.extend: data = self.extendCalData(data) return CalibrationData( self.datafile, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], staticGain, chopper=self.chopper, sensor=sensor, serial=serial, )
[docs] def readInternalFormat(self): """Read data from a text based calibration file for any type of instrument Notes ----- Text based calibration files should be used when reading of other formats appears to be failing or are not supported. Nothing is assumed or promised about the data units. Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ with open(self.datafile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for il, line in enumerate(lines): if "Serial" in line: serial = int(line.split("=")[1].strip()) if "Sensor" in line: sensor = line.split("=")[1].strip() if "Static gain" in line: staticGain = float(line.split("=")[1].strip()) if "Magnitude unit" in line: magnitudeUnit = line.split("=")[1].strip() if "Phase unit" in line: phaseUnit = line.split("=")[1].strip() if "Chopper" in line: chopperStr = line.split("=")[1].strip() if chopperStr == "True": chopper = True else: chopper = False if "CALIBRATION DATA" in line: dataReadFrom = il + 1 break dataLines = lines[dataReadFrom:] data = self.linesToArray(dataLines) # sort and extend data = self.sortCalData(data) if self.extend: data = self.extendCalData(data) # apply static gain data[:, 1] = data[:, 1] * staticGain if phaseUnit == "degrees": data[:, 2] = data[:, 2] * (math.pi / 180) calData = CalibrationData( self.datafile, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], staticGain, chopper=chopper, serial=serial, sensor=sensor, ) calData.magnitudeUnit = magnitudeUnit calData.phaseUnit = "radians" return calData
[docs] def unitCalibration(self) -> CalibrationData: """Return a unit calibration Returns ------- CalibrationData A calibration data object """ data = np.array([[0.0000001, 1, 0], [100000000, 1, 0]]) staticGain = 1 return CalibrationData( self.datafile, data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], staticGain )
[docs] def sortCalData(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Sort calibration data by frequency ascending (low to high) Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Unsorted calibration data Returns ------- data : np.ndarray Sorted calibration data """ return data[data[:, 0].argsort()]
[docs] def extendCalData(self, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Extend calibration data by frequency Add extra points at the start and end of the calibration data to ensure complete coverage with the time data. Notes ----- It is assumed that the calibration data is already sorted in ascending order (using sortCalData) Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Calibration data Returns ------- data : np.ndarray Extended calibration data """ if data[0, 0] > 0.0000001: # add a line at the top (low frequency) extending the calibration information data = np.vstack((np.array([0.0000001, data[0, 1], data[0, 2]]), data)) if data[-1, 0] < 100000000: # add a line at the top (high frequency) extending the calibration information data = np.vstack((data, np.array([100000000, data[-1, 1], data[-1, 2]]))) return data
[docs] def linesToArray(self, dataLines: List) -> np.ndarray: """Convert data lines from a file to an array Parameters ---------- dataLines : list Data lines read in from a file Returns ------- data : np.ndarray Data lines converted to a float array """ # data to columns numData = len(dataLines) for il in range(0, numData): dataLines[il] = dataLines[il].split() return np.array(dataLines, dtype=float)
[docs] def writeInternalFormat(self, calData: CalibrationData, filepath: str) -> None: """Write out a calibration data file Parameters ---------- calibrationData : CalibrationData Calibration data to write out filepath : str The file to write out to """ with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write("Serial = {}\n".format(calData.serial)) f.write("Sensor = {}\n".format(calData.sensor)) f.write("Static gain = {}\n".format(calData.staticGain)) f.write("Magnitude unit = {}\n".format(calData.magnitudeUnit)) f.write("Phase unit = {}\n".format(calData.phaseUnit)) f.write("Chopper = {}\n".format(calData.chopper)) f.write("\n") f.write("CALIBRATION DATA\n") # remove static gain from magnitude magnitude = np.array(calData.magnitude) magnitude = magnitude / calData.staticGain # write out magnitude without static gain for ii in range(0, calData.numSamples): f.write( "{:+.4e} {:+.4e} {:+.4e}\n".format( calData.freqs[ii], magnitude[ii], calData.phase[ii] ) )
[docs] def writeInternalTemplate( self, filepath: str, serial: int = 1, sensor: str = "", staticgain: float = 1.0, chopper: bool = False, magnitudeUnit: str = "mV/nT", phaseUnit: str = "degrees", ) -> None: """Write out a calibration data template file This make it easier for the creation of a custom calibration file Parameters ---------- filepath : str The file to write out to serial : int, optional The serial number of the sensor/instrument sensor : str, optional The sensor type staticgain : float, optional The static gain chopper : bool, optional The chopper on or off magnitudeUnit : str, optional The units of the magnitude. This should be mV/nT because that is what the internal format expects phaseUnit : str, optional Can be either degrees or radians """ with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write("Serial = {}\n".format(serial)) f.write("Sensor = {}\n".format(sensor)) f.write("Static gain = {}\n".format(staticgain)) f.write("Magnitude unit = {}\n".format(magnitudeUnit)) f.write("Phase unit = {}\n".format(phaseUnit)) f.write("Chopper = {}\n".format(chopper)) f.write("\n") f.write("CALIBRATION DATA\n")
[docs] def printList(self) -> List[str]: """Class information as a list of strings Returns ------- out : List[str] List of strings with information """ textLst = [] if self.datafile == "": textLst.append( "No datafile given. Please set the datafile attribute of the class" ) else: textLst.append("datafile = {}".format(self.datafile)) textLst.append("Extend = {}".format(self.extend)) return textLst