.. |Ex| replace:: E\ :sub:`x` .. |Ey| replace:: E\ :sub:`y` .. |Hx| replace:: H\ :sub:`x` .. |Hy| replace:: H\ :sub:`y` .. |Hz| replace:: H\ :sub:`z` .. |Zxy| replace:: Z\ :sub:`xy` .. |Zxx| replace:: Z\ :sub:`xx` .. |Zyx| replace:: Z\ :sub:`yx` .. |Zyy| replace:: Z\ :sub:`yy` .. |fs| replace:: f\ :sub:`s` Next steps ---------- This page marks the end of the tutorial. However, there are more sections to explore, including: - :doc:`Features <../features>` to discover about the features of resistics, including configuration parameters and more details about all of the statistics available in resistics. - :doc:`Formats <../formats>` to find out more about the different formats resistics supports and how users can ensure that data is being read in correctly. - :doc:`Advanced <../advanced>` to learn more about pre-processing of time series data, remote reference statistics and processing and intersite processing. - :doc:`Cookbook <../cookbook>` for examples of lower level resistics API usage. - :doc:`Case studies <../case-studies>` to see how resistics can be used to process field surveys. - :doc:`Bibliography <../bibliography>` to find useful magnetotelluric references. - :doc:`Contact <../contact>` for queries or support requests. - :doc:`Donate <../donate>` if you are so inclined. If you would like to contribute to this site, for example in the cookbook or in the case studies or by joining the coding team, please get in :doc:`contact <../contact>`. Thanks and good luck!