Configuration files ------------------- Resistics allows users to set various parameters through configuration files. The package itself comes with its default configuration. Users can change certain parameters by specifying them in a separate configuration file. Below is the default configuration: .. literalinclude:: ../_static/examples/features/config/resisticsDefaultConfig.ini :linenos: :language: text Configuration files are separated into several sections which describe which part of the process the parameters affect. The parameters are detailed in the :ref:`features/configuration:Configuration parameters` section. The first thing to note is that all configuration files have a name. This is to help traceability. Configuration names are always entered into dataset comments. A good way to begin creating a custom configuration file is to copy the default parameterisation. This can be done by using the inbuilt :meth:`~resistics.config.defaults.copyDefaultConfig` functionality: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/features/ :linenos: :language: python :lines: 1-3 :lineno-start: 1 When providing a custom configuration file, only the settings which will be changed need to be entered. Below is an example of a user specified configuration file .. literalinclude:: ../_static/examples/features/config/exampleConfig1.ini :linenos: :language: text In the above configuration file, several paramters have been changed from the default. Resistics will now try and create 6 decimation levels with 8 evaluation frequencies per level. Once decimated, timeseries will need to have at least 256 samples to be a valid decimation level. The minimum allowable window size is 256 samples, with a minimum overlap of 64 samples. Spectra calculated using this configuration file will be saved under the *example1* spectra directory (to understand more about this, see the tutorial :doc:`multiple spectra <../tutorial/multiple-spectra>` and the tutorial :doc:`configuration files <../tutorial/configuration-files>` sections). For calculating the frequency data, a parzen window will be used. And finally, the standard statistics to calculate are *coherence* and *transferFunction* and the remote statistics are *RR_coherence* and *RR_transferFunction*. A second example is shown below which has slightly different parameters. .. literalinclude:: ../_static/examples/features/config/exampleConfig2.ini :linenos: :language: text For this configuration file, there are 8 decimation levels with 5 evaluation frequencies per level. The window and overlap sizes are defined explicitly with a window size of: - 1024 samples for decimation level 0 (non-decimation timeseries data) with 256 sample overlap - 512 for decimation level 1 with 128 sample overlap - 512 for decimation level 2 with 128 sample overlap - 256 for decimation level 3 with 64 sample overlap - 256 for decimation level 4 with 64 sample overlap - 256 for decimation level 5 with 64 sample overlap - 256 for decimation level 6 with 64 sample overlap - 256 for decimation level 7 with 64 sample overlap .. note:: When specifying window and overlap sizes manually, a window and overlap size must be defined for each decimation level. When using resistics, information about the configuraiton being used can be printed to the terminal. This will detail which parameters have been specified by the user and which ones are being defaulted. .. code-block:: text 23:17:45 ConfigData: Configuration file = Default configuration 23:17:45 ConfigData: Configuration name = default 23:17:45 ConfigData: Flags: 23:17:45 ConfigData: customfrequencies = False 23:17:45 ConfigData: customwindows = False 23:17:45 ConfigData: Configuration Parameters: 23:17:45 ConfigData: Name = default 23:17:45 ConfigData: Calibration: 23:17:45 ConfigData: extend = True 23:17:45 ConfigData: usetheoretical = False 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = extend, usetheoretical 23:17:45 ConfigData: Decimation: 23:17:45 ConfigData: numlevels = 7 23:17:45 ConfigData: minsamples = 100 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = numlevels, minsamples 23:17:45 ConfigData: Frequencies: 23:17:45 ConfigData: frequencies = [] 23:17:45 ConfigData: perlevel = 7 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = frequencies, perlevel 23:17:45 ConfigData: Window: 23:17:45 ConfigData: minwindows = 5 23:17:45 ConfigData: windowfactor = 2.0 23:17:45 ConfigData: minwindowsize = 512 23:17:45 ConfigData: minoverlapsize = 128 23:17:45 ConfigData: overlapfraction = 0.25 23:17:45 ConfigData: windowsizes = [] 23:17:45 ConfigData: overlapsizes = [] 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = minwindows, windowfactor, minwindowsize, minoverlapsize, overlapfraction, windowsizes, overlapsizes 23:17:45 ConfigData: Spectra: 23:17:45 ConfigData: specdir = spectra 23:17:45 ConfigData: applywindow = True 23:17:45 ConfigData: windowfunc = hamming 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = specdir, applywindow, windowfunc 23:17:45 ConfigData: Statistics: 23:17:45 ConfigData: stats = ['coherence', 'transferFunction'] 23:17:45 ConfigData: remotestats = ['RR_coherence', 'RR_transferFunction'] 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = stats, remotestats 23:17:45 ConfigData: Solver: 23:17:45 ConfigData: intercept = False 23:17:45 ConfigData: boostrap = True 23:17:45 ConfigData: windowfunc = hamming 23:17:45 ConfigData: Defaulted options = intercept, boostrap, windowfunc Configuration parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A detailed explanation of parameters available for configuration is given below. General ^^^^^^^ These parameters are general and not tied to any specific section. .. topic:: name :Type: string :Default value: "default" :Description: A name for the configuration. This will be saved in comment files. Calibration ^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters related to calibration data and calibrating of time data. .. topic:: extend :Type: bool (True or False) :Default value: True :Description: Extrapolate out calibration data to cover a greater range of frequencies. .. topic:: usetheoretical :Type: bool (True or False) :Default value: False :Description: Use a theoretical calibration for magnetic channels when a matching calibration file is not found. Decimation ^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters to define the decimation scheme to use. Note that depending on the length of timeseries recording, not all decimation levels may be calculated. .. topic:: numlevels :Type: int :Default value: 7 (min=1, max=10) :Description: Number of decimation levels. .. topic:: minsamples :Type: int :Default value: 100 (min=50) :Description: Minimum number of samples required to continue decimation. Frequencies ^^^^^^^^^^^ Evaluation frequency related parameters. If evaluation frequencies are not explicitly supplied, then they are automatically selected internally. .. topic:: frequencies :Type: List[float] (comma separated list of floats) :Default value: None :Description: Evaluation frequencies specified as a comma separated list of floats. .. topic:: perlevel :Type: int :Default value: 7 (min=1, max=10) :Description: Number of evaluation frequencies per decimation level. Window ^^^^^^ Timeseries windowing parameters. This defines how the timeseries data will be windowed and the overlap between windows. Resistics will automatically calculate window sizes using windowfactor and overlapfraction. If for any decimation level, the calculation results in a window size less than minwindowsize or overlap lower than the minoverlapsize, the window and overlap sizes will be set to their minimum allowable values. Window and overlap sizes can be set explicitly using the windowsizes and overlap sizes. If windowsizes are explicitly set, overlapsizes needs to be set too. .. topic:: minwindows :Type: int :Default value: 5 (min=1) :Description: Minimum windows required for a decimation level before decimation is ended. .. topic:: windowfactor :Type: int :Default value: 2 (min=1) :Description: The factor which defines window size. The window size is calculated as: sampling frequency at decimation level / windowfactor. .. topic:: minwindowsize :Type: int :Default value: 512 (min=32) :Description: The minimum allowable size of a window in samples. .. topic:: minoverlapsize :Type: int :Default value: 128 (min=8) :Description: The minimum allowable overlap size. .. topic:: overlapfraction :Type: float :Default value: 0.25 (min=0, max=0.5) :Description: The fraction of the windowsize to use as overlap size. .. topic:: windowsizes :Type: List[int] of size equal to number of decimation levels :Default value: None :Description: Explicitly specify the window sizes as a comma separated list. .. topic:: overlapsizes :Type: List[int] of size equal to number of decimation levels :Default value: None :Description: Explicitly specify the overlap sizes as a comma separated list. Spectra ^^^^^^^ Parameters related to calculating timeseries fourier spectra. .. topic:: specdir :Type: string :Default value: "spectra" :Description: The spectra directory to write out to. This allows each configuration file to be related to a different run of the data. .. topic:: applywindow :Type: bool (True or False) :Default value: True :Description: Window the data before performing the fourier transform. .. topic:: windowfunction :Type: string. One of "barthann", "bartlett", "blackman", "blackmanharis", "bohman", "chebwin", "hamming", "hann", "nuttall", "parzen". :Default value: "hamming" :Description: Window function to apply before doing the fourier transform Statistics ^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters related to calculating timeseries fourier spectra. .. topic:: stats :Type: List[str] :Default value: "coherence", "transferFunction" :Description: Comma separated list of statistics to calculate. .. topic:: remotestats :Type: List[str] :Default value: "RR_coherence" , "RR_transferFunction" :Description: Comma separated list of remote reference statistics to calculate Solver ^^^^^^ Solution parameters .. topic:: intercept :Type: bool (True or False) :Default value: False :Description: Boolean flag for including an intercept in the least squares problem. .. topic:: windowfunc :Type: str. One of "barthann", "bartlett", "blackman", "blackmanharis", "bohman", "chebwin", "hamming", "hann", "nuttall", "parzen". :Default value: "hamming" :Description: Window function used for